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Doing horrible !!

Ok ya'll when I first started MFP I was doing awsome measuring everything and making really good choices. I messed up around trick or treat time and have been messed up ever since. I just can't seem to get back on track, and it's so hard. I cannot go anywhere to exercise and to try and do it home with a 10 month old seems almost impossible. Maybe I can't lose weight, maybe I'm just meant to feel ugly and fat for the rest of my life. When I did lose my first 3 lbs. (its been 6 all together) Nothing changed, not my clothes nothing!! I know that it's a process and a change of lifestyle...but I just don't know how to do it. Im the type of person when I want something to happen I want it then, I want to see results...Well now I have messed my self up so bad..I don't think I will ever see results. Has anyone else had success, but had as many set backs as I have ? Just right now Im not feeling good..and feel like I am the only one. Thanks for reading.:sad:


  • Don't beat yourself up; you are doing really well. Just start logging in again and tracking regularly. Hang in there! :)
  • padbh
    padbh Posts: 40
    The good news as I see it, you have a beautiful baby! Do you have a stroller, just start walking, and make it your first goal to move. you have to be patient with yourself. You deserve it! Make other small goals you can do. whatever works for you, no candy, no sugar, or a certain number of calories and dont make it too low. Just start somewhere! You can do it, and you will not do it all at once, just accept that! Best Wishes for you.
  • Disciplined74
    Disciplined74 Posts: 298 Member
    I TOTALLY could have written those exact words today.

    The only think I can figure is that - sugar begs for more sugar.

    I have not eaten any candy today and my body is going NUTS. It is screaming.

    I'm trying to treat it like a child throwing a temper tantrum and I'm not giving in right now. I figure it will take a few days to get out of my system and then I'll be ok.

    Here are my suggestions - I'm not a proponent of soda but if you have a diet drink It will satisfy the craving for sugar you have. Also, try some sugar free gum.

    I used to teach smoking cessation and one of the things we had them try was cinnamon stuff - cinnamon gum, cinnamon mouthwash, cinnamon toothpaste. It helps to mask the need. Plus gum in my mouth is pacifing the need to have something in mouth.

    I wish you the best. I know this is a hard time.

    My prayers are with you.
  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Here is exercise you can do WITH the 10 month old. Pick him up and hold him at arms length in front of you. Start using your body to write the alphabet with him. Use your arms and torso for the side-to-side, and you legs/knees for the up and down. For example, start the capital A by bending your knees and turning to the left to start at the bottom of one leg of the letter, come up to standing straight before doing the other leg of the A, then come back up to cross it.

    This works tons of muscles, including your core. You don't have to worry about him getting into something while you are exercising, he will probably end up giggling and loving it, if you say the letters out loud he might learn his alphabet early, and you have built-in increasing weight as he grows. :smile:

    If you get tired of the alphabet, try numbers, shapes, whatever else you can think of...
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    Take it one day at a time and implement little changes. E.g. today, just today, I'm going for a walk, or today I am going to drink two ltrs of water, or today I am going to eat a massive salad. It's not a sprint it's a marathon. If you focus on today, rather than the
    "end" then you will find new habits forming :) You CAN do this x
  • I can see from your photo that you are definitely not UGLY! and your baby is so precious. Mine are now 13 and 10 - when did that happen?

    It takes time for weight to come off - it goes on much faster than it comes off. You have to convince your body that the lower calories, higher activity are normal and eventually, your body will stop resisting you. You will find that you will lose, and then hit a plateau. You have to break through to lose again. Just stick with it and you will see results. When my kids were babies, the best way for me to exercise was to put them in the stroller and go for a walk. It is great for both of you! Now that it's colder, just bundle the baby up - he or she will be fine and will really enjoy the time outside. I have been on a long hiatus myself and am just getting back to it. Good luck to you!
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    You can do this!!!!! Don't be so hard on yourself.We all slip .It ok just start by taking away small things like sugar then do it for a week and do salt. for one week then ..... fats like that. Take small steps and exercise at home in small blocks. Do 3 ten mins. workouts or do 3 15 mins blocks that way you can get something in. tc good luck
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    Oh sweetie, you are so hard on yourself.:noway: We all slip up. I am kinda worried that my weigh in Monday will be a disappointment because I messed up this last week. But I haven't given up and you shouldn't either!!! You can do it. You need to think positive thoughts! Start over fresh and new every day. :flowerforyou:
  • zumbalori
    zumbalori Posts: 21 Member
    Oh my goodness, YES I have had setbacks!!! I lost 70 lbs in about 3 years then gained 20 back last year when I got really sick then broke a toe and couldn't work out for months. I am back on track now, have lost 13 of the 20, but that has been from May til now. This time around, it's coming off slow. I went a little crazy on Halloween too. Ate 2 cupcakes and a sugar cookie plus all kinds of lil candy bars at a party. But, the next day and since, I've been doing great. Don't beat yourself up, we all mess up every now and then, but we just keep going. One bad day, or even a whole bad week isn't the end of the world, it's just a lil set back that you can totally bounce back from!

    Good luck and as others have said, just making those little changes, and letting them add up to a change in lifestyle, eventually, really works best.
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    be patient with yourself. you're not perfect and don't expect this journey to be either. if you fall off the wagon, start over. what would you tell your kid if they said something like this to you and wanted to give up. you wouldn't let them but would encourage them to keep moving forward despite the obstacles. you do the same. mess up, learn, keep moving forward. don't stress too much either. :)
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Don't feel alone. Don't give up. There have been countless times for me.

    I was a thin person.....once.

    I have also buried a child due to stillbirth. Depression had me nailed to the wall. I felt I was worthless. I blew up to 300 lbs. I have had two major surgeries and one minor surgery. I have beaten cancer 3 times now. I was diagnosed *kitten* gene positive 18 years ago.

    I lost weight, I gained, I lost, I gained, I lost......I got down to 145lbs 7 years ago. I now have polyps growing in my stomach. The medication they put me on caused me to regain. Before I knew it I was climbing rapidly towards the 200 mark. I started having dizzy spells and passing out. I am now borderline Hypoglycemic, due to my last surgery for a tumor in my pancreas.

    I got myself pulled together again. It has taken me over a year but I have lost 30 of the 55 gained.

    3 weeks ago I broke my little pinkie toe. I tape it up and keep right on going. Even though it hurts like a B - - - - !

    We did not put this weight on overnight, it will not go away overnight.

    How I did it? Moderation, portion control, saying no thanks to seconds, Not depriving myself of something I really, really wanted but keeping it down to a smaller amount.

    Where there is a will there is a way. Start doing little exercises when the baby is napping. Maybe bundle him up and go for a walk.
  • howardrw
    howardrw Posts: 80 Member
    As you know trying to lose weight, is so much more mental than it is physical.
    Try if you can to do something for 10 minutes a day, just to get back started.
    Also try to cut your calorie intake down week by week until you are where you feel comfortable.
    My suggestion to try to take it one day at a time at the beginning, then move to one week at a time.
    Like I stated in the first sentence, so much of losing weight is keeping mentally focus.
    It is ok to lose that focus, just try and recapture it. Kind of like something in a bottle that you lose and want to get it back in.

    I have fallen off the wagon so many times, I lost count. Now I am trying to stay focus not only for today, but for the rest of my life.
    That is what you will have to learn that this is something that you will have to stay focus on for the rest of your life, if you wish to stay the course.

    So try and get that focus back and keep the "FAITH", We at MFP know that you can do it, you did it before, so you can do it again, but this time we will help you stay focus.
  • Steph_Anie
    Steph_Anie Posts: 82 Member
    Start thinking about how it makes you feel instead of looking for differences! My proudest moment was when I could slide down the slide with my girls! Take your little one to the park and play and keep moving, put him in the stroller and walk, make him part of your routine. You can do this!
  • you'r not the only one i have to count myself in to! just hang on and you can do it
  • You guys here at MFP are great !! Thanks so much for the kind words and motivation. I am going to try harder, it's just been hard.
  • NicCa90
    NicCa90 Posts: 37 Member
    Whenever i feel like this i always think..it cant get any worse unless i let this one slip up happen over and over..if I decide right now to start counting calories and eating within my calorie goal I cant gain anymore weight..you know..it cant get any worse right?
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    It's a journey, not a sprint. Slow and steady wins the race. One day at a time.
  • I've had more set backs than I have had victories in my diet life so I know how you feel...I haven't gone through what you did but I have battled with depression and had to deal with some pretty horrible things. And now you have been blessed with a beautiful baby boy that deserves a happy and healthy mom.

    I agree with the other posters pick yourself up and start tracking again..Just being aware of what you eat from day to day does wonders to keep you on track (at least it has for me). Don't worry so much about what you put in your mouth as how much you do if that helps..

    I found that diet coke is a big trigger for me...don't know what it is but it seems to lead me down to path of horrible eating habits so I completely swore it off when I decided to join MFP. I haven't sworn off sweets but I'm making some better choices and trying to fit them in to my daily calories..Some things I've discovered I like alot (in moderation of course)

    Nature Vally Granola thins 80 cals its a small wafer with a light layer of dark choclate very sweet and crunchy too
    Sara Lee Cheesecake bites 20 cals a bite (I have trouble controling myself with these guys but they are YUMMY)
    Hot Cocoa (you have to watch the calories on the label I accidentally picked up one by cold stone creamery that is 140 a searving)
    Mini Marshmellow- A handful about 100 cals
    Apple Dippers -Not sure the official name I buy them pre packaged at Walmart little pricey but the serving size of carmel keeps me in check -only 80 cals

    I'm sure theirs a million more I haven't tried..the point is I do endulge every day but I watch my calories, I'm set at 1200 and not always but sometimes they throw me over...which is usually great incentive for me to go for an evening walk...Usually 30-40 minutes gets me back within range..

    And I know this sounds super corny...I went to a seminar once where the guy had us look in a little mirror and sing You are so beautiful to me. ..OK I don't do that (I laughed more than sang) but I DO like my eyes and it taught me to concentrate on the things I do like about myself when I look in the mirror rather than the things I don't..