Need Info

I am 182 pounds at 160 cm and 42 years..mfp has put my goal at 1200 cals per day..i am active and do a very fast pace brisk walking 3 miles of Leslie Sansone and strength training too...
my question is do i need to eat all the burned calories back- when i add my burned calories i get 490 cals additional..
how long will i take to loose 70 pounds with an healthy diet and exercise routine


  • JcMey3r
    JcMey3r Posts: 431 Member
    I definitely recommend you eat your calories back for proper weight loss. Your using calories to exercise and need to feed your body properly for it to lose weight in a healthy way.

    It all depends on how dedicated you are on losing your weight. sticking to your calories and exercise will obviously mean you reach your goal quicker.
  • jradetsk
    jradetsk Posts: 7 Member
    1200 calories is very low. most people laying in bed burn that much. here is something to understand especially if your an athlete. loosing more then 2 pounds a week is bad almost unhealthy as it will end up taking more muscle then you could gain with tripple the time it took you loose it. if you have put your calories in a deficit to loose 2 pounds a week and then you work out hard you need to add that to your diet and eat the calories you burned because if you only eat 1200 calories chances are all the calories burned by working out will never become muscle all that will happen is all the torn muscles will turn to fat overall you will lose weight fast but you will in ratio lose so much muscle too it will be bad. you may drop 10 pounds in 2 weeks like that but you will actually feel heavier because your body fat percentage will go up and lower weight with even lower body fat is the worst combination for any athletics out there even long distance running. there is no way to maintain your or improve body fat if you lose more then 2 pounds a week. so yes you need to eat the calories you burn. that is crucial. 1200 calories is definately way below your metabolic basal rate its already so low even with out working out its borderlining health problems at your weight eating that low without working out is borderline duable you will lose weight and get thin although its probably to fast for you tever see a six pack since you will loose a lot of muscle too but by not compensating for your workout that will be rediculous unhealthy possibly anorexic.

    if you want a good looking body ideally your goal should be about 136 pounds at your height. that is 46 pounds. what you should do is aim at one pound a week. continue working out hard but add your calories onto your diet on the days you workout and and leave them out on the days you dont. strength training is about 330 calories too mfp does not count it in there but you should add 330 calories when you do strength training too. 3 mile runs are going to be a lot of calories. so your going to have to eat a lot. your first week if you are just starting to work out you may loose 5 pounds in water weight if you workout hard even when eating the right amount of calories thats normal. but still you must add calories on when you work out. your really hurting your self by not when already being in a deficit. after the first week even with mfp aimed at 1 pound and adding all your exercises on to you calorie goals you may still drop 2 pounds a week for a while this is normal as long as your working out hard. eventually it will get down to 1 pound a week and will be able to also gain and sustain natural muscle too that will aid you in your workouts. this is the best thing to do.

    dont put your self in more then a 2 pound deficit and add your exercises onto your calorie intake otherwise you will suffer.

    i recomend 136 as a good goal if you were to drop to 112 excesively fast without eating the right nutrition your going to look extrememly scrawn feel very unathletic and actually look unfit in the other extreme. if you drop naturally to 136 and work out well and eat well your going to look very athletic and respectable where ever you go with a nice tone to your body. at the lowest go to 119 pounds i would recomend somewhere between 119-136 will be great for your height.

    also at your age after 40 it gets very hard to gain and even maintain muscle after 40 you loose .5 pounds of muscle a year. so you should be happy to have plenty of it under there and not be so excited to give it up. if you workout hard in this diet you may even gain some more while loosing weight instead of loosing the .5 pounds this year. so this is even more of a reason to not deficit your self excesively and try to loose to much weight to fast because you will actually speed up your aging in a way by doing that.
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    There's a lot of controversy re: eating back exercise calories on these boards. I stick to a 1200 calorie limit and have had great success, but when I exercise - I have freedom to eat more on those days IF I AM HUNGRY. I believe that if you're hungry and have the calories, you should eat. But if you're NOT hungry, don't eat.
    I can only speak from my own personal experience, but it has worked well for me.
    Best of luck to you!
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    This calculator was pretty accurate for me

    I usually ate some of my exercise calories back but there are times I ate all of them and then some!
  • jradetsk
    jradetsk Posts: 7 Member
    you will loose weight faster by not eating back your calories but you will loose much more muscle that way then you will ever be able to gain back in a year too so you wont feel athletic either these facts are like science. if you eat less calories then your body needs to hold its weight it will start to burn the fat and as long as you eat enough protein the muscle will still grow. but after a while if you eat to little calories your body will start using protein to compensate for the lost amount of needed fat and carbs. when this happens your body will not create more muscle when loosing weight or even maintain its current muscle it will just eat away at the muscle you have and turn it into fat this is what happens when you go past a 2 pound deficit in a week. its what ever you care about. if all you care about is being skinny without athelticism then i suppose its fine. but its really hard to gain muscle and i would not so easily give it away like that since its very hard to create. a girl at your height at 136 who is atheltic will look very attractive. a girl at mid 120's who is athletic in good shape will very skinny. a girl in bad shape at 120 at your height may not look skinny. some girls at your height can have tight abs at 130 and look skinnier then girls at 115. so all i am saying is i think its easier to loose it slowly and work out then to just give up on a crucial part of you body to lose it fast which is muscle.
  • sameena2013
    Thank you so much all for your replies-yipee so now i cat eat my burnt calories back without feeling any guilt... ie only if i feel hungry..also 1200 calories was suggested by mfp only..

    also i did not know that strength training burns 300 calories- i exercise 7 days a week ie power walk 3 miles and i do strength training every alternate day-with the 3 miles power walk-

    squats-2 sets of 12 each,lunges 1 set,Flat DB Bench Press- 2 sets,Single Arm DB Row 2 sets,Seated DB Shoulder Press 2 sets and knee crunches 1 set with 3 pounds weight in each hand-
  • pbrahan
    pbrahan Posts: 107 Member
    you will loose weight faster by not eating back your calories but you will loose much more muscle that way then you will ever be able to gain back in a year too so you wont feel athletic either these facts are like science. if you eat less calories then your body needs to hold its weight it will start to burn the fat and as long as you eat enough protein the muscle will still grow. but after a while if you eat to little calories your body will start using protein to compensate for the lost amount of needed fat and carbs. when this happens your body will not create more muscle when loosing weight or even maintain its current muscle it will just eat away at the muscle you have and turn it into fat this is what happens when you go past a 2 pound deficit in a week. its what ever you care about. if all you care about is being skinny without athelticism then i suppose its fine. but its really hard to gain muscle and i would not so easily give it away like that since its very hard to create. a girl at your height at 136 who is atheltic will look very attractive. a girl at mid 120's who is athletic in good shape will very skinny. a girl in bad shape at 120 at your height may not look skinny. some girls at your height can have tight abs at 130 and look skinnier then girls at 115. so all i am saying is i think its easier to loose it slowly and work out then to just give up on a crucial part of you body to lose it fast which is muscle.

    This isn't really true. I got a baseline Dexa scan and have had follow up scans. I rarely eat back much of my exercise calories and I've reduced my fat percentage by almost 20% and have increased my lean muscle mass by almost 4 pounds of lean tissue. I'd advise anyone starting this program to incorporate strength training as a part of their plan and to have a baseline Dexa scan done then have one done about every 20 pounds to make sure their composition is staying at a healthy balance.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    3500 calories = 1 pound. How fast depends on how much of a daily deficit you create. There is a balance between burn out from not eating enough and how fast you want to lose. On the bright side, as you get in better shape you will burn more calories just existing. You will have more energy.

    Exercise is very important and fueling that exercise is very important as is maintaining a sane head. Too low for the sake of being in a hurry usually leads to failure. I have also seen failure from people who over log their exercise and then eat their exercise calories back. You will need to find YOUR balance. Just my 2 cents.
  • Safiyandi
    1200 calories is very low. most people laying in bed burn that much. here is something to understand especially if your an athlete. loosing more then 2 pounds a week is bad almost unhealthy as it will end up taking more muscle then you could gain with tripple the time it took you loose it. if you have put your calories in a deficit to loose 2 pounds a week and then you work out hard you need to add that to your diet and eat the calories you burned because if you only eat 1200 calories chances are all the calories burned by working out will never become muscle all that will happen is all the torn muscles will turn to fat overall you will lose weight fast but you will in ratio lose so much muscle too it will be bad. you may drop 10 pounds in 2 weeks like that but you will actually feel heavier because your body fat percentage will go up and lower weight with even lower body fat is the worst combination for any athletics out there even long distance running. there is no way to maintain your or improve body fat if you lose more then 2 pounds a week. so yes you need to eat the calories you burn. that is crucial. 1200 calories is definately way below your metabolic basal rate its already so low even with out working out its borderlining health problems at your weight eating that low without working out is borderline duable you will lose weight and get thin although its probably to fast for you tever see a six pack since you will loose a lot of muscle too but by not compensating for your workout that will be rediculous unhealthy possibly anorexic.

    if you want a good looking body ideally your goal should be about 136 pounds at your height. that is 46 pounds. what you should do is aim at one pound a week. continue working out hard but add your calories onto your diet on the days you workout and and leave them out on the days you dont. strength training is about 330 calories too mfp does not count it in there but you should add 330 calories when you do strength training too. 3 mile runs are going to be a lot of calories. so your going to have to eat a lot. your first week if you are just starting to work out you may loose 5 pounds in water weight if you workout hard even when eating the right amount of calories thats normal. but still you must add calories on when you work out. your really hurting your self by not when already being in a deficit. after the first week even with mfp aimed at 1 pound and adding all your exercises on to you calorie goals you may still drop 2 pounds a week for a while this is normal as long as your working out hard. eventually it will get down to 1 pound a week and will be able to also gain and sustain natural muscle too that will aid you in your workouts. this is the best thing to do.

    dont put your self in more then a 2 pound deficit and add your exercises onto your calorie intake otherwise you will suffer.

    i recomend 136 as a good goal if you were to drop to 112 excesively fast without eating the right nutrition your going to look extrememly scrawn feel very unathletic and actually look unfit in the other extreme. if you drop naturally to 136 and work out well and eat well your going to look very athletic and respectable where ever you go with a nice tone to your body. at the lowest go to 119 pounds i would recomend somewhere between 119-136 will be great for your height.

    also at your age after 40 it gets very hard to gain and even maintain muscle after 40 you loose .5 pounds of muscle a year. so you should be happy to have plenty of it under there and not be so excited to give it up. if you workout hard in this diet you may even gain some more while loosing weight instead of loosing the .5 pounds this year. so this is even more of a reason to not deficit your self excesively and try to loose to much weight to fast because you will actually speed up your aging in a way by doing that.
