Parents. How many presents?



  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I think my Mom may be Mrs. Claus because despite struggling financially and working her fingers to the bone as a data processor she made Christmas so special. The tree was always beautiful, the house was so warm and smelled so good, Christmas morning was magic Santa would leave a pile of presents and stockings overfilling with toys and candies. I dont know how she did it...I need to find out soon.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Just reading this out of interest, but I am realising you all are rich as compared to my upbringing. I don't have children yet but I don't think I would spend more than $50 on each.

    That's nice, honey.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    We literally skrimp and save 11 months out of the year, so when Christmas comes around we can afford to buy some nice things for our kids. No, we literally live like cheapskates all year round. We have 2 kids (ages 6 and 13) and usually spend $150-$200 on each child come Christmas time. Usually 1 big gift for each, a few smaller ones and stocking stuff. I would say it averages out to about 7-10 presents for each child. Although this year is a tad different as the only thing my 13 year old wants is a new guitar and an effects pedal so he will only be getting those 2 presents this year :)
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Something they want
    Something they need
    Something to wear
    Something to read

    Somewhere to go
    Something to eat
    Something to share
    Something to do

    And a story to tell

    I really love this.

    I don't have kids yet but I like to read the responses. I always love to give a book with a gift to any kids I give to.
    When we were growing up we made a list of 3 things (not expensive). I always asked for a box of Easy Bake mixes from Sears and a surprise. On top of that, we always got new socks, underwear and pyjamas. I still love getting those for Christmas. LOL. It became a Christmas tradition that we get to open one gift, I always asked for my pjs.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I don't have a set amount of gifts. I try to keep it around $150, but usually end up spending closer to $200. If she wants a bunch of little stuff (like this year) there are a bunch of cheaper gifts, if she wants something expensive, she'll get one or two and some stocking stuffers.
  • fulleroaks
    One gift to each kid from us, but they are 3 and 1 so I can get away with that. The grandparents will probably get them some toys too.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    This year, about 10 presents each; we don't do stocking stuffers.
    We usually get most of the things on the kids' wish list, within reasons.
    I'm anti-electronic gadgets/toys, so we save money there (basically don't like anything that requires battery/plugging-in). Starting to do "experiences" presents, such as Blue Man Group show or Taylor Swift concert tickets or ski trips.

    But we downplay Christmas presents. We really splurge on their birthdays, since I love birthdays (especially my own)!

    Happy Holidays!
  • fulleroaks
    This year, about 10 presents each; we don't do stocking stuffers.
    We usually get most of the things on the kids' wish list, within reasons.
    I'm anti-electronic gadgets/toys, so we save money there (basically don't like anything that requires battery/plugging-in). Starting to do "experiences" presents, such as Blue Man Group show or Taylor Swift concert tickets or ski trips.

    But we downplay Christmas presents. We really splurge on their birthdays, since I love birthdays (especially my own)!

    Happy Holidays!

    I love the "experiences" idea. I was trying to talk my MIL into that. It would be more useful and memorable than toys they play with just for a day or two before they lose their newness and are forgotten about. But nope, they'll get a bunch of cheap plastic toys. Grumble.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,811 Member
    This year, about 10 presents each; we don't do stocking stuffers.
    We usually get most of the things on the kids' wish list, within reasons.
    I'm anti-electronic gadgets/toys, so we save money there (basically don't like anything that requires battery/plugging-in). Starting to do "experiences" presents, such as Blue Man Group show or Taylor Swift concert tickets or ski trips.

    But we downplay Christmas presents. We really splurge on their birthdays, since I love birthdays (especially my own)!

    Happy Holidays!

    I love the "experiences" idea. I was trying to talk my MIL into that. It would be more useful and memorable than toys they play with just for a day or two before they lose their newness and are forgotten about. But nope, they'll get a bunch of cheap plastic toys. Grumble.
    My MIL has gone to the dollar store the past 2 years and brings my kids a bag of stupid toys, like little army guys, cheap cars that break in 2 minutes, slim that makes fart sounds (well my kids loved that one), then doesnt wrap them or anything, just gives them the bag they came in :grumble: Id rather her go buy a $5 movie for them to share then her spend a total of $10 for crap
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Of course it's about togetherness and love even for those of us who chose to spend a bit more on presents.

    I also have tried to teach my children that giving others gifts is the more important than getting. My 7 year old has had her sister's gift picked out since summer. When she was 3 or so I told her that you are supposed to think about what someone likes and then think about what you can get them. She decided she wanted to get daddy a "green gun" because he liked hunting and his favorite color was green (I think we got him a green flashlight instead).
  • acpeters07
    acpeters07 Posts: 73 Member
    I usually set a budget and don't worry about the number of presents. My daughter is 6 this year... in the past we haven't spent much on her, she's happy with just about anything! Plus, she's the first grandkid, so her grandparents go overboard. When she gets older and her tastes get more expensive we'll probably increas the budget a bit. This year I spent about $75 on her.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    Never had a dollar amount pre set... when I am done is when I am done :laugh:

    This is me. I try to keep a budget, but I tend to keep finding things that I want to get them :bigsmile: My oldest (17) has already got his big one--a new tv. I gave him the money and he chose the one he wanted and ordered from Amazon. I got him a few more smaller things to open on Christmas Day. The 12 year old has a list and we try to get all of what's on the list for him, plus a little extra. The 6 year old is happy with pretty much anything. I also do stockings for our 3 dogs and 1 cat and everyone else.

    ETA: My oldest has a job and he buys for everyone in our family, too. I've told him he doesn't have to, but he likes to.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    My kids are 9, 7 and 5

    -in laws buy our kids tons of stuff-we have to take several trips to get it all home :tongue: Probably 10-15 gifts each (clothes, toys, pjs and sheets)
    -x from my parents :mad:
    -$10 gift exchange with cousins (each kid will get one gift)
    -we get them each one bigger gift (larger Legos sets this year) and then they each get 4 smaller gifts (Barbies, Hot Wheels etc). We also got the throw back Atari system as a family gift (ok, this is mostly for me :laugh: )
    -they also bought each other a small gift at their school Christmas store, and they'll exchange those on Christmas eve.
    -they get $50 from husband's grandparents-half goes into their savings and they get to spend half
    -my grandma is buying them each a $10ish gift (I suggested art supplies).
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I can't even think of anything to get my son for Christmas because he already has everything he needs and he doesn't really ask for much.
    I was planning on spending about $300 on him. The things he did ask for I gave out to the grandparents because if I don't limit them or give them ideas they will get him all kinds of crazy things.
    I've asked them to put money in his college fund when they want to spend money on him but that doesn't work.

    I guess that sounds like a lot compared to some others but we don't buy a lot of toys throughout the year. Hubby and I spend that much on ourselves as well as we do not buy much for ourselves often either.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    One per kid.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    From reading this, I think we may over spend.
    My two girls get 1 huge present each ipod, tv ect.
    They then get:
    An outfit
    beauty products
    Game to play together (board game and wii game)
    and something educational.
    Depending on how expensive their large gift is we also give a few smaller gifts. We try for them to have the same number of packages. Last year was hard because the youngest wanted an ipod touch 5 and the oldest just wanted a lot of stuff we normally won't spend on (certain clothes, shoes ect) because of the amount spent on the youngest she did have less to unwrap.

    This year neither want anything they both say they have everything...makes it hard to shop.

    They also do a present exchange with their cousins and receive gifts for grandparents.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have no idea. My wife has already finished the Christmas shopping for the kids, grandkids, other family and friends. She has filled half a room with wrapped presents. Don't know who got what. Don't know the cost. Don't care.

    I have only two concerns for Christmas. Cooking Christmas dinner for about 20 and making sure that my wife has something under the tree that refracts light. And I have both under control.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    1 $20 gift each and 2 $10 gifts each and a stocking. I am sure they will get more from grandparents etc.
  • tanashai
    tanashai Posts: 207 Member
    My kiddo is the only kiddo on both sides of the family right now (the next oldest is 10 and is his uncle), so he gets spoiled completely rotten. Hubby and I are only giving him two this year, (plus stocking stuff) but he gets a pile from my parents, from his aunties, from our roommate/his godfather, gifts from his other set of grandparents.... he gets spoiled and is likely not looking forward to a cousin/sibling with whom to divvy the spoils XD.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My younger (12) son will get at least 1 from me, 1 from his mom, and 1 from his grandma. My older boy (14) ****ed up big time this year. He is getting coal, literally, from each of us. Tough love. It is killing me to be honest. I will probably cry when I see his face. I bought him a really nice watch a couple of months ago for Christmas, but he isn't getting it till his birthday in May.

    Aw, that is really hard. My son (6) got bad behavior reports everyday the week of Halloween. We told him he wasn't allowed to go trick or treating. Since we already had the costume we told him he could dress up and pass out candy. He cried alot but I think he had more fun passing out candy than he would have getting candy in the rain! My mom over-reacted naturally calling us bad parents and even called my dad (they don't talk) and my son's school to find out about the behavior charts...

    It was the right decision and a good parenting move. He's been coming home with excellent reports.

    My fiance and I spend $150 on each other, about the same on the kid.