How do you stay on track at Christmas?



  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    i don't always, its christmas. indulge a little.
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    I bring alternate food items for myself to enjoy. For example, today at work we have about 4 different cakes sitting on the table that is directly in front of me. AND they are homemade :sad: But, I have my sugar free chocolates, candy and cashews to snack on. I have not been tempted not one bit. I think it is really mind over matter at the end of the day. Your goal is bigger than the food. Good luck on your choices. :flowerforyou:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    How does a person stay on track at Christmas with all the parties and get together's? It's just starting and I'm having a heck of a time staying on track!

    By making the right choices.

    IE, discipline.


    And I don't go to holiday parties much. And I just you know- use portion control.

    Eat lots of meat- and lots of dessert.

    Bam- problem solved.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Basically three methods work here. Pick one depending on your personality.

    1) Boot camp style discipline. Have no treats you don't log first. On 'normal' days stick to the lowest calorie count in a healthy range for you. Up your exercise (or at least don't skip any).

    2) Relax and enjoy (but don't go crazy). On 'normal' days, behave normally. At parties, choose the best of the best, and take a small portion - smaller amounts for calorie-dense foods, larger amounts for calorie-sparse foods. Eat, knowing that if you're still hungry after you've given it a little time, you can go back for more. If you do, don't beat yourself up over it. If you feel like having a treat, have one (or half of one) and don't beat yourself up over it. Know that if you gain over the holidays, it will come back off.

    3) Blend 1) and 2) to taste.

    Biggest trick - don't make yourself feel deprived if you're one to say "screw it" and cut loose. You'll do more damage that way, both calorie-wise and to your mental state.
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    The more I think I can't have something then the more I'll want it so I'll buy what I think is a reasonable amount and when it's all been eaten I''ll get back on track.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    i don't always, its christmas. indulge a little.

    That pic made me laugh!
  • weezie1206
    weezie1206 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for all the advice/tips! I think I'm generally on the right track, but just need to add a bit more discipline to my diet and need to get back into my exercise routine. It makes me feel better that a lot of people on MFP are thinking along the similar lines as I am.

    I'm not one who needs to eat everything in sight, and it's seldom that I go back for seconds. My problem stems more from stress and boredom eating, or just eating whatever I feel like. I've been able to curb this for the most part, and do try to make the healthy choice 90% of the time.

    Unfortunately, it's been insanely busy at work the past few weeks, so I haven't been able to exercise at all during this time, and there tends to be more functions to go to where it's not possible to have no control with what's served like you would if you were eating at home (but I agree you can control what you eat). Thankfully things at work are slowing down and I can restart my exercise routine again.

    I do indulge once in awhile...I don't believe in cutting yourself off from certain foods 100% - I think this just sets yourself up for more trouble later on.

    Hope you all enjoy your time with family and friends this Christmas!
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I do calories cycling and keep my ``high days`` for days when I have a party. That way I have more calories for treats on those days :-)
    That said, I put veggies or salad on 1/2 of the plate and enjoy the goodies on the other half. One plate. And a bit of dessert if it`s worth it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how many parties are you going to?

    I am seeing three potential binge days/ day, new years eve, and office party for work (two of these if you have a spouse)

    so you are talking about four days over a two month holiday span …

    I would say the day before increase your deficit and then enjoy on day of said event ..
  • WhisperAnne
    For me I'm not usually tempted by snacks. If I do suddenly crave something sweet I'll take one bite of it. That's it, and that usually satisfies my cravings. My weaknesses tend to be carbs, not candy or cakes.
  • WhisperAnne
    I was wondering if I should let go and eat what I want on Christmas though. Thanksgiving I didn't pig out, I was actually under my calories. But Christmas is a big event in my family and there is always good food served. I don't know though. I'll have to eat less for a week I'm guessing before christmas.
  • Megislosingit
    Keep it clean every day you're NOT going to a party and make it a goal to not skip ANY workouts for the month. Indulge a little at parties but what I like to do is look at what's being offered and ask myself whether I can eat it the rest of the year. If the answer is yes (like cheap appetizers you buy at the grocery store), skip it. If the answer is no (like your Great Aunt Meg's sticky toffee pudding she ONLY makes during Christmas) then YES! Have a slice! Indulge but don't OVER indulge.

    Does that make sense? Feel free to friend me! :)

    I love this idea. I have a really hard time not over indulging during the holidays. Why have I never thought of this before? It totally makes sense to avoid what you can have whenever and indulge in what you can only have once a year and maybe in smaller portions than I would have before my weight loss journey.

    Thanks for the tip
  • revolutionchick
    revolutionchick Posts: 21 Member
    Don't think of the holidays as a free pass. And don't skip meals. If you have a party at night factor in that you may eat more there so have a satisfying breakfast like eggs with oatmeal. Maybe a salad for lunch with lean protein. Then you can eat a
    Title more at dinner but load up on the good stuff. Skip fried foods and skip the desserts. If skipping the desserts is too hard at least make better choices like not having a slice of cheesecake and having some fresh fruit instead.
  • Bunny1177
    Bunny1177 Posts: 32 Member
    Go to a party after eating yourself full.

    Eat mostly healthy snacks, but allow some indulgence too. Cheat days are ok, keep your body guessing... But don't overdo indulging.