Scale is not moving!!!What is going on?!?!

So for the last two weeks I have been strength training with a personal trainer and doing cardio on top of it. I was trying not to go on the scale because I get discouraged when I see the numbers. But I went on anyways out of curiosity the other day and the numbers are the same!!! I haven't been over eating and have been making healthier choices. I do however see my belly toning a bit and my thighs too. Am I just burning fat and gaining muscle? Is that why I don't see a drop on the scale yet??

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  • burtnyks
    burtnyks Posts: 124 Member
    I have heard that when you initially start weight training that your muscles will flood with glycogen which can increase weight. If you are just starting out weight lifting it could be due to that. I doubt that its actual muscle weight at this point. Women typically gain 0.5 lb of muscle per month.....and that is if you are doing everything right--> eating above maintenance and lifting heavy weights.
  • ItzShoTime
    ItzShoTime Posts: 50 Member
    So if I'm burning fat, but gaining muscle, that may be the reason the scale isn't moving yet? Any other insight?
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I've found, by logging my weight every day and referring to my MFP chart, that for the first two weeks of each month, I flatline. Often, during these two weeks, I'll even bounce up and down, but never down enough to be an overall loss. Then in the second two weeks of each month, I have a satisfying drop. It really helps that I see this pattern so I don't get discouraged as it repeats and I flatline again.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you're not gaining muscle. it's more than likely related to water retention due to you starting a new exercise program.

    also you're a bit vague on your eating. you say that you havent overeating and you're making healthy choices. what exactly does that mean calorie wise ?if you're still eating at or over your maintenance you wont lose weight no matter how "healthy" the food is. are you accurately logging what you're eating?
  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    burtnyks is correct. When you first start strength training your muscles fill with glycogen and store more water so thats most likely the cause

    Dont get discouraged though.

    If your strength training too then you are wanting your weight to go up. The whole 'gaining muscle while losing fat' reason for the cale not moving is a myth. It is extremely difficult and unlikely for that to happen as to gain muscle you need a cal surplus and to lose fat you need a cal deficit.
    So dont be saddened by the scale increasing if your goal is to gain muscle
  • rezn8
    rezn8 Posts: 263 Member
    I been through it myself and also help some others. Let me know if I can help. It is quite normal to hold or gain when you first start strength training.
  • SingForFun
    SingForFun Posts: 4 Member
    There are so many factors to weight loss, i.e. thyroid issues, hormone issues, how our body metolizes fat and other nutrients, how much imflammation is in the body, if a person is eating allergens, etc, etc,etc. How I wish I knew the answer to this question since I for one do not believe it is always so easy for certain people to just drop pounds when they are doing the "right" things like eating the "proper" amount of calories and healthy foods, and exercising in the "proper" amount. If you haven't lost anything in the next two weeks, perhaps you could get tested for foods that you are allergic to since that will hold the weight on for one thing. Hang in there.