Trying this again...

Im back on the wagon. I didnt want to wait for new years. I would love some motivational friends along my journey.


  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome !
  • jennyelizabuff
    Me too! Well done for not waiting! Adding now :D
  • Lovely135
    I really had a stressful semester. I am back at it again. I want to lose 25lbs b4 spring semester starts. I know I can do it.
  • mefit87
    mefit87 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there! I'm back at things and want to stick to it this time. I'm aiming to lose 30lbs by spring time too!
  • butterflyluv0323
    Thanks all!
  • Stressful semester here too! Back at it and need some other motivational people! I'll add you
  • Mindfreak1999
    Welcome back, I could do with some more friends who will offer me support as well.
    Anybody can add me :smile:
  • KatySW6588
    Hey, I was totally the same! I didn't want to wait and put on more and use New Year as an excuse!

    Feel free to add me! MFP is amazing for support!

  • rttnme
    rttnme Posts: 14 Member
    I am trying again too! I didn't want to wait either cause I feel like if I do wait, I won't do it or I will keep putting it off. Adding you. :)
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    welcome back, the best thing to do is stick with it, I know how it is. About a month and a half I was kind of just maintaining, but refused to throw in the bag. Sometimes you have to fail to succeed.
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    Hello, I'm new to this site as well!
    I have lost 21 lbs. in the last 3 months! I started around 6 months ago at 225. Today my weigh in was 161.6
    What my husband and I have done is we've changed to eating in 8" plates, once a day. We have a coffee in the morning, IF we're hungry, maybe an egg or something small around 2pm, a coffee around 3, dinner no later than 530pm. I have to work at 630 until around 10pm, so eating after work would not only be too late, but totally wake us up! 0.0
    We're not dieting, simply eating EVERYTHING homemade AND from scratch, as little preservatives as possible. One main meal a day. On an 8" plate.
    If there are days we feel hungrier or crave something in particular, we indulge in moderation! I think if we were dieting we'd probably have lost a lot more, but we wanted to change our lifestyles, not a temporary fix where we'd probably fall off the wagon!
    I realize our methods may not be the most orthodox, but it's working for us! I'm wheelchair-bound and so "exercising" at a gym, or running, or swimming is not an option in my life. Reducing the amount of calories I was consuming was something I really needed to do for my health and because I'm not as mobile as I wish I could be. The less I weigh, the better for me!

    My husband isn't disabled but just by reducing his intake, he's gone from 226 to 184.6 (today's weigh-in) in the same amount of time as me. He does have his "food escapades" though, so he'll sneak a pastry here or there outside our home (I have celiac disease so things that aren't gluten free are a no-no for me!

    We've made a 180-degree change in our lives and lifestyle. We're happier! :)

    I wish you much success! A book that changed how we view food, how and on WHAT we eat it was "the 9-inch diet" highly recommend it!