What are you self-conscious about?



  • Everything, to be honest.
  • my hair...and my stomach..still a little left to go
  • My arms and tummy.
  • velvet4899
    velvet4899 Posts: 16 Member
    Belly & neck.
  • My stomach! Weight/belly fat, and my stretch marks are sooo bad from having my kids'. I was so paranoid of getting stretch marks when I was pregnant and used belly butter and everything under the sun daily but in the end nothing had worked. Then again, I have really dry skin and the natural elasticity of my skin may have had a lot to do with it. Tried preventing more my next pregnancy and thought they couldn't get worse, but they did. It's depressing, and I hate being paranoid making sure my stomach NEVER shows especially around my fiancè..yes, I'm that self conscious. Even when I lose weight, I feel like they just show up more and wrinkle up more the more weight I lose. It's humiliating, and I have never showed "anyone" my stomach since. Not even my fiancè, which is sad and may seem unfair but I can't help it. Even if I lost plenty of weight and felt more confident and comfortable with a shirt on, I know I'll never be able to feel that way with it off because of my stretch marks. I'm more self conscious about my stomach/stretch marks than anything..
  • Emilie04444
    Emilie04444 Posts: 151 Member
    Thighs and lower belly

    This..except I would add the word thunder to my thighs, lol
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    I wouldn't trade me three amazing boys for the world...but the things I am most self-conscious about are the loose skin on my abdomen and the spider veins on my legs that my pregnancies left behind.

    I also dislike my nose, and secretly hope for some nose-wounding accident that would give me an excuse to get it "fixed"
  • i hate my FUPA. (fat upper p*ssy area) i just want it to go away. its very unsightly.

    I thought it was just me! Haha.

    I'm all about the stomach. I honestly think I could be mistaken for pregnant if I didn't dress carefully.

    I also dislike my upper arms, shoulders and back right now. I've never had back fat before. BACK FAT, BEGONE!
  • yanglovesmj
    yanglovesmj Posts: 28 Member
    belly, i want it to be FLAT. and i want thinner thighs and arms. smaller face too my cheeks are kinda chubby. hoping that another 8 pounds off me will change all of that
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    ...everything *hides*
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I absolutely hate my arms, I had really large arms and now despite, weights, strength and all the creams going I have loads of loose skin and awful 'bingo wings'...

    Apart from that I can live with everything else!!!
  • My stomach and chin!
    FTSTL Posts: 260 Member
    My charm, good looks and humility.
  • I hate my thick ankles and knees , and that lil fatty bit above my knees - im working my but of so hopefully this will go soon but cant help genetics of being a bit bigger boned...Im a size 8 in most pants but sometimes my thighs are too big!! grr.... oh and 2 kids later i got a bit of a belly but its getting better since heaps of crunches and 8 weeks at Pole Gym has been changing my shape ..
  • my everything :/
  • Hips, stomach and arms
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Loved your comment, really spoke to me. That really is the best reason because it encompasses everything I want for my life.
  • kenthepainter
    kenthepainter Posts: 195 Member
    midsection and face
  • katieme
    katieme Posts: 59 Member
    i hate my FUPA. (fat upper p*ssy area) i just want it to go away. its very unsightly.

    Ha ha this!!!!
  • katieme
    katieme Posts: 59 Member
    double chin!