Advice on toning up?

Hi! Im new here. If anyone wants to know more about me, i posted on the introduction board.

I am skinny, but not toned. Im not looking for a victorias secret body (because lets face it, id have to work out HARD to get that, and im just too lazy and not looking to set extreme goals right now!) Im currently 118-120 pounds and 5'5-5'6, not sure which. Im looking to lose a few pounds (I want to be 110-115, just for personal reasons and a little wiggle room) and tone my legs/butt up mostly, but also my stomach. Im going to start going to the gym with my sister, but im not sure what machines to use for a beginner. I was thinking treadmill just to tone up my legs and get my heart rate up, but does a treadmill really tone? How long will it take? I have never exercised for longer than a week. I have no motivation and I hate it. Of course im not going to go to the gym and then load up on junk food.

Oh also, whats a good diet plan? Just stick with a normal, low cal, lots of fruits and veggies as snacks diet? Nothing special? I would like to eat healthy to improve my self worth and my attitude towards life. I literally feel like **** about everything right now.. Depressed with no ambition :(

All replies are appreciated!


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    new rules of lifting for women
    starting strength
    strong lifts

    running and cardio will not get you the body you want
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 336 Member

    Free 90 day program with videos of each workout! Awesome...

    Good luck!

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You'll need to do strength/resistance training if you want to work on body composition.

    If you have access to a gym with weights, then look into Stronglifts, AllPros, or Starting Strength. Heavy lifting with barbells is recommended for getting the most bang for your buck (so to speak).

    If you don't have access to a gym or barbell set, then consider body weight routines like You Are Own Gym, NerdFitness, or Convict Conditioning. has a really great exercise database that you can search based on equipment (or lack thereof).

    Other options:

    TRX Suspension (home edition). I believe it is about $200.

    Using sandbags

    Doing sprint training

    Using dumbbells in place of barbells. There is a Cap Barbell Dumbbell set (w/ plates) on Amazon for about $50. It is about 30-35lbs to start. You can purchase heavier plates as funds become available.

    Check out craigslist and Ebay for benches, plates, weights, etc.

    Get an Iron Gym Bar. It's about $30 on Amazon and can be used for chin-ups, pull-ups, hanging leg raises and such.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Lift weights!! That'll help with your physique more than cardio ever will.

    Don't worry about the scale weight - worry about measurements. Get your body fat tested, try to get that number to
    Decrease whilst keeping weight the same or even slightly increasing. No one is ever going to judge you or admire you because the scale says X lbs, they will on the other hand admire your body shape.

    Low calorie? Why on earth - you need fuel to support every function in your body. You need plenty of protein, FAT, and carbs. You can eat what you like, but making choices that promote better health in the body will enable you to get results and feel better overall.
  • camithecutiee
    Thank you so much everyone!! Cardio will help some though, right? Because im new at working out, i dont want to start with the super hard stuff until my heart rate is up.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!! Cardio will help some though, right? Because im new at working out, i dont want to start with the super hard stuff until my heart rate is up.

    Not sure I understand what you mean. Strength training isn't something you have to be advanced in. I would suggest including both in your weekly routine but neither has some sort of level requirement to get started in.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!! Cardio will help some though, right? Because im new at working out, i dont want to start with the super hard stuff until my heart rate is up.

    To me, cardio is hard because I hate it and don't see the point! Lifting weights is not hard because I love it :)

    You can work out with weights anytime, you pick a weight to suit you now, at this moment. Will it hurt? Maybe. It will never get easier, as you always try to better yourself and get stronger. Whether you need 2lbs or 20 lbs, you'll still be doing something positive to your body if you're working hard enough,
  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    "Toning up" is a stupid term for you want some muscle, and you want to show it off! So, get a bit of muscle on your body, then get to a low enough body fat to show it off! You're now "toned up"!

  • jessikabrook
    jessikabrook Posts: 45 Member
    Weights - lift them ;)