Share your "tricks" for staying on track.



  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    1. Logging everything honestly. Even if I go WAAAAAAAY over.

    2. Nothing but water and decaffeinated tea after 8PM. Night snacking was my nemesis, so I just nixed it all together.

    3. At least 1 gallon of water a day.

    4, Food scale. It forces me to see what a true portion size looks like.

    5. Fun workouts. Most of the time, I strap on my HRM and dance around like a maniac to my fave songs. I look up and 40 minutes have passed, and I've burned 400 calories.

    6. Eat everything I like in moderation. And finding healthier recipes for my favorite dishes.

    7. Breaking my ultimate goal into 20 lb mini-goals. I have a lot of weight to lose, so it helps to not have to think about the entire #.

    8. Keeping a journal. My weight is tied to a lot of emotional trauma from my childhood, so I keep a journal of whatever I'm feeling. It helps me connect the dots between my emotional state and my eating patterns.