New to all this

Hiya, I am new to this site and calorie counting. After doing SW for ages, I have been looking at some food diaries and am starting to worry now, as I could snack freely on veg and fruit all day on SW. I just don't think I can or could survive on what some people eat. Can I not snack on ANY food freely??

Is there a place where I can read up on things like the basics etc?

Thanks in advance xx


  • cmw9696
    cmw9696 Posts: 123
    every calorie is counted...I haven't seen anything suggesting "free" foods.
    I too was doing the "free" food thing before this site, and wasn't losing any weight...I just started Monday, and I have lost 2 pounds!
  • AshaDidIt
    AshaDidIt Posts: 28 Member
    The best thing about this website is that it doesn't tell you what to eat. We already know what is healthy and not. We're not idiots! But if you CHOOSE to eat that piece of apple pie, you'll see just how much it affects your calorie diary... and hopefully think before you do it again.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    As someone once said ..."there's no such thing as a free lunch" :smile:

    Good luck with your goals and welcome to mfp
  • bmoliv66
    bmoliv66 Posts: 47 Member
    The best thing about this website is that it doesn't tell you what to eat. We already know what is healthy and not. We're not idiots! But if you CHOOSE to eat that piece of apple pie, you'll see just how much it affects your calorie diary... and hopefully think before you do it again.

    Well put. Lol
  • JustJessie
    JustJessie Posts: 162 Member
    Every calorie counts but if you need to munch on something try things that are super low in calories like carrots or celery. They are filling and have very low calories.
  • deborahkidd
    deborahkidd Posts: 35 Member
    Every calorie counts unfortunately. So you can eat 10 candy bars or healthy meals as long as you don't go over your calories. I would opt for the healthy meals though. lol Just exercise more and you can eat more, that is what I do. Good luck.
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    The best thing about this website is that it doesn't tell you what to eat. We already know what is healthy and not. We're not idiots! But if you CHOOSE to eat that piece of apple pie, you'll see just how much it affects your calorie diary... and hopefully think before you do it again.

    I'm sorry but as I have stated I AM NEW TO ALL OF THIS... I am not on about eating KFC, McDonalds or Apple Pie as you have stated, I am on about fruit and veg... which yes I know is healthy and no I am not an idiot.

    I have asked a question but if I get replies like this, I will think again

    Thanks everybody else for your replies