Really upset plzzz look at my diary

Hey well I joined mfp 5 weeks ago first week had a big loss if 8 pounds but since then it has been 2 lb off 1 lb off 2 lb off again and now today 1lb off which means I have list 14 pounds in 5 weeks now I know people will think that's good and it is but it is very very slow for me when I have dieted before the pounds came off a lot quicker today's loss of 1 lb gas really upset me as I have been so good all week and upped my exercise from 30 min cardio DVD to doing 1 hour each at kettlebells and boxing classes plus 30 min intense cardio I've been drinking green tea and dandelion tea all week for water retention I am looking to lose 90+ lbs and I currently weight 206lbs / 14st 10 lbs I'm female 22 and 5ft 4 inches the weight should be coming off so much quicker considering in classed as obese so could anyone take a look at my diary and let me know if I could make improvements to enhance weight loss? I should also say I changed my calories from 1200 cals to 1500 cals as I was always hungry in 1200 also on a Sunday I don't count at all and would eat about 3000 to 4000 cals with family gatherings and commitments, thanks :-)


  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    To be honest I don't know why you are beating yourself up. I started in January at 215lb (also 5'4") and have lost 42 lb to date. I'm really happy with that because this is a lifestyle not a diet!! You could lose it really quickly but the chances are it will pile back on again just as quickly. I lost 70lb 11 years ago and it took me 10 years to put it all back on again ... My own fault - too many cheese straws and other pastries from the sandwich van at work! Pastry is the only thing I avoid as I know what it does to me. I've had a look a your diary and even though you seem to enjoy your subways (nothing wrong with that) it looks fine. You're also exercising so relax and let the weight come off 1lb per week- believe you me time flies and you'll be a skinny goddess in no time :-) Enjoy life and good luck
  • Sammfp
    Sammfp Posts: 21
    Thankyou for your reply I know slow and steady is better as I've done the same in the past lost 6 stone and put 7 back on it's just I'm getting to the point of feeling extremely depressed because of the weight and with Christmas next week I feel I could easy put the 14lb back on :-( oh I love subways the sandwiches are too calorific so I stick to the salads, do you ever have a day off ? Mines is normally Sunday but the calories add up to at least 3000-4000 do you think this is too much? Sorry for asking so many questions I'm just trying to find my feet with this thanks :-)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't think you're eating enough protein or fat. Protein is required to help with recovery - you've upped your exercise and doing more resistance work. Fat is required for general health... Eating less of it won't make you lose more of it!!

    I also don't think you should be upset with your loss, slow and steady is more likely to stay off in the long term.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Leave it be. Your weight loss is right on track with the recommended healthy 1-2 pounds a week. Faster may be more satisfying in the short term, but you're not as likely to keep it off if you lose it too quickly. You have to be patient.

    As to your diary, my only recommendation would be to try to eat a little more protein. Otherwise, consistency will help a lot. Try to eat around the same amount daily. It makes it easier to plan your days as well. For "cheat" meals, I think going up to 3000-4000 calories is a bit much. That kind of large calorie intake every week is going to make you retain water and mess with the scale, which will probably upset you. Although, admittedly, it's been working for you so far, so you could just keep doing what you've been doing. Eventually, you may see your weight loss stall, and then you can cut down on the cheat meals.

    Don't stress so much about it. You're doing fine so far.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    If it comes off slowly, it will go back on slowly in the long term
    More importantly, if its coming off, no matter how much or how fast, its still coming off so you're doing it right
  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    OK, I've looked at your diary and it seems fine to me. Have you set your profile to lose 2lb a week? If you are worried about socialising over Christmas you could cut this to 1lb a week until the holidays are over and that will give you more calories to play with. You could perhaps do a bit more exercise (this has been the magic ingredient for me), an hours brisk walking or half an hour swimming will give you another 300 calories. But remember, Christmas is only two or three days, if you eat at maintenance for those days, or even go over, it will just slow you down by a few days.
    This isn't a race, you probably took years to gain the weight and it should take time to come back off - but make this the last time! That's what I'm trying to do, I don't care that I'm only losing a pound a week, I'm already the lightest I've been for 15 years and in two months time I'll be back to the weight I was when I was after my oldest son was born.....yay!
    You are doing all the right things, keep going and try to be patient. :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I wouldn't beat yourself up over this, yes being overweight (obese) can be extremely frustrating even to the point of depression. Eating large meals at events that you mentioned is not unheard of, unusual or even going to negate the progress you have made as long as you do not fall back into old habits as far as your diary I will just post some useful links for getting the most out of MFP and also how to set up a realistic plan, deficit and macro ratio.

    As long as you are consistently losing weight,seeing improvements both in the mirror and health wise there is no reason to be stressed.

    Good luck OP and remember to breath.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    do you ever have a day off ? Mines is normally Sunday but the calories add up to at least 3000-4000 do you think this is too much?
    I think you should try to figure out what your TDEE/maintenance level is and use that number as a guide for how much to eat on a "cheat day" I call it a refeed day.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    14 pounds in 5 weeks is great.

    You are not just losing weight right now, but teaching yourself discipline. Diets that caused you to lose weight quickly in the past failed you precisely because they were a quick solution.

    Right now you are gradually teaching yourself healthy eating habits. This is what will cause you to lose weight and keep it off. You could go get liposuction if you want a fast loss; you will begin putting the weight back on as soon as you have your first meal, if you have not learned moderation.

    Get comfortable and enjoy your gradual success. Because there will be weeks and sometimes months where the scale doesn't budge. Settle down.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    14 pounds in 5 weeks is great.

    You are not just losing weight right now, but teaching yourself discipline. Diets that caused you to lose weight quickly in the past failed you precisely because they were a quick solution.

    Right now you are gradually teaching yourself healthy eating habits. This is what will cause you to lose weight and keep it off. You could go get liposuction if you want a fast loss; you will begin putting the weight back on as soon as you have your first meal, if you have not learned moderation.

    Get comfortable and enjoy your gradual success. Because there will be weeks and sometimes months where the scale doesn't budge. Settle down.

    QFT! OP obviously what you did in the past was not sustainable nor resulted in a healthy retraining of your eating habits.
    Someone once defined insanity as continuing to do the same thing while expecting a different result.
  • markroddy
    I had a look at your diary, I'd recommend you set you protein intake to 1 gram per pound of lean mass and fat at 0.5 grams per pound of lean mass. These are essential macro nutrients. After that use carbs to fill in the rest of your calories.

    Do your best to hit these goals every day.

    You should aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week or approx 1% of your bodyweight.

    If you lose more than you intend increase your calories by 100-200 per day.

    If you do not lose enough increase your expenditure by 100-200 either from diet or cardio.

    As people have already stated slow weight lose is the most sustainable and also the most optimal for overall health.
    If you have any other questions id gladly answer them for you :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Sam, your current weight loss rate is a good thing. It means you have a better chance of losing fat and keeping your muscle, which means you will look firmer when you reach your goal weight - instead of smaller but still flabby.

    I agree with other posters who've said you'd be better off eating more protein. Especially at your age, when vital organs are still building, it's important to give your body the materials it needs. Also, protein and fat are generally more filling and satisfying for a longer time, so getting more of those nutrients will help you with your diet.

    It's good to fuel your workouts (with adequate protein!), but be careful not to overestimate your exercise calories. Many MFPers find those database numbers are a bit too high. That can add up and cause you to overeat when you're eating the calories back.

    Given your history of losing too quickly and regaining, I would NOT recommend using "cheat days." That approach just reinforces the old habit of dieting hard and then eating with abandon. Teach your body and mind new habits instead. Incorporate something you really enjoy into EVERY day, within your calorie goal. I eat ice cream, frozen yogurt, pizza, fries with my sandwiches, all sorts of yummy things on a daily basis. All within my daily calorie target of 1,600. The trick is not to eat mass quantities of them, and not to eat all of them all at once. If you learn to do this while you're losing weight, you will know how to eat to keep the weight off forever.

    Good luck, and be patient.
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    Hey well I joined mfp 5 weeks ago first week had a big loss if 8 pounds but since then it has been 2 lb off 1 lb off 2 lb off again and now today 1lb off which means I have list 14 pounds in 5 weeks now I know people will think that's good and it is but it is very very slow for me when I have dieted before the pounds came off a lot quicker today's loss of 1 lb gas really upset me as I have been so good all week and upped my exercise from 30 min cardio DVD to doing 1 hour each at kettlebells and boxing classes plus 30 min intense cardio I've been drinking green tea and dandelion tea all week for water retention I am looking to lose 90+ lbs and I currently weight 206lbs / 14st 10 lbs I'm female 22 and 5ft 4 inches the weight should be coming off so much quicker considering in classed as obese so could anyone take a look at my diary and let me know if I could make improvements to enhance weight loss? I should also say I changed my calories from 1200 cals to 1500 cals as I was always hungry in 1200 also on a Sunday I don't count at all and would eat about 3000 to 4000 cals with family gatherings and commitments, thanks :-)

    You lost 8 lbs of water weight in the first week, not fat. You've lost almost 3 lbs a week, even at 2 lbs a week, in 50 weeks that's 100 lbs. I suggest looking at this long-term and not a quick big drop solution.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hey well I joined mfp 5 weeks ago first week had a big loss if 8 pounds but since then it has been 2 lb off 1 lb off 2 lb off again and now today 1lb off which means I have list 14 pounds in 5 weeks now I know people will think that's good and it is but it is very very slow for me...
    You need a change of mindset..and a reality check, I'm sorry. Consistently losing 1-2 pound a week is FANTASTIC. If you expect anything faster than that, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. If you have lost a lot faster than that in the past (aside from week one) then you were either a) heavier at the time or b) starving yourself.
    I am looking to lose 90+ lbs and I currently weight 206lbs / 14st 10 lbs I'm female 22 and 5ft 4 inches the weight should be coming off so much quicker considering in classed as obese
    no, it should not be coming off so much quicker. There's a reason that MFP only suggests weight loss rates of up to 2 pounds a week, that's what is healthy, unless you are very obese.
    I should also say I changed my calories from 1200 cals to 1500 cals as I was always hungry in 1200 also on a Sunday I don't count at all and would eat about 3000 to 4000 cals with family gatherings and commitments
    I'm not sure if I get you right here...are you saying that you do not log at all on sundays, and estimate that you eat 3000-4000 calories on that day?. Nothing wrong with having a day a week for a treat meal but...not logging your food and estimating that you are eating that much (and people usually underestimate) will absolutely undermine your progress.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Punctuation is your friend.

    Sorry, couldn't get through your post.
  • alisoun9
    Slow and steady!!! Can't stress it enough! Gives your skin time to tighten up as you lose the weight. If you lose weight too quickly, your skin looks like a melted candle.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    First of all, if you've yo-yo dieted from losing a lot of weight quickly, what makes you think this is ideal? Slower weight loss will make it easier to maintain after you hit your goal weight, as long as you keep logging.

    For special occasions when I know it'll be too hard to diet, I change my goal to maintenance and log everything. You'll gain weight if you go past your maintenance calorie budget, so even for holiday parties and Sundays, you shouldn't eat above maintenance or you'll be undoing all your hard work!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hey well I joined mfp 5 weeks ago first week had a big loss if 8 pounds but since then it has been 2 lb off 1 lb off 2 lb off again and now today 1lb off which means I have list 14 pounds in 5 weeks now I know people will think that's good and it is but it is very very slow for me when I have dieted before the pounds came off a lot quicker today's loss of 1 lb gas really upset me as I have been so good all week and upped my exercise from 30 min cardio DVD to doing 1 hour each at kettlebells and boxing classes plus 30 min intense cardio I've been drinking green tea and dandelion tea all week for water retention I am looking to lose 90+ lbs and I currently weight 206lbs / 14st 10 lbs I'm female 22 and 5ft 4 inches the weight should be coming off so much quicker considering in classed as obese so could anyone take a look at my diary and let me know if I could make improvements to enhance weight loss? I should also say I changed my calories from 1200 cals to 1500 cals as I was always hungry in 1200 also on a Sunday I don't count at all and would eat about 3000 to 4000 cals with family gatherings and commitments, thanks :-)
    Adjust your expectations, unless you want to lose a lot of lean mass along with the fat.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Punctuation is your friend.

    Sorry, couldn't get through your post.

    Same here.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Losing 1-2lbs a week.



    You'll be just fine, adjust your expectations, not your diet. You lost weight faster in the past, but you obviously failed and put it back on, right? Why are you so anxious to repeat that scenario?