I'm not sweating???

Okay so this title is kinda weird.
I've been exercising a lot during this summer (as in a loooot, only had one non-exercise day from mid july to early september) and I used to sweat everytime. I stopped working out for the past 3 months because of school but sometimes exercised on saturdays. The thing I noticed is that even with my fave workout (which can be found here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocWjGpBrTjg) I just don't sweat anymore. It's way easier to be working out to this than it was in the beginning (as I lived quite a sedentary life, being out of breath quite easily) but can I really go from sweating like crazy in like 5 minutes to "just" being hot without any trace of sweat?
I work out as hard as I can everytime, and yeah, it's a HIIT routine, a long a** one on top of that.

My questions are, is it normal not to sweat? am I actually exercising or just flipflapping around like a penguin? am I burning calories or could I be watching tv the whole day and "burn" the exact same amount of calories I would have burnt if I "exercised"? am I sweating from the inside or whatevs because I sure do smell after exercising?


I'm french and I'm sorry for any weird english or weird grammar or weird anything ;_;


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Sweat is about the ambient temperature, humidity, and hydration levels as much as it's about exertion. I wouldn't use it as a guide to how many calories I'm burning.
  • dbm037
    dbm037 Posts: 125 Member
    Funny....I don't sweat tons either! I work out with a partner and we do almost the same thing, he is dripping wet and his shirt is wet. He has more weight to lose then me. I have never soaked a shirt that's for sure! In the summer my face sweats a bit more but in the winter some days I barley have to wipe my brow..
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Lucky for you - I sweat like a pig! Gross! :embarassed:
  • Trimi
    Trimi Posts: 57
    First, your English is great.

    Second, sweating is different from person to person, climate to climate, and condition to condition. Are you drinking enough water to sustain your body AND your exercises? Are you properly hydrated before AND after your workout?

    If the answer is yes, then it could be a slight change in your body and your body is choosing to release excess water not through sweat, but perhaps through urination, etc.

    I wouldn't worry about it, but would try to change up my routine a bit just to see what happens then.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Sweat has nothing to do with exertion levels. Sweat is how your body cools down when you are overheated.
  • debrakhan
    debrakhan Posts: 28 Member
    Hi not sure which group to post this to, but I am about to start kettlebell exercise, but I can't find it on this site, to see how many calories 60mins will use?? many thanks
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I used to sweat a lot when I worked out, but I don't as much anymore; I assume it's because I'm in better shape now. Either way, I wouldn't worry about it...if you moved, you burned calories. The end.:drinker:

    ETA: Your written English is better than many native speakers. Thanks for that.
  • Jaejoongies
    Jaejoongies Posts: 11 Member
    Wow thanks everyone for the replies :) (and for my english skills thing too ! :D)

    I was a little worried because most of the workout videos/articles I've done/read are saying "if you're not sweating you're not working hard enough!!!!!!!!!!!" and therefore not burning as much as I should be.

    @Trimi: I drink a loooot of tea throughout the day but tend to avoid drinking water before and during workouts. It makes me feel bloated and I can literally hear the sound of water waving around in my stomach ;_; Should I increase my water intake to make workouts more effective or...?

    Thanks a lot everyone :D