How do you stay under when eating out or drinking?

On the 13th of December I am going out for a Christmas night out with my brother. I only drink Blue WKD and Smirnoff Ice. Now I want to let my hair down so to speak as it is my first night off since getting pregnant 4 years and 5 months ago! I just don't want to sabotage my weight loss! Any advise would be great! Also I'm quitting smoking too so any advise on how to keep off the smokes whilst drinking would also be appreciated.

Also on the 22nd of December and the 25th I will be eating at my parents house. They grow everything and make all food from scratch. They will not weigh out my food or help with my weightloss in anyway as they don't believe I need to lose weight. I was just wondering how you'd log this and work out approximately how many calories are in what?


  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If it's your first night off in four and a half years, I'd just go and have fun. One evening is never detrimental to a diet.

    But otherwise, I'd suggest working out a little extra or cutting back over the next couple of days to negate some of the damage.
  • jothekid
    jothekid Posts: 230 Member
    For the 13th, I'd recommend drinking something else that Smirnoff ice (don't know what blue WKD is) cause it's really high in calories for the alcohol content...You can visit the site 'getdrunknotfat' for a list of better suggestions! For the 22nd I'd just do portion so you're not hungry anymore but not full :) Good luck!!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Let it go. Enjoy yourself once in a while. One day will not kill you. You can have what you want, and get back to normal when you have more control over your situation. Unless you plan to go 3500 claories over in one day, you shuold not gain any real body fat weight. You may gain some water from sodium, but it will come off either way once you get back to your plan.
  • My wife and I took the Bariatrix seminar at henry ford... we were told to KNOW what the menu is serving so that you may PLAN your meal according to your diet/exercise program. We are starting to eat as if we had Bariatrix surgery. SO our goal is by March to weigh less before she has the surgery. All the best in PLANNING ahead when you eat out. It is highly beneficial to keep to the PLAN and hold yourself accountable. Blessings.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First off, you shouldn't be trying to come in under your goal, you should be trying to meet your goal. MFP sets your daily calories with a deficit already built in so there's no need to try to deprive your body of even more calories. Just wanted to put that out there..

    There are basically three ways you can approach your night out. 1) Since you haven't had a night out in forever and really want to let your hair down, just go for it. As has been said already, one night out isn't going to ruin your long term goals. 2) middle ground - keep your calories low that day and get some exercise in so you have some wiggle room in your calorie goal and keep the drinking moderate by having a glass of water or diet soda between drinks 3) Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum as it's not only high calorie but reduces inhibitions so you're more like to snack or even smoke if you get a good buzz going.

    It's a tough call and only you can make it. Good luck!

    As far as that dinner at your folks, I'd probably guesstimate as well asI could or just skip logging for the day. Just make sure you keep your portions under control and maybe try to get a little activity in that day as well to offest any indulgences.
  • Just have a good time and pick it up again saturday :)
  • Thank you everyone!

    On the 22nd and 25th I think I will try and log and just put things as whatever myfitnesspal comes up with that is close.
    After all your lovely comments I think I will just eat as normal as possible and at goal on the 13th and then log my drinks on top of that. I will provably be miles over but like you said, it's only once!

    Thanks again!
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    When I went out for a GNO (girls night out) I switched my drink of choice from fruity tootie drinks to rum and diet coke or light beer. There are more lite choices. Maybe do an extra workout that day?!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    first night in four and a half years...don't even worry about it ....
  • Think ahead to what you want or may order. Look up the nutritional information and decide that way. :happy:
  • Smirnoff Ice and Blue WKD are both 228 calories each, 2 of those babies and you have already hit 1/3 of your daily goal. I drink here and there over the weekend and my drink of choice was Strawberrita till I realized it was 199 calories a can.
    Based on MY research, your best bet would be Light Rum or Vodka and a diet coke as a chaser as they range in calories from 65 to 100 and the chaser has zero calories.
    However, since you haven't been drinking in the last 4 and half years, I'd say take it easy on the hard liquor though otherwise you will be miserable the next day. My advise is drink Lots of water throughout the night, It will keep you hydrated and help with aftermath headache.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you again everyone! :)
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I say make it a cheat day and live a little!

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    One night out can't sabotage need to wrap your head around the big picture. Your health, nutrition, fitness, etc is about what you're doing most of the time, not what you're doing on occasion.

    Let me ask you this...if someone generally eats like ****, doesn't workout, lacks proper nutrition in general...but every once in awhile they decide to eat some broccoli and go for a bike ride...are they suddenly fit and healthy because of what they did on that one day? Of course works the other way too. Just go have fun.
  • When I am being really serious about my diet, I offer to bring a dish or two to my parents' house and then I know exactly what is in it and my mom is usually happy to get some help. If that doesn't work, then drink tons of water before you eat. Also, check out the dishes before they start getting passed around and already have a plan as to what you are going to eat and how much. As for going out, I agree one night out won't hurt your long-term plans, but if you are going to be upset at yourself, you do need to plan on drinking some lower-calorie drinks and stay away from bar food. If you don't like the drinks as much as your usual, then you won't drink so much, anyway! Drink lots of water before and after!
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    One night out can't sabotage need to wrap your head around the big picture. Your health, nutrition, fitness, etc is about what you're doing most of the time, not what you're doing on occasion.

    Let me ask you this...if someone generally eats like ****, doesn't workout, lacks proper nutrition in general...but every once in awhile they decide to eat some broccoli and go for a bike ride...are they suddenly fit and healthy because of what they did on that one day? Of course works the other way too. Just go have fun.

    ^^^ Love this answer!
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    One night out can't sabotage need to wrap your head around the big picture. Your health, nutrition, fitness, etc is about what you're doing most of the time, not what you're doing on occasion.

    Let me ask you this...if someone generally eats like ****, doesn't workout, lacks proper nutrition in general...but every once in awhile they decide to eat some broccoli and go for a bike ride...are they suddenly fit and healthy because of what they did on that one day? Of course works the other way too. Just go have fun.

    ^ well said.

    The only think I can add it to still do your best to track in in MFP. Heck of nothing else, using MFP very empowering with the ability to track and understand.

    On a personal note....
    I took this approach for Thanksgiving. Sure I went over (lol - way over for more than one day cause I was travelling). So while I did not continue to loose weight that week (which is ok), i did not gain any ! I thought that was amazing in itself. And seeing how much i could eat and stay stable was worth the 'experiment'. But even if I gained a pound or so (which i knew i may be at risk for), because I kept on tracking it would not be a 'mystery'. And I could correct the following weeks. :)

  • I would stick to clear liquors and avoid sugary drinks. I also would add an extra exercise to your day to increase your daily calories!! But like other people said, one night isn't detrimental as long as you do it in moderation! Have a fun night out!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    firstly-you shouldn't be UNDER.
    secondly, I look up the menu online before I go out so I know what will fit into my goals. I have a light breakfast and light lunch (both high in protein so I stay full) so I can enjoy myself on days I know I will be eating out
  • janicebinva
    janicebinva Posts: 99 Member
    One thing you might do is measure and/or weigh your food for a couple of days before your special occasions. That way you'll have a good picture in your head for what a half a cup serving of something looks like, or how much four ounces of meat looks like on your plate. Then you can at least log what you eat and get it close to right. It's a special occasion, so don't deprive yourself. But know what you're eating and log it, or at least something close. The food database is outstanding, so something close will be in there.

    Other things:

    Avoid creamy sauces or gravies, or use a very small amount.

    Take half as much as you think you'll want to eat at first. Then if you want seconds, choose well and have seconds.

    Make sure to fill half or most of your plate with good green stuff (not drenched in butter or fried, etc.).

    Use a small plate.