Last week of insanity and I only lost 5 pounds

Hi. I am on my last week of insanity an I'm about to finish. It's a great program, and I am overwhelmed that I was able to stick to it! Although, I only lost 5 pounds. I do feel better physically though, and I don't measure myself in inches. I was just wondering if it is normal to lose a small amount of weight with the program. And I was thinking of doing another round of insanity. Should I do month 2 again and skip month 1 or do both? Thank you!


  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    There is nothing "only" about 5lbs! Well done with your achievement, and keep it up :smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Weight loss will be primarily defined by what you eat, not by what exercise you do.
  • revolutionchick
    revolutionchick Posts: 21 Member
    First off 5 pounds is great! But if you were hoping to lose more How was your diet during this time? You can't out exercise a bad diet.
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    Weight loss will be primarily defined by what you eat, not by what exercise you do.

  • xXBiGbOiiiXx
    My diet is all over the place. On average, I eat about 1500-2000 calories a day. I'm 5'5 and I currently weigh 150
  • jcdoerr
    jcdoerr Posts: 172 Member
    Congrats! 5 pounds is still a great loss, and if you had taken measurements and pictures I'm sure you would see an even bigger difference there. I had the same experience as you. Lost nothing the first month (actually gained a couple of pounds), then lost 5 pounds the second month and dropped a lot of inches. I was still enjoying the program and loving the huge gains in fitness too, so I took a week off, then did some of the recovery week videos for a few days, and jumped right back into month 2 again. Dropped another 5 pounds on round 2. So if you're up for it and feeling good, there's nothing wrong with repeating month 2. I wouldn't go all the way back to the first month unless you're going to take a lot of time off in between, since that's pretty much just to get you ready for what's coming. Good luck and great job!
  • xXBiGbOiiiXx