15kg/33lbs in 5 months?


I have recently gained almost 10kg/18lbs in 2-3 months and I really want to loose the weight. I wasn't really fit before I gained that weight either so my goal is to lose about 15kg/33lbs, preferably by the end of May/start of June. I am 166cm and my goal weight is about 65kg (5'5" and 143lbs) wich I have heard is a healthy goal for someone with my height.
I know that this won't be done over night and have recently joined a gym. I am planning on going to the gym everyday except for Tuesdays and Sundays because I have football then (not very high intensity though). I want to do a lot of interval cardio because that would benefit me on the football pitch as well as it's good for burning fat (correct me if I'm wrong). I have looked at Tabata cardio with 20 sec full sprint and 10 sec rest ten times, but I am not sure if I should do this every day I'm at the gym or if I should mix it with some other type of cardio.

So far this is what I have planned
monday - legs and butt + cardio
tuesday - football
wednesday - abs and chest(mostly abs) + cardio
thursday - legs and butt + cardio
friday - arms and back + cardio
saturday - abs and chest(mostly abs) + cardio
sunday - football

My gym is not very big so if anyone have some tips for exercises I would really appreciate it. I know that you have to watch what you eat, but I can't start doing a strict diet because I am not the boss of what we have for dinner and breakfast (still live at home) I can only control my lunch.

So do you think it is possible to loose 15kg/33lbs in just under 5 months? And do you have any tips for me? Any tips are helpful!


  • target_XX0
    target_XX0 Posts: 28 Member
    No rest period for the body, makes me think it will be very difficult.