Mom Trying to Lose Weight

Hi Everyone!

My name is Crystal, I'm a 33 year old mom of a 15 month old boy. Although I lost the baby weight quickly (I only gained 21 pounds), I wasn't in the best shape before getting pregnant and would like to lose about 20-30 pounds. My sister in law is a big inspiriation and told me about this site, so I thought I'd give it a try. I'd love to connect and have some friends on here so please feel free to message/add me.

I eat healthy but indulge in wine a bit too much, and love going out to eat with friends. It's hard to find time to fit it all in when you've got a little one to take care of, but I'm looking forward to feeling better about myself.




  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    I'd love to be your MFP friend! I have two boys, ages 4 and 2 and know how hard it is to fit in workouts with little ones to chase after!
  • tarnyacarrier
    tarnyacarrier Posts: 20 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I'm a 33 yr old mom of two ages 11 and 5!!
  • LunarPhases
    LunarPhases Posts: 13 Member
    24 year old mom to a 2 year old. Looking to lose 60+ pounds. I've been losing and gaining back weight since I had him, but I'm hoping that I can drop it all for good.
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    My name is crystal too.i have 2 boys ages 4 and 2.i have alot of weight to lose.i cant seem to get passed 170 the lowest i got so far is 168.i started this weight loss journey in feb of this year.i weighed 188 and now im highest weight has been 193.
  • Hi crystal I'm a mother of five and trust me I know it can be hard to juggle life, kids, and other things that may come around. Feel free to add me I'm very much motivated and will encourage you as much as I can
  • Hi I'm new here too. Mom to 4 at my heaviest in 2011 . Lost 70lbs so far and am struggling with the last 30. I know how difficult I is to juggle motherhood wifey duties and a full time out of the home job. Eating healthy is not always practical. And I like my wine too... We should get along great !
  • SueQuarles
    SueQuarles Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Crystal: I think I understand how you feel. I'm 34 and I have 2 small ones (15 months and almost 3). I wasn't in great shape before getting pregnant (but not in bad shape either) but after 2 kids I just can't seem to get my weight under control. My doctor recommended this site and I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm the heaviest I've ever been (while not being pregnant) and I'm trying to lose 60 - 70 pounds to get back to where I was before kids. Would love to hear from people who have been through this (or are going through this). What helps, what doesn't. How do I make time for me while not feeling guilty about spending time with my kids.
  • Caitu13
    Caitu13 Posts: 55 Member
    27 yr old mom of 1 here! Feel free to add me!
  • fifiisme
    fifiisme Posts: 10
    Hey crystal,
    There are lots on moms here just like you (and me) trying to find time and a way to get that prebaby body back! Stick to it and you can do it!
  • mameakua
    mameakua Posts: 3
    Hi Crystal...

    I have two boys... 8 and 11.I am 34. I am also trying to loose weight. I'll add you as a friend.
  • Hi all! I am a mom trying to lose weight as well :) I have a 5 year old, two year old twins and a 1 year old. I'm 28, 5'6..I started at 207 pounds and I'm down to 174. I'm getting there but have a ways to go. I have used MFP in the past, but after taking a little time off I have just made a new account. I do log everyday...anyone can feel free to add me :)
  • doingit4mykids6812
    doingit4mykids6812 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I'm Lauren. I'm a mom of three (17 months,5 & 7). I have about 100 lbs to lose. Trying to fit time in to exercise is hard so I do my best to incorporate my kids in it. Today is day 1 for me but trying to lose weight has been struggle for about 8 years. Anyone can add me if you want :)
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi, I'm a 30 year old mom to two boys of 2.5 and 5.5 months. I used this site after my first and lost 25 pounds, can't wait to do that again!
  • Sactown900
    Sactown900 Posts: 162 Member
    STAY on this site. Its been working for me since January.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    I am a full time working mom of 2 boys.. 6 years and soon to be 2 years. I have lost almost 30 pounds and looking to maintain or lose a few more. I have used this site to lose all of the weight. I log in everyday and indulge in chocolate, cookies, and wine :)
  • Votolato09
    Votolato09 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am a mom to a 2 year old, and trying to lose 60 pounds. I am willing to receive and give motivation. Feel free to add me.
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    hey. it can be done with the treats in there sometime also. :) i have 3 kids...ages 5, 3.5, & 1 and a fulltime does get hard sometimes. just keep trucking. good luck.
  • sharonhouse81
    sharonhouse81 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome! This site does work. Actually this is the first time I have ever used the community chat/message board thing.. I have always done it before via ipod app. I lost 30lbs last year but when Christmas came in 2012, I put it all back on right after. I believe it was due to the holidays AND because I started taking my first full time semester. It was stressful! I'm starting nursing school in March and I have 4 kids.. been married for 12. I would love to go on this journey with you.... Tomorrow is My Fitness Pal Friday and my friends group celebrates our success with a glass of wine! We'd love to have you join us!
  • christarae1
    christarae1 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey Crystal!! I'm a Mommy of a 16 month old and a 13 year old!! I've lost a total of 52# after having the baby, but 22# the last several months. I love it here and keeping track of calories has been key to my success! I have at least 20# to lose, maybe more depending on how I'm feeling then. Feel free to add me!! :)