Hi There! Let's do it together!

Hi, I am a Harley rider, mother to one daughter and grand mother to two boys, Morgan 11, Braeden 7 and twin girls 19 mos old Kaidence and Kirsten. I never want them to think of me as old! I teach individuals, families and small groups on how to have diet and lifestyle be their number one health strategy -- so of course, I have to be in the best shape of my life! I seem to be doing a better job at helping others reach their goals. Obviously, I just need what everyone needs, is the support, a coach, someone to remind me of my goals and not let me quit! Thanks, I am glad to be here!


  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    Welcome! This site is wonderful, you get so much motivation and encouragement!
  • SherryFritz
    SherryFritz Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! I am learning how to use the site and getting better tracking my food and exercise!