Taking on the Gym Classes

I’ve joined a new gym as my old one (a small family run business) changed its opening times and these were no longer suitable. I’ve now joined one of the big xercise4less gyms and my local one will be opening its doors this Saturday. I'm itching to get back as it’s been about 8 weeks now without being able to go to the gym.

I really want to do some of the classes as I’ve got about 50lb’s to lose and think these will be a good way to go. I’ll be going and doing my own thing until the New Year as the classes don’t start until 3rd Jan.

Yesterday they released their timetable so I’ve decided to go for the following:

Mondays: 06.30hrs to 07.30hrs = my ride+
Tuesdays: Rest
Wednesdays: 17.45hrs to 18.45hrs = Body pump
Thursdays: 06.30hrs to 07.15hrs = Spinning
Fridays: 06.30hrs to 07.30hrs = 20, 20, 20
Saturdays: 09.00hrs to 10.00hrs = Body Pump
Sundays: Rest

Obviously I’m going to have to ease myself into this as I’ve never done body pump and I think the first class may kill me lol. However, this is the schedule Im aiming for.


  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    body pump is fun! good luck!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Your first BP class will leave you sore for days. Go light on the weights and feel free to put the barbell down in the middle of a track and do just body weight, especially if you're doing squats or lunges. Keep a smallish set of dumbbells nearby to switch to for things like bicep curls, if needed. Don't be afraid to do every other rep towards the end of a track, too. I think people kill themselves trying to keep up and the soreness isn't worth it. Ease in. Have fun!
  • warley77
    Brill - thanks for the tips. I've done a lot of reading up about body pump and Im expecting it to hurt like hell a for a few days later. My first class is on a Saturday so I should really change my Sunday from rest to die lol
  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    What is a 20-20-20 class?
  • zekni
    zekni Posts: 25 Member
    The better hydrated you are, and the more water you drink afterward, the less sore you'll be. Why? Lactic acid, which is a metabolic waste product, or the result of using your muscles, basically makes you sore by gumming up the works.. the process of flushing out said waste product can be sped along by proper hydration.
  • warley77
    Thanks Zekni that's a brill tip - I'll do that.

    20,20,20 class at my gym is an hour long and is made up of 20 minutes cycling, 20 minutes of resistance work and 20 minutes Cardio. It says its good to pair it up with body pump classes. I think some gyms do 20 minutes step aerobics instead of the cycling though so its different depending on which gym you go to.
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    Looks really good to me - love Body Pump and Spinning!

    Once you get into the swing of things I would really recommend Body Comabt! :)
  • RickyPaul100
    Nice tips and thanks for sharing. Taking gym classes is good because we can get training easily at gym with the help of a personal trainer. Good to read these tips and i will keep these tips in my mind.
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Lactic acid does build up while you're doing the exercises hence the burning sensation and muscle fatigue. However, it's been found that the lactic acid leaves your muscles within 20 minutes after stopping your workout. The soreness that you feel is caused by tiny micro tears in your muscles that are in the process of healing (stronger, healthier muscles). This process if called delayed onset muscle soreness.

    Hydrating is a really good idea though as it helps flush out toxins in the body and makes everything work better.
  • RickyPaul100
    Nice tips and thanks for sharing. Taking gym classes is good because we can get training easily at gym with the help of a personal trainer. Good to read these tips and i will keep these tips in my mind.
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