Plateaus and setbacks.



  • I just noticed that.

    I had a 2 lb per week goal set.

    I have re-set it to 1.5 lbs and my caloric intake is now a suggested 1580.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    I just noticed that.

    I had a 2 lb per week goal set.

    I have re-set it to 1.5 lbs and my caloric intake is now a suggested 1580.

    That's why.. I would honestly set it to 1 lb per week. You have very little to lose and adjust your macros to what I posted above to get more protein.
  • Thanks.

    I am beginning to get the idea that this last 20 lbs is going to be much more work than the first 30. LOL
  • Reset to 1 lb per week.

    Now at 1830 calories.
  • jmharring1953
    jmharring1953 Posts: 8 Member
    OK - am I calculating incorrectly because here's my stats: w - 156, h - 5' 3", a - 60 and it seems like an awful lot of calories.

    Harris-Benedict - 2547 (655 + 9.6*Weight + 1.8*Height – 4.7*Age)
    Mifflin-St. Jeor - 2086 (9.99*Weight + 6.25*Height – 4.92*Age -161)

    Sorry....this is just confusing. My doc said I should be eating around 1200-1300 calories a day when I was weighing in at 180. Now it seems I should be eating MORE calories to lose weight at 156???

    I also have a 1 lb per week goal.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OK - am I calculating incorrectly because here's my stats: w - 156, h - 5' 3", a - 60 and it seems like an awful lot of calories.

    Harris-Benedict - 2547 (655 + 9.6*Weight + 1.8*Height – 4.7*Age)
    Mifflin-St. Jeor - 2086 (9.99*Weight + 6.25*Height – 4.92*Age -161)

    Sorry....this is just confusing. My doc said I should be eating around 1200-1300 calories a day when I was weighing in at 180. Now it seems I should be eating MORE calories to lose weight at 156???

    I also have a 1 lb per week goal.

    Is your doctor specialized in nutrition? Also, do you exercise, if so, routine? And do you have any medical conditions such as PCOS, hypothyroidis, gone through menopause, etc.. ?

    I have your sedentary TDEE to equal 1617.. so 1200 is fine at that point.
  • I agree, it is confusing.

    But....if I lose a pound a week, I should be at my goal weight by summer vacation and will have lost 50 lbs in just over 7 months.

    I can live with that.
  • jmharring1953
    jmharring1953 Posts: 8 Member
    She's an internist. Actually she's the one that suggested this site. Been through menopause, taking thyroid meds (had diseased thyroid removed about 10 years ago), and as far as exercise it's limited to household & grandkids. I work full time but sit at a computer all day. To be honest, going to a gym isn't an option. Have done that in the past and it didn't work for me. Planning on getting a treadmill at some point.
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    She's an internist. Actually she's the one that suggested this site. Been through menopause, taking thyroid meds (had diseased thyroid removed about 10 years ago), and as far as exercise it's limited to household & grandkids. I work full time but sit at a computer all day. To be honest, going to a gym isn't an option. Have done that in the past and it didn't work for me. Planning on getting a treadmill at some point.

    What about just walking? Even half an hour a day is beneficial, and it's always good to start somewhere. I also recommend adding resistance training (you can buy some resistance bands or use your body weight), just to maintain muscle mass. Keeping muscles helps fight against osteoporosis, keeps your metabolism higher than without muscle, and muscle is just awesome in general :)
  • jmharring1953
    jmharring1953 Posts: 8 Member
    I love walking......just need to get out and do it. That's why I was thinking a treadmill would be when the weather is bad I have no excuse.
  • jmharring1953
    jmharring1953 Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry........didn't mean to take over the post.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    She's an internist. Actually she's the one that suggested this site. Been through menopause, taking thyroid meds (had diseased thyroid removed about 10 years ago), and as far as exercise it's limited to household & grandkids. I work full time but sit at a computer all day. To be honest, going to a gym isn't an option. Have done that in the past and it didn't work for me. Planning on getting a treadmill at some point.

    I would probably do 1200 calories (macro's round 30% carbs, 40% protein and 30% fats). I generally see those who have gone through menopause do a bit better on lower carb diets. While it may not be necessary, you can try it for a month or two.
  • Sorry........didn't mean to take over the post.

    Oh, dont even worry about that.

    I have been on the inter-webs since 1997 and forums are a very "live" and fluid method of communication.

    Its all good. :smile:
  • forevermaryb
    forevermaryb Posts: 108 Member

    I am beginning to get the idea that this last 20 lbs is going to be much more work than the first 30. LOL

    It took me around 4 months to lose 45 pounds. It's taken me 6 months to lose the last 20. Some of it was change-ups in diet and exercise, but the last is much harder, unfortunately:( Seems to be a similar tale for many people.