Should I be using protein bars??

Tubbyangel Posts: 25
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Hey everyone, I am guessing this has already been discussed but I went through the old posts and only found people recommending brands of bars.

I am trying to lose alot of weight and am having some sucess, I go to the gym at least three times a week and am eating a healthy but somewhat carb light diet. I see a personal trainer once a week and he mentioned that if in a hurry I could eat a protein shake or bar and a banana. I have been struggling with snacks and am often finding myself starving when walking home from the gym.

Should I be having the odd protein bar after work outs or when I dont have time to eat a regular meal.

any suggestions??


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I wouldn't recommend protein bars, many companies pack them with sugar to improve taste.
    I recommend BSN lean dessert protein shake. It is low carb (8 grams), has 21 grams protein, and 150 calories per scoop. You can find it at Vitamin Shoppe or online @
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I wouldn't recommend protein bars, many companies pack them with sugar to improve taste.
    I recommend BSN lean dessert protein shake. It is low carb (8 grams), has 21 grams protein, and 150 calories per scoop. You can find it at Vitamin Shoppe or online @

    I have to agree. Most of them are just glorified candy bars or milk shakes. But, I do use them occasionally as a meal substitute when I'm in a hurry or don't have time to pack something. I also use them occasionally to satisfy a candy craving. They do have a lot of sugar but, unlike a candy bar or milk shake, at least I get the benefit of additional protien.
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I wouldn't recommend protein bars, many companies pack them with sugar to improve taste.
    I recommend BSN lean dessert protein shake. It is low carb (8 grams), has 21 grams protein, and 150 calories per scoop. You can find it at Vitamin Shoppe or online @

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: BSN Lean Dessert! They are delicious!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I usually carry a Larabar for those 'in case of emergency' situations. If you're STARVING after the gym, a snack bar might be just what the doctor ordered.

    But if you're aiming for a certain amount of protein, a Larabar likely won't cut it.

    My husband is really into protein bars and considers any bar containing under a billion grams of protein to not contain enough protein. His bars are too high-cal for me and don't taste as good as my Larabars.

    Depends what your goal is: satisfying hunger or packing in a ton of protein (or both).

  • 35again
    35again Posts: 46 Member
    I did some research on protein bars since many of them are, like others here said, basically a glorified candy bar with a ton of sugar. I came down to deciding to purchase these: ... they are basicaly a meal replacement, but low carb and low cal with tons of protein. And they don't taste too bad :) If there is a day I know I'm going to run low on protein and I have enough calories I'll grab one of them.
  • protein bars are full of junk, ya don't need'em! Just make a protein shake and you're good to go. You can get whey isolate protein which is completely lean protein, no additives, carbs, sugars or anything like that.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    I think protein shakes are more they taste much better
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I save the protein bars when I'm about to lose control and wolf down some candy or something similarily bad for me. They have lots of sugar in them, so not good for regular use. :noway:
  • I would avoid them whenever possible. I do like Clif bars when I am in a hurry because of the all-natural ingredients but they do have around 20g of sugar. I recommend Optimum Whey Protein for shakes. You can't go wrong with shakes. Add peanut butter and a banana and you are ready to rock!
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Ever have a kidney stone? Not fun. My doc says eating TOO much protein contributes to their development. Try a 90-calorie single pack cottage's great for after workout with enough protein and calcium. Unless you're going for bodybuilding (and putting on weight), I would skip the protein bars.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    ...peanut butter and celery. :-)
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    I don't think protein bars are the answer; too much crud in them, not enough bites to satisfy you. I get really hungry in the after noon and I have a rather nasty rush hour commute, so in the mornings when I pack my lunch I started packing an extra baggie of veggies for my car ride home. It makes the ride go faster and then I'm not starving when I walk in the house with that MUST-EAT-NOW feeling.

    good luck and happy eating!
  • Doctors say a lot of things, most of them can't even take care of their own body. Antiquated "knowledge" spread across decades. Unless you eat a ridiculous amount of protein, you're not going to have kidney problems.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    MUST-EAT-NOW feeling.

    I kind of like that feeling after an awesome workout. I get in touch with my animal side. LOL
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    there are tons of things you can eat if you are in a hurry.

    I would have Cliff Bars sometimes because on Sat I go to the gym to Zumba, then swimming, and eat one in between because it's portable and easy. I did notice the high sugar levels though so only had them sometimes. A lot of them can be good replacements for junk food snacks if you are trying to wean yourself.

    Snickers makes a protein bar - let's just leave it at that! haha! :laugh:

    If you are hungry AT the gym - why not an apple, a banana, some WW crackers, etc. Even a pouch of tuna and some crackers are portable and higher in protein, and tastier I think.

    I would suggest other things first, but protein bars are not bad for filling in here and there. I would not recommend them being a staple to your gym routine 3 days a week.
  • mybutterflower
    mybutterflower Posts: 90 Member
    My husband is really into protein bars and considers any bar containing under a billion grams of protein to not contain enough protein.

    My husband is the same way :laugh:
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    You could try having a Banana (or whatever) *before* the workout.
  • Occasionally, they are fine. Perfect for when you don't have time to eat because as we all know, it's crucial to eat if we want to lose weight, especially if you're bustin it out at the gym. If you're looking for lots of protein but are concerned with the amount of sugar that is often found in protein bars, try Pure Protein High Protein Bars. (you can even get them at Target) My favorite flavor in chocolate peanut butter offers 20g of protein and only 2g sugar. Plus, I think they taste great. And they really do keep you full. Best of luck! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • jld60
    jld60 Posts: 3
    I like 'em. They work for me. I eat one every day for lunch, with a piece of fruit. Lunch is not my extreme hunger time, maybe because I am at work, thinking about other things for a change!! It is the one meal that I can't overeat. I didn't bring the food with me in the morning, it just isn't available at lunch! I am so NOT a morning person, won't get up earlier and prepare a lunch, don't want to eat one that I made the night before.

    Like I said, this just works for me. I like the amount of nutrition I see on the label--lots of the vitamins have 100%...... Also, it makes food shopping super simple. There are lots of different kids--I like variety in all things!! I buy Balance bars, Luna bars and Cliff. (I am also cheap, and these are the ones I can get for a buck a piece). Can't get excited about shakes. I did a "liquid protein shake" diet years ago, and after a while, I just missed chewing and swallowing.
  • CraftyGirl4
    CraftyGirl4 Posts: 571 Member
    I personally disagree on the protein shake action everyone seems to be crazy about. I don't think they taste good at all. Protein bars are fine if you like them, but, as those before me mentioned, try to find a few lower in sugar. I personally like the "Think Thin" Bars I buy at Whole Foods.
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