i want to quit!!!



  • jbug5j
    jbug5j Posts: 277 Member
    Reply back on here when you step on that scale or when you notice your clothes are looser. I would love to hear an update.

    as of today, end of week 3...

    Weight: 163.8 (down 1.5 lbs)
    Waist: 32 (down 1 inch)
    Hips: 37 (down 4 inches)
    Chest: 36 (same)
    Arms: 12.5 (down .5 inches)
    Thighs: 27 (up 1 inch)

    :) kinda happy this morning. i was having a super hard time in the middle of the week but i pushed through. :)
  • some days I burn as much as 3,200 calories in a day due to exercise:

    How do you burn that many calories in a day?

    Hiking up hills for 4-5 hours with a back pack on while being a large guy and lifting weights on one day :) Remember, its not a competition or something you should try to do unless you are fit enough to do without injuring yourself! And it doesn't particularly help me when I eat half a whole large pizza and almost all 3,200 calories are back again :) The point is just: small sustainable calorie deficit is the key, not extreme calorie deficit.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I want to quit every second day. We just don't. Can't go there ever so put your big girl panties on and move more than you eat.
  • Reply back on here when you step on that scale or when you notice your clothes are looser. I would love to hear an update.

    as of today, end of week 3...

    Weight: 163.8 (down 1.5 lbs)
    Waist: 32 (down 1 inch)
    Hips: 37 (down 4 inches)
    Chest: 36 (same)
    Arms: 12.5 (down .5 inches)
    Thighs: 27 (up 1 inch)

    :) kinda happy this morning. i was having a super hard time in the middle of the week but i pushed through. :)

    That's great progress! Losing inches is actually preferable to weight, despite the tendency to focus on the scale.
  • I know nothing of T25. What I have found over the past 3 months (I have gone from a 42 to 36 waist) is that we are generally overfed and still under-nourished. So we try diet by eating worse (less nutrient dense) food, in effect, trying to starve ourselves to health. Common sense tells us that won't work in the long-term, but we try anyway. Find the best source of plant-based protein with all the essential amino acids in it. Natural source bio-available vitamins. Enzymes to help your liver metabolize. You can do this and get more healthy, and it doesn't have to be a constant battle with cravings either.