Nervous to post my logs

I'm new to this site and just made some new friends. I joined a long time ago but never used my account until today. I only decided halfway through the day that I was going to try again to get fit. Being honest with myself, I logged in what I ate today (a ton of junk food, darn you holidays!) and I just feel embarrassed. I know that tomorrow will be a better day but it worries me that the friends I've made might judge me or think I'm not serious about losing weight...I know, it's silly...but Day One anxiety is creeping up and discouraging me. Help!


  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    Don't be embarrassed, be proud that you were honest and logged everything. The whole point of logging is to own everything you eat. Those who only log their good days are just fooling themselves. I know as I logged everything I started making better choices too eventually.
  • rie_q
    rie_q Posts: 73
    I'm logging everything coming into the holidays... Knowing full well that I will overeat and eat a ton of junk. The only day I won't be logging is Christmas Day, because I plan on being too drunk to operate my phone :drinker:

    And maybe NYE night, for the same reason :drinker:
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    If they're judging you, you have the wrong friends. :)

    I say make yourself accountable and log. If you're ashamed of what you're eating, maybe that's enough to provide motivation for you to improve tomorrow.
  • Paula038
    Paula038 Posts: 42 Member
    We all have days like that. I spent the day in the ER with a sick child, and brought junk snacks to make everyone feel better. And now I have nowhere near enough calories to even come close to my protein target for the day, which is my primary target, so it is a big fail. We have all been there. If anyone judges you, dump them!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Log it all, the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. If you don't like the bad and ugly, but see it out there, you'll be more likely to avoid them. That's my experience, anyway! (All one month of it!)

    I like logging everything because a lot of things I think are really healthy but when I log them, omgoodness, I freak out! I've been able to make some better decisions and I am slowly replacing my "tool" foods (Special K, Slim Fast, etc.) with real food choices.

    I want to be healthy for life, not just for a while, so being hyper-aware is a huge deal for me.

    Good luck and grats on the life change!
  • robbienjill
    robbienjill Posts: 456 Member
    Don't be embarrassed! I've eaten junk all day it seems for the last few weeks. Enjoy the holidays, but be true to yourself. I've always been a fitness /health junkie, but truth be told...I'm starting all over again too! Hang in there and we will take this journey together!

    Jill xo
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I have found logging of itself to be a really useful tool. It makes you realise how many calories you are consuming and the calorific value of the foods that you eat and make some really useful comparisons.

    Even if you just start by eating as you normally do but logging everything for a week. Then sit down and study your food log and work out what adjustments you can make (what high calorie foods you can eat less of and what lower calorie foods you can swap them for) it's a start.

    Probably your friends aren't judging you, you are judging you and one's self is always one's harshest critic. Real friends won't judge you - they will support you and cheer you on.
  • Accountability drives improvement. Keeping track of what you've had will only serve to be that extra little something to keep you on your path to the better you. Keep doing what you're doing, working hard and being honest with yourself.
    You can't get to your destination if you don't keep track of where you are.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    If you're embarrassed, you can change your settings to where your completed diary will not post to your newsfeed. Or even just don't bother hitting "complete"
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I log it all. My friends don't judge, they encourage.
  • I'm your friend. I won't judge you.

    We're all here because we messed up somewhere along the way. Judgmental people should take a look at themselves before speaking nonsense to someone they don't know from the comfort of a computer screen.

    With that said, opening your food diary helps you. It makes you accountable. Others can scan it for suggestions *if you ask for their help,* which can be a great tool to make changes.

    You have nothing to be embarrassed about.
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    Don't be embarrassed, be proud that you were honest and logged everything. The whole point of logging is to own everything you eat. Those who only log their good days are just fooling themselves. I know as I logged everything I started making better choices too eventually.
    In your weight loss you should only be accountable to yourself and your health!!
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    Being honest enough to post your day regardless of what you have eaten is a step in the right direction. Once you've started sharing then others can help and you also will be more likely to watch what you eat yourself to avoid possibly letting others down.
    Nothing happens overnight so just keep your head up and let's get started. You can do this. Let me know if you need any help.
  • accendo
    accendo Posts: 66 Member
    Log it all, I do! My friends don't judge me! You are only hurting yourself by not logging properly. Keep your chin up and remember tomorrow is a whole new day with a clean slate. Also I tend to look at my calories over the entire week and not focus so intently on each day.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Being honest with myself, I logged in what I ate today (a ton of junk food, darn you holidays!) and I just feel embarrassed.

    No matter what you did (or think you did), there are lots of people who ate more.

    Nobody is going to judge your food diary. :smile:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    dont be embarassed. i ate mexico yesterday and posted. i also had a daty where i ate nothing but mcgriddles and a 5 pounds of ummie bears.

    hopefully the people on your friend's list are looking at the whole picture of what you eat and not deriding you for 1 off day.

    also i think it's a good idea to decouple shame, pride or any type of value judgment type emotions from food. you ate what you ate, it is what it is and we're here to log, so log it and post it and move on :smile:
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    We all have off days and we are human.