How do you stay under when eating out or drinking?



  • kmnordby
    Think ahead to what you want or may order. Look up the nutritional information and decide that way. :happy:

    This is a great idea. Look on website and see what's on the menu. Pick everything out before you go there. Also, Vodka and club soda with squeeze of lime is only about 70 calories. If you want something sweeter, maybe add a little stevia or splenda to it and then it's like limeade, plus if you get it in a big glass, it takes you longer to drink and you won't totally sabotage yourself :smile:
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    For a night out on the town drinking wise...go wiiild! Ok, maybe not too wild. Considering you may not go out drinking that often, a night of drinks isn't going to make you gain a bunch of weight. But, in order to "control" yourself, give yourself some sort of rule. Say, between every drink wait "x" amount of minutes or have a glass of water in between drinks.

    As for Christmas dinner, it's hard to figure out calories in everything when you don't have a label in front of you. Figure out kind of what they will be making ahead of time, look it up in the MFP database and base it off of that. PLAN OUT what you're ok with eating calorie/fat/carb wise and go from there. Don't let yourself load up on your first plate, take it slow! :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    One night out won't ruin everything, so enjoy yourself. When I get a rare night out without my kids, I don't calorie count!

    That being said, I can't stand alcopops. I'd chose a vodka and tonic over Smirnoff ice. I drank wkd when I was a teenager, but not sure what's in it.

    As for a meal at your parents' - if it's stuff they grow, then surely it involves lots of veg, which is fine.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    You can visit the site 'getdrunknotfat' for a list of better suggestions!

    I can't believe that's a real website.

    Wait...yes, I can... :laugh:
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    I typically limit myself to spirits when drinking out. Have 2 or 3 enjoy the conversation.

    Holiday's are all about portion control. Eat all the protein and half of the carbs that Mom puts on your plate, then say you're full :)
    In about an hour have a piece of pie/desert and tell her how good it is.

    She'll forget that you skipped most of lunch.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    first night in four and a half years...don't even worry about it ....


    besides one day wont wreck it and you can get smirnoff ice friend drinks it all the time.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I drink and eat out every week and have managed to lose weight and definitely tone up! One night won't hurt you - on days I know I will be over indulging I try to get in a good burn workout if that will make you feel better!
  • DiKoehler
    DiKoehler Posts: 65 Member
    You go to your parents' for the holidays you have a pretty good idea of what sort of things they serve and how they fix things. Just look at portions of foods in advance so you can sample most everything. I tell people now that I fill up really fast and want to be sure to have a little of everything so I don't miss out. Work out a bit more the days before and after and just have a really good time relaxing and noshing.
  • Thanks everyone! I'm going to enjoy myself but try to be sensible! :)
  • POTELoewee
    POTELoewee Posts: 32 Member
    I agree with what is said, go out and enjoy... one night is not going to hurt. One trick I do is cut the diet coke or coke with Selzer (coke press or diet coke press); it cuts the cals and the sweetness. I also pace myself by ordering a glass of water with each drink so I am filling up on water versus alcohol.

    Also love the website suggestion! I will go check that out too.
  • I agree with what is said, go out and enjoy... one night is not going to hurt. One trick I do is cut the diet coke or coke with Selzer (coke press or diet coke press); it cuts the cals and the sweetness. I also pace myself by ordering a glass of water with each drink so I am filling up on water versus alcohol.

    Also love the website suggestion! I will go check that out too.

    Yes I'm definitely going to have a browse on the website too!
    Stick to my alchopops which are high calories but only because I don't want to get really drunk. Not drank for so long I think I'll stick with what I know. :)