Should I try Zumba?

I am trying to decide whether to try going to the "Latin Heat" class (what my gym calls Zumba) after work. Part of me really wants to try it because everyone I know who has tried it LOVES it. The other part of me is petrified. I have ZERO rhythm and am still 77 pounds overweight - I am afraid I will make a total fool of myself.
I don't dance. At all. Not even at my wedding. Dancing is one of the few things that brings out the intense shyness I have mostly outgrown in other areas.
But it does seem like a fun new way to get some exercise... What do you guys think?


  • sunnysashka
    GO-GO-GO!!! Nobody will be looking at you! Everyone busy looking at themselves! LOL)))) But to be serious! People go there to lose weight! It is not dance competition! ))) And you do need to know how to dance! Just have fun!
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Yes! Definitely!

    I was shy at first too, but you quickly get over it. It's super fun and a great work out. Watch out though ... it's addictive! My wife and I go four nights a week. It's almost become a way of life ... :laugh:
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    Yeah, it's so super fun.

    My sister and I went to a Zumbathon and there were people therewith absolutely NO rh ythm but they got the most high-fives because they DIDN'T CARE! They were having a blast, working up a sweat and feeling great. That really inspired me. Not only is it a really great workout but it makes you feel so good about yourself.

    Do it! Have fun!!! You deserve it!
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    I'm not a dancer either, and when I tried started going I was 275lbs... it's a great way to get a while hour of cardio, burn tons of calories, and it just takes time to get into it. Once you start to learn the songs by heart, it's much easier. Give it a try, but make sure to go back a few times in a row because the more you go the better you get at it. I was terrible my first time! but everyone is.
  • encourageurself
    encourageurself Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with everyone else. You should go it's not about who's the best dancer. Just keep this thought in mind that I am getting healthy and taking care of myself. I have recently started doing the video with one of my friends. And we both love it. It's encouraging.
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    Everything I've heard is that it's a lot of fun and a great workout. I actually have tried it from some DVDs at home and it is alot of fun. MAybe a DVD (or who knows, maybe even Youtube) might be able to teach you some of the steps and you won't feel so intimidated. My cousing goes weekly and loves it.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    OMG EVERYONE IN THERE LOOKS LIKE AN BLOOMING IDIOT!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I can go there and not be alone. I have that freakin "white" ligament that runs from my neck, to my shoulders, through my hips to my feet... NOTHING can move independently. Our instructor cuts off the lights, turns on the disco lights and we all flop around in the dark. If I can't do what he's doing I totally go random and spin circles like a 6 year old. It is one of the funnest things I've ever done.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    ABSOLUTELY !!! Zumba is so much fun and a great work out!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Wait a minute...are we all still sitting here talking about it??? We should be zumbaaaing it up!!!!!

    I can only add my yes to the masses! But it you want to try it before you jump into the public classes the dvd's are amazing! I have seen some clips on you tube as well! You could always get a handle for it on tere and then jump into a class! Either way Zumba is awesome! :o)
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Give it a shot, you'll never know if you like it until you try it. And if you don't like it then at least you know!
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    There's not a class near by here, the closest class is 30 minutes away. Has any body tried the dvds are they just as good????
  • shawnalmil
    i love zumba and im 114 lbs over weight..... i couldnt afford it tho....
    so i joined curves and guess what! they are incoperating zumba in it!!! SOO FREAKEN EXCITED!
  • shawnalmil
    I'm not a dancer either, and when I tried started going I was 275lbs... it's a great way to get a while hour of cardio, burn tons of calories, and it just takes time to get into it. Once you start to learn the songs by heart, it's much easier. Give it a try, but make sure to go back a few times in a row because the more you go the better you get at it. I was terrible my first time! but everyone is.
    ALSO IF you wait to go back too long they might not be playing the same songs/ dances....
  • djscardi
    djscardi Posts: 28 Member
    OMG you have GOT to go!!! I'm addicted to zumba and I absolutely love it! There is a mix of people who have rhythm and some who don't at all!! You will love it, it's so much fun!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Ok, you've all convinced me! I will be brave and try it BUT, if you don't hear from me, it is because I have died - either from embarrassment or from exhaustion. :tongue:
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    It would be worth the $70 to try the DVDs if you are really too self concious to walk into a gym. Best $70 I've ever spent. :) Good luck no matter which way you go! It is a lot of fun!
  • Seesaa
    Seesaa Posts: 451
    i went with a friend as support to a zumba class and loved it and was able to keep up with it. it is wonderful and when i can i'm buying the dvd's
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I did it! I survived!
    There were a couple of steps I couldn't get (I just don't think my feet are made to move that fast), and I still have zero rhythm, but I pretty much kept up. I had been told that people of all shapes and sizes go to Zumba but there was only one other fat girl and two old people - everyone else was young and fit - but I didn't let that phase me. My Aquafit instructor was there and she invited me to stand by her for the class so I didn't feel so out of place. That was really nice.
    I had a mild asthma attack after class (I'm fine now) and was drenched in sweat, but I survived and I did have a good time. It definitely went by quickly - it didn't feel like an hour at all. I will probably go back again, but I am definitely not very good at it (the whole lack of rhythm thing).
  • shawnalmil
    It would be worth the $70 to try the DVDs if you are really too self concious to walk into a gym. Best $70 I've ever spent. :) Good luck no matter which way you go! It is a lot of fun!

    you would be surprised at all the sizes of woman up there