I went over by 600 calories yesterday!



  • itsmandible
    itsmandible Posts: 88 Member
    Remember that going over by 600 calories is actually only going over maintenance by 100 (if you're set to lose a pound a week you are at a deficit of 500 calories a day), so you didn't really gain or lose anything, you just stayed mostly consistent! So today's a new day to get back to your weight loss!
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Oh no! Not 0.17142857142857142857142857142857lbs!

    Not even that. She's 600 calories over her deficit, which could mean she's only 100 calories over maintenance or not even at maintenance depending on her pounds per week goals.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you were over the MFP set calories by 600 and you had it set to 1lb/week loss, you've gone over maintenance by 100 calories. So that's under half an ounce. My weight deviates massively more than that day to day.
    As for the party, if it was me I'd do some weights before hand - that way the calories would hopefully go towards repairing muscles.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    True maintenance is NOT 1700 calories.

    She isn't netting 1200, so she does not need to cut her daily calories any more.

    Look into diaries before giving advice!
  • LuvonLuv
    Believe me...it would be a deliberate thing for me to do a cheeseburger and fries at times. I've learned about changing your eating routine and it works well. Heck...sometimes I see a weight loss right after. But I used to be panicky like yourself...it's these forums that has pulled me through. Great advice guys!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    600 calories really isn't a lot - I wouldn't stress about it. I dread to think how many calories I eat when I don't log on here.................

    Oh well lifes too short and its nearly xmas.

    Either eat cleaner the next day or get a workout in - : )
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I've been doing so well eating around 1200 net and 500 cals per day for nearly 3 weeks but yesterday I ate McDonalds. A double cheeseburger and fries! Why did I have to eat the fries. Now I feel so ashamed. And I just ate cake but its ok as it was only a tiny cupcake but still I'm so disappointed I wiped out all the exercise I did and was still over by 600 calories. And I've got to go to a major party tomorrow. Tips would be appreciated. Sorry for the winy tone I'm just feeling very irate at work and its partly because my stomach feels really bloated and fat right now.

    Really??? Your normal calories are between 600-1200...for 3 weeks.....and you are worried about going over by 600 on one day????

    Here is a tip, eat some food, get more then 500 calories a day and you wont binge.

    To those who actually said "don't worry about it" or " it's okay just do better tomorrow"...look at the diaries first, read the post...she is netting 500-600 a day for 3 weeks...

    *shakes head*
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I've been doing so well eating around 1200 net and 500 cals per day for nearly 3 weeks but yesterday I ate McDonalds. A double cheeseburger and fries! Why did I have to eat the fries. Now I feel so ashamed. And I just ate cake but its ok as it was only a tiny cupcake but still I'm so disappointed I wiped out all the exercise I did and was still over by 600 calories. And I've got to go to a major party tomorrow. Tips would be appreciated. Sorry for the winy tone I'm just feeling very irate at work and its partly because my stomach feels really bloated and fat right now.
    Associating food with guilt, shame, disappointment (unless it tastes bad) or other negative feelings is unhealthy.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Meh, you can't change the past. What is done is done. No need to stress about things you can't change, just pick yourself and move on with today.

    It's only 600 cals anyway. If you ate only 20 less cals a day for a month then that would be 600 cals. Not saying you should, just trying to put it in perspective.

    It is really not a big deal unless it cause a spiral effect.
  • gamergirl180
    You need to eat more calories and healthier foods. You will feel full and you wont be tempted to binge on Micky D's and cupcakes.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    Make sure you eat every 2-3 hours to keep feeling full so you aren't tempted on snacking or binge type eating.

    With that being said, if you fall off the wagon, just pick yourself back up and keep moving on. I have my treat days, and I'm sure most others do too!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Well it sucks you did it right before a party as you might retain some water and look bloated. Otherwise a treat is fine sometimes.
  • monisiaczeq
    monisiaczeq Posts: 131 Member
    my dont worry about this,. we all slip.. like yesterday i almost ate 3000 kcal.. im only meant to be eating around 1200-1300.. **** it. **** happens. most important is that you dont let one day turn into two days , then a week, month and so on... forget. new day, new meal plan. hit the gym and end of story.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I've been doing so well eating around 1200 net and 500 cals per day for nearly 3 weeks but yesterday I ate McDonalds. A double cheeseburger and fries! Why did I have to eat the fries. Now I feel so ashamed. And I just ate cake but its ok as it was only a tiny cupcake but still I'm so disappointed I wiped out all the exercise I did and was still over by 600 calories. And I've got to go to a major party tomorrow. Tips would be appreciated. Sorry for the winy tone I'm just feeling very irate at work and its partly because my stomach feels really bloated and fat right now.

    How you do this? You can't eat net 1200 and 500 cals per day at the same time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    True maintenance is NOT 1700 calories.

    She isn't netting 1200, so she does not need to cut her daily calories any more.

    Look into diaries before giving advice!

    this. how is this considered overeating when her eating 600 calories over wasnt even getting her to her TDEE?

    she ate 600 calories over a low calorie goal and even with those "overeaten" calories she's still in a deficit.
  • Samuraiko
    Samuraiko Posts: 180 Member
    Today is a new day. You went over calories yesterday: big deal. Fall down 7 times, get up 8.
    I have that quote on my desk at work, and it's been my motto since I started this thing. :) Great minds think alike.
  • gelendestrasse
    Chalk it up to "I enjoyed myself, now it's back to the task of keeping to the diet". No point punishing yourself, especially at the holidays. You'll just be miserable. Just get back to your routine. And expect to give it up for any holiday dinner. You'll be fine.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks to all posters. I agree I shouldn't be worrying about this. In response to my calorie burn this is what MFP gave me for an hour on the elliptical with sufficient resistance. I have huge leg muscles partly genetic and I exercise at a really high intensity to fast music additionally I use 3lb weights on the machine for my arms so that I can work those out too. So I'd say that the calorie read probably isn't too far off if anything is slightly higher.
    As for my 1200 - thats set for a 2lb weight loss as MFP wouldn't let me go any lower. I am on the 5:2 hence why I sometimes have only 500 cals. I'm pretty sure I've seen on here that you shouldn't really eat back your calories so thats why I haven't and nor do I want to. I would be quite happy to maintain at 1500 cals once I reach my goal weight. Also to me it would defeat the object of exercising if I eat back cals as I'm really very toned and muscly - even my brother has told me to lose the arm muscles so the last thing I need to do is tone anywhere I just need to get this fat off my stomach.
    I don't weigh myself but I have lost around 3 inches on my stomach since I started.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Food is not the enemy.
    It's just one day.
    Today is new. Treat it as such.
    Drink water.

    Don't mind my profile pic of me shotgunning 14 mini cupcakes in <1min. It was a contest, and a 4000 calorie day. But I straightened up the next day and lived to tell my story and weigh 0.5lb less a week later.
    This. Well, maybe not the mini cupcake shotgunning. :tongue:

    I got a Ben and Jerry's this week. I thought I'd "be good" by getting the FroYo (Frozen Yogurt) instead of the ice cream. Then I ate the whole pint....in one sitting. What's done is done. Today, I'm watching the calories and exercising. Worst case scenario? I gain one pound this week..it's not the end of the world. Instead of turning your anger inward (disappointment/despair that you'll gain weight) turn it OUTward...let it fuel your gym time. You'll be fine.
  • suzsy312
    That is perfectly fine! It is okay to slip once in a while. No one is continuously eating healthy. Everyone has cravings and stopping yourselft from what you want all the time would only be stressful. you can always work on getting back on track. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits the next day should help and if you are still feeling terrible, drink lots of water!