I Did It!

I usually avoid eating out because I have a tendency to over eat a lot , to the point were I feel nauseous. I was out an about today and my son got hungry, so of course I decided I better feed him because we weren't done with our errands. He wanted Chinese so I stopped at the Chinese place in the mall and of course they always give you a ton of food. I got us both kids meals and even though it was hard and I took two bites more then I should have I ended up just throwing the rest that was on my plate away,about half of it. I was full but not uncomfortably so!


  • JustMeee333
    Well done you, personally I just can't resist Chinese food. So, good on you! :flowerforyou:
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    Good job; but instead of throwing it away; save it for left over meal (I especially like mine for breakfast with an egg scrambled into the rice and/or veggies.
  • AprilTom
    AprilTom Posts: 27 Member
    Good job; but instead of throwing it away; save it for left over meal (I especially like mine for breakfast with an egg scrambled into the rice and/or veggies.
    I didn't think about that, its a good idea though. I don't know if I could have done that though, my son takes a long time to eat and if I didn't throw it away I probably would have been taking bites here and there :( will power I have little of, but I'm working on it.
  • Rosyone
    Rosyone Posts: 74 Member
    Good job; but instead of throwing it away; save it for left over meal (I especially like mine for breakfast with an egg scrambled into the rice and/or veggies.
    I didn't think about that, its a good idea though. I don't know if I could have done that though, my son takes a long time to eat and if I didn't throw it away I probably would have been taking bites here and there :( will power I have little of, but I'm working on it.

    I ask for a takeout container with the meal, then divide it in half before I start eating. That way I end the meal with a closed container and an empty plate.
  • pusheen12
    pusheen12 Posts: 192 Member
    Now that you know you can you will from now on I bet.