Protein or L-carnitine???

Hi there!
i want to lose weight,and i dont know what shoul i buy/use..PROTEIN OR L-CARNITINE?.which could be more effective?
i dont eat meat, milk products, and my body need protein.
please, WRITE


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Well, you could get both if you want, but the only one the body needs is protein so please, EAT THAT ONE
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    If you're asking which would be more effective in helping meet your goals since you state that your body needs protein. I'd say between protein and L-carnitine, the answer would be protein. Also, protein. Protein. Oh, and by the way....protein.
  • thank you guys.
    so i found this one , seems really nice..please, what s your opinion? should i use this one?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    For the most part, protein is protein. Don't over think it. Pick based on price and taste
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    for protien. Any one you like. Just try different brands and flavors untill you find something that you prefer. Buy it right now and start using as part of your daily diet. I mean now........stop reading this and go buy yourself some protien. Your muscles need it.
  • You should be aware that anything with the word "whey" or "casein" is a milk product.

    Actual foods are always preferable to supplements; your body is not intended to take any sort of nutrient in a stand-alone form. If you aren't eating meat (WHY?) or milk, whole eggs are an excellent source of protein, as well as fat-soluble vitamins in which you are probably deficient.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    You say you don't eat meat or milk products but the link you posted goes to a whey based product, which is a by product of milk.

    Try this one:

    - or just eat more protein in a vegan diet.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    As long as you consume whole proteins you'll be fine... but for example pea protein is not a complete protein, so you have to mix rice protein with it.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    As long as you consume whole proteins you'll be fine... but for example pea protein is not a complete protein, so you have to mix rice protein with it.

    This used to be the advice, but it has since been found that so long as you eat pulses in one meal and rice or other plant protein food later in the day then the body will take the components it needs to make up a complete protein. Having said that, most vegan meals are a combination of different protein sources anyway - so we are both kind of right.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You said that you don't eat meat or milk so some people assumed you're vegan. Are you actually vegan? Because that will affect the advice that is applicable to you. Protein is still better than L-carnitine if you need protein.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    As long as you consume whole proteins you'll be fine... but for example pea protein is not a complete protein, so you have to mix rice protein with it.

    This used to be the advice, but it has since been found that so long as you eat pulses in one meal and rice or other plant protein food later in the day then the body will take the components it needs to make up a complete protein. Having said that, most vegan meals are a combination of different protein sources anyway - so we are both kind of right.

    Eat pulses? Is that a vampire thing?
  • actually I consume/eat meat and milk products. I eat meat at weekends and i eat of course more Milk products than meat, SO im not VEGAN, but i dont like eat meat..
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    As long as you consume whole proteins you'll be fine... but for example pea protein is not a complete protein, so you have to mix rice protein with it.

    This used to be the advice, but it has since been found that so long as you eat pulses in one meal and rice or other plant protein food later in the day then the body will take the components it needs to make up a complete protein. Having said that, most vegan meals are a combination of different protein sources anyway - so we are both kind of right.

    Eat pulses? Is that a vampire thing?

    Pulse is the proper name for the family of plants that gives us lentils. Lentils can also be called pulses.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    actually I consume/eat meat and milk products. I eat meat at weekends and i eat of course more Milk products than meat, SO im not VEGAN, but i dont like facts ..

  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    actually I consume/eat meat and milk products. I eat meat at weekends and i eat of course more Milk products than meat, SO im not VEGAN, but i dont like eat meat..

    This information is contradictory to what you originally posted. Providing accurate complete information up front will usually result in more applicable responses.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    As long as you consume whole proteins you'll be fine... but for example pea protein is not a complete protein, so you have to mix rice protein with it.

    This used to be the advice, but it has since been found that so long as you eat pulses in one meal and rice or other plant protein food later in the day then the body will take the components it needs to make up a complete protein. Having said that, most vegan meals are a combination of different protein sources anyway - so we are both kind of right.

    Eat pulses? Is that a vampire thing?

    hah! can't get by without my blood fix!
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    actually I consume/eat meat and milk products. I eat meat at weekends and i eat of course more Milk products than meat, SO im not VEGAN, but i dont like eat meat..

    This information is contradictory to what you originally posted. Providing accurate complete information up front will usually result in more applicable responses.

    yes this! fat lot of good my infinite wisdom was - sheesh!

    alternatively then - don't bother with protein supplements - eat the meat, fish, eggs and milk. Far more protein than you'll need I'll guess.

    grumble ... mutter ...
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    actually I consume/eat meat and milk products. I eat meat at weekends and i eat of course more Milk products than meat, SO im not VEGAN, but i dont like eat meat..

    This information is contradictory to what you originally posted. Providing accurate complete information up front will usually result in more applicable responses.

    yes this! fat lot of good my infinite wisdom was - sheesh!

    alternatively then - don't bother with protein supplements - eat the meat, fish, eggs and milk. Far more protein than you'll need I'll guess.

    grumble ... mutter ...

    Notice I didn't fall for that when I answered about her protein choice. Come on Carl, have you ever met a vegan that didn't say "I'm a vegan"? They would never deign to say something as subtle as " I don't consume meat or milk ". Just not how they roll
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    yeah - the clue was in the OP not mentioning the eggs, but I was - so - sure.

    edit: I'm NOT a vegan - I just don't eat meat, fish, eggs or milk (much)
  • read my post, i didnt write that i am vegan!