Having trouble losing that last 20 pounds!

:grumble: Hello. I've been on this site for a while, but this is my first post. Over the past year and a half, I've lost about 80 pounds. I'm 39 years old, 5' 6, a small frame, and started at 232 lbs. Now I'm between 150 and 155. I'm holding pretty steady at my current weight, going up 5 pounds, then back down, but I can't seem to get below 150. I'm looking to end up between 130 and 135 and I'm not in a huge hurry for that. I'm a runner and currently run about 30 miles a week (shorter distance during the week, long distance on weekends.) I also do "Cross-Fit" training. I've run my first 5K last month and am preparing for a half-marathon in the spring.

I eat healthy foods. Lots of raw veggies and fruit, Greek yogurt, and my protein in usually some form of fish or protein shakes. But I'm a carb. addict. If I'm going to eat cereal or breads, I try to do it in the morning, but I do falter from time to time!

I don't mind taking my time to lose the weight, but I find it difficult at times to stay motivated when I don't see ANY movement on the scale for several weeks or if the scale is moving in the other direction. For about the last 4 months, I've not had any additional weight loss. For you woman readers, I also have "PCOS", so sometimes that can hinder weight loss (from what I've been told). Any advice from someone out there who has been there? How do I win against the last stubborn 20 pounds? :smile:


  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I was having trouble with a plateau recently, I have about 35 lbs to go, and my PT friend told me to take a couple of days off. Eat well, but one meal a day, usually breakfast or lunch should be a splurge. You should also do a different exercise routine. Your body will get used to the same movements and the same food, so you should jump start your metabolism with new stuff. I did that for about 4 days, and restarted recently and after 3 days I was already down a pound. It's worth the try.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Since the numbers on most BMR calculators are just general average, try lowering your daily requirements by another 200 a day. It may take a few weeks, but should start to go down. Also, may want to change up your workout routine. The body has a way of adjusting to things.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    You havn't got much further to go, so weightloss will definately slow down! I have 14lbs left until I'm at goal weight and I just cannot shift from the 150's!

    How about zig zagging your calories? That's what I'm aiming to do. Changing my exercise routine helped me out of the last plateau. Make sure you are getting plenty of water and plenty of sleep.

    Try doing some muscle building! more muscle equals more calories burned.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • jessicalhall85
    You havn't got much further to go, so weightloss will definately slow down! I have 14lbs left until I'm at goal weight and I just cannot shift from the 150's!

    How about zig zagging your calories? That's what I'm aiming to do. Changing my exercise routine helped me out of the last plateau. Make sure you are getting plenty of water and plenty of sleep.

    Try doing some muscle building! more muscle equals more calories burned.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    I agree! I have read that your body will adjust itself if you have been eating the same # of calories daily for a long time...so i would eat like 1400 one day and then 1200 the next and then 1500 the next or whatever...to keep your body guessing so to speak...good luck!!!!
  • jhoyett
    jhoyett Posts: 92 Member
    Wow, sounds like you're doing everything right! I'm in the midst of a plateau that has lasted months and I'm about to focus on lean muscle mass. Since you're already doing cross fit, you may want to add more protein to your diet (if you're not already getting at least 75 grams a day). This will help increase your muscle mass and maybe even help you reduce your carb addiction. Good luck and let me know how it turns out!
  • ewillems
    hi, im 67 and weigh 179 and my goal is to get to140 .I realize that when your older that its harder ,but it still can be done !im a retired hairdresser, so dont get the exercise that i oncce did.I bike a lot and walk although my knees are not what they once were .I am learning how to use a computer. anyone
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    Being a shorty 4'11 weighing 139 pounds is so hard. I still have to go down 20 more pounds. I've changed my exercise routine already with hip hop dancing. hope I will start to lose weight again.

    by the way. my bmr of 1300 is making me hungry! :L