Greetings and Salutations

My apologies if this rambles a bit; just quite nervous posting for the first time.

Decided to join MFP a while ago on the talk of a couple friends but they have since dropped off. I did as well and only recently came back at the urging of my doctor. It's very difficult going this alone and would really be grateful for some MFP buddies. I feel it necessary to state that I am diagnosed Major Depressive Disorder and anxiety and tend to have more negative self-talk over positive but this too is something that's in the works. It's all baby steps from here.

On a brighter note, I love art, Arabic music, and ancient history. Affirmations are my friends and I enjoy watching butterflies. :)


  • KristinGreen1981
    You are not alone honey. We are all here to get fit be healthy and be held accountable. We are in this together and we can do it.
  • akoorn1982
    akoorn1982 Posts: 152 Member
  • jessjcox
    You are not alone honey. We are all here to get fit be healthy and be held accountable. We are in this together and we can do it.

    I apologize about that. I meant outside the computer I am alone in this (at least right now). I am utterly terrified to go out to try and meet people for a support group to get fit. So I am hoping very much to meet people here to at least feel supported. :)

    Thank you! <3