
Hi everyone, I've been a lurker for quite some time but I'm finally ready to post after falling on and off the wagon a couple of times. It's been a few weeks and my brain finally clicked somehow, out of nowhere! You see, I gave birth about 8 months ago and was very fit before getting pregnant. I was battling with anxiety and depression from all this extra weight I was carrying... but my brain finally clicked and I was self-motivated enough to keep going! I already see results! I mean, nothing super extreme but I'm getting there! One step at a time :) How has this forum treated everyone so far?


  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I too am new to MFP and exercise in general. In fact, exercise usually picks me last for teams ;). I've only posted a little, but the vast majority of folks here are supportive, funny, encouraging, and very nice!

    Welcome and congratulations on your life change! Best wishes!
  • Krisydee103
    Krisydee103 Posts: 416 Member
    Thank you! I'm glad to hear this forum is good :)
  • myst036
    myst036 Posts: 19 Member
    I am a long time mfp user. I have lost over 155 pounds journaling my every move. But like you , one day it just clicked. For me it was a matter of my health going downhill and not wanting to end up in a scooter or using a walker because I was too big to walk. But if you are lucky enough to have it click and really understand that your life is not over but rather changing, then it all falls in to place. I love my life now, and it was worth everything I 'gave up'. Enjoy the holidays, allow yourself some treats, but keep up the exercise going to make up the difference. =]
  • Live4theLift
    Forums are pretty solid, there are some people on here who seem to have no tolerance but they are few and far between