Mensturating - can anyone help/relate

Hi there, haven't had a natural period since 2005, put on birth pill which destroyed my body and I piled the weight on so much that it was a stone a year! Came off the pill, no periods so went to fertility hospital and they prescribed me other medications. I fell pregnant in august, miscarried in September.

After this tragedy I decided that it was my own fault and started a diet in which I have lost 4 stone on to date. This is alongside exercise too.

Friday, I started bleeding 105 days after my miscarriage which was a huge shock. It's been very light and not actual full flow.

Is this a result of my losing weight. Can other ladies relate to my issue?

This is good but I want to know what's happening with my body. I am still obese but going down! I was 21stone in January, I am now 16.5stone :-D


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    see a doctor
  • cherrybomb526
    cherrybomb526 Posts: 13 Member
    see a doctor

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    See a doctor. It's possible that your weight loss has helped regulate your hormones and that you ovulated and this might be your period. I doubt the doctor can tell you either way at this point in your cycle but layer on he might be able to tell whether you ovulate again this cycle using blood tests and ultrasound.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    Talk to a doctor, and consider learning to track your cycles to help you become more familiar with your body. While it's not as easy or neat to chart, this can be especially beneficial to women who have irregular cycles because it helps you understand your body and it's patterns or lack of.
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    I am not a physician, however, I do have a bachelors in the health care field.. it is very common for things such as weigth and stress to cause a delay or cessation of menstration. Due to weight loss it is very likely you have slowly brought on balance of your hormones and likely lowered any internal stress factors allowing for your body to start "working" properly again. This does not mean you are having ovulatory cycles at this time, more likely than not they are anovulatory (no egg release) and they will slowy return to ovulatory once your body has fully corrected itself, also note that they may not stay consistant as of yet as you mentioned you are still "obese", but the hard work you are putting in now can certainly change that. Speak to your gynocologist inorder to put any health issues to rest, but I'm sure you will find that this is a healthy and welcome change due to weight loss!
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    Clinical experience with similar situations: definitely see your gynecologist, or primary care physician.

    May just be your body adjusting to the hormonal fluctuations related to the miscarriage, previous history, and/or the weight loss. May be something that requires more care.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I have heard of periods stopping because the person is underweight or overweight. Then as they gain weight/lose weight they get them back. This could be the case but as others said please see your doctor just to make sure everything is okay. Sorry about your miscarriage also <3 I hope you can have a baby in the future
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    see a doctor
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I am not a physician, however, I do have a bachelors in the health care field.. it is very common for things such as weigth and stress to cause a delay or cessation of menstration. Due to weight loss it is very likely you have slowly brought on balance of your hormones and likely lowered any internal stress factors allowing for your body to start "working" properly again. This does not mean you are having ovulatory cycles at this time, more likely than not they are anovulatory (no egg release) and they will slowy return to ovulatory once your body has fully corrected itself, also note that they may not stay consistant as of yet as you mentioned you are still "obese", but the hard work you are putting in now can certainly change that. Speak to your gynocologist inorder to put any health issues to rest, but I'm sure you will find that this is a healthy and welcome change due to weight loss!

    If she was having ovulatory cycles 4 months ago BEFORE losing any weight, then it is definitely not "more likely than not" that she has lost her fertility after dropping down to a healthier weight. It's possible, but there is absolutely not enough information here to support it as the most likely scenario. You should not be using your degree to dispense unqualified medical advice. By the way, the way that I know it's unqualified is that a qualified physician would never try to diagnose someone with this little information over the internet.
  • Scorpioprincess01
    I chart my temperatures etc for fertility. But was only wondering if weight loss would've caused it come on spontaneously. I do not ovulate. I haven't ovulated since august (where I conceived) that's why I take medication (which won't resume until January). I am not back at doctors/gynae till January. Their orders.

    Just wanted to know if anyone else could relate