300 lbs and no more!

Hey everybody! My name is Yvonne and I am a wife to an awesome husband and homeschooling mom to 6 amazing kids ages 15 down to 6 months. I have been slowly gaining and watching the scale go up and up and up over the years. I'm done watching it go up. I just hit 300 lbs and so I'm done. I don't like the way I feel or look, so time to make a change. I really want to change and feel better about myself. I really need support and friendship along this journey.
We live in a very cold, snowy tiny town and I'm worried about hw to get exercise in. There are no gyms and its too cold to exercise outside. In the house I have all the kids and it is pretty impossible. I dont know if it is possible to loose weight without exercise? Anyhow, here I am. My first goal is to reach 250 lbs.


  • misskariw
    misskariw Posts: 171 Member
    I think it's great that you are thinking about how to get to where you want to be. You don't need a gym to exercise. Can you do it before the kids wake up or after they go to bed? Can the older kids help watch the littles for an hour or so? Mom needs time to take care of herself. If you can't seem to find time for anything else, march in place while you make a healthy and delicious meal for your family. Pace back and forth while you hang and fold laundry. Don't sit down to watch tv, or sit on the floor and do some gentle yoga or stretching exercises (you're gonna need the stretching anyway.) It's not as much fun, but you can pace the floors in your house to get in some walking if you need to. Any movement is better than no movement. Do you have stairs? Go up and down them as much as you can. Standing burns more than sitting, walking burns more than standing. You've got a whole community here to support you! YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • befitlon
    befitlon Posts: 30 Member
    Hi! you can do Zumba or taebo for beginners at home... there's a lot over youtube.. do these together with your kids.. like you are just playing with them.. =) the important thing is to burn calories.. little steps mean a lot.. =) ahmm..also stay away from rubbish foods... =) start to eat clean foods... =) hope these pointers will help.. goodluck =)
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    You don't have to work out/exercise to lose weight. Just eat at a deficit. Let MFP calculate how many calories you need per day based on your activity and that will get you started. Log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. You will lose if you log properly. If you can find time for walks and maybe some Zumba, which even at 320 lbs (my heaviest), I was able to do. Log everything.
  • welcome mam!
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    You don't need exercise to lose. You just need a calorie deficit.

    That being said, exercise helps in lots of ways. How cold? How snowy? I live in Alaska... I'm outside almost every day. You work hard enough and you'll stay warm. Just keep exposed skin to a minimum and you'll be fine.

    I was 300# a year ago and I started here to lose "a little" weight. Had no idea I'd be able to lose 90#. Just be honest with your logging to eat less and try to move more.
  • yrossell
    yrossell Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to look on youtube for some Zuba videos. I'm am really excited with doing this. I plan to eat good foods and I hope to drag my 400 lb husband along with me on this journey.
    You don't need exercise to lose. You just need a calorie deficit.

    That being said, exercise helps in lots of ways. How cold? How snowy? I live in Alaska... I'm outside almost every day. You work hard enough and you'll stay warm. Just keep exposed skin to a minimum and you'll be fine.

    I was 300# a year ago and I started here to lose "a little" weight. Had no idea I'd be able to lose 90#. Just be honest with your logging to eat less and try to move more.

    We live at 7,000 ft above sea level on a mountain in Utah. It's -3 here right now with a high of about 17-22 during some days. My problem isn't me though. It's having the kiddos outside. I can't go alone. I have lots of little children and we homeschool, so they are with me all day. Anyhow, like Isaid earlier..I'm going to try Zumba in the house and definitely track my calories.
  • Hello! Feel free to add me if you want :) Try doing at home workout DVDs or maybe invest in some weights and cardio equipment - it's worth it!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    "You don't need exercise to lose. You just need a calorie deficit."
    So much of this! ^^

    I'd love to be pals! I started out at 316, my lowest weight was 199 but I'm back up to 203, almost 24 weeks pregnant though. Anyway, I never did exercise, hauling my tush around was enough exercise for me and honestly it wasn't until around 225lbs where I thought "Hey, I DO want to go for a 10k walk around the river!" Now I feel crabby if I don't do 30 minutes of something each day. I also live in a cold and snowy place, Norway. There's no bad weather, only bad clothes. =)
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    You don't need exercise to lose. You just need a calorie deficit.

    That being said, exercise helps in lots of ways. How cold? How snowy? I live in Alaska... I'm outside almost every day. You work hard enough and you'll stay warm. Just keep exposed skin to a minimum and you'll be fine.

    I was 300# a year ago and I started here to lose "a little" weight. Had no idea I'd be able to lose 90#. Just be honest with your logging to eat less and try to move more.

    I agree with this. You can still definitely get outside this time of year where you live (which is currently visible in your profile) so long as you are dressed appropriately. I run outside every day, even in sub zero temperatures. If running is not your exercise of choice, shoveling snow, skiing, or snowboarding might be other options to consider.

    That being said, there is plenty you can do at home as well. What is your budget? You can buy a treadmill and dumbbells or you can save money by watching exercise videos on YouTube and doing body weight exercises for free.

    As others have said you can lose weight without exercise. Of course exercise is still a good thing for reasons other than losing weight! You want to live a long healthy life and exercising is one way of furthering that objective.

    Having a goal is great. I recommend setting a goal that you can maintain for the long term. Track everything that you eat accurately and the results will follow.

    Good luck!
  • dachic4
    dachic4 Posts: 19 Member
    I dont live in a cold place nor have i ever -but i can imagine there are a ton of snow related work out. clearing pathways. making snowballs. salting the drive way. sledding with the kids. do the neighbors driveways. if you have stairs, up and down you go - with the baby on your back. i like stair suicides - up two stairs then back down. up five stairs then back down. up 8 stairs then back down then all the way to the top. without the baby at first then with the baby strapped on.

    Just a couple of things i could think up.
  • laceyfowler
    laceyfowler Posts: 127 Member
    Welcome! You've found the right place to get lots of support on your way to getting healthy!

    First, as many have said, you don't necessarily have to exercise to get healthy; you just have to have a calorie deficit.

    That being said, exercise can REALLY help you to feel and be healthier overall, in the long run. I would really encourage you to get your kids involved in exercising with you at least part of the time, however you can. This will help them get started on healthy habits that can help them their entire lifetimes :-)

    Also, eating a calorie deficit sounds simple, but it can take some work because calories sneak into our diets in all sorts of ways! If you're new at the idea of counting calories, just ask questions - many of us are happy to help :-)

    Best of luck - you can do this!

    ~ Lacey
  • befitlon
    befitlon Posts: 30 Member
    yey! goodluck.. Try Persian Zumba.. it is so easy to follow... =) please update me if you're already starting... =)
  • 2720cynthia
    2720cynthia Posts: 45 Member
    I'm a homeschool mom of 4 in Idaho and lost without any exercise. Ideally you could do something with your kids, even playing games indoors. To me, tracking my food is more important for weight loss than exercise. Feel free to friend me!
  • Calorie Reduction will definitely work. I have severe back problems due to car accident and I am on disability. Therefore exercise has not been easy for me. I am 60 years old and spent almost a year and half in bed and gained over 100 pounds. Just this summer I decided to fight back and get up and start moving. I started with a walker and now I am using a cane. I am at 308 pounds and moving forward. I am also a diabetic and my AIC was at 11.6 and if any of you are diabetic that number should be 6.2 or lower. MFP has been a life savior because what I found out is that counting carbs is important for the diabetics but counting calories helps me with portion control. Also being totally honest and logging every thing you put in your mouth. You will be so surprised as to how many empty calories you eat per day. I also went to see a dietitian and what a shocker due to my inactivity my metabolism has slowed down so much that I have to eat a 1,000 calories,. The suggested calorie intake from MFP was 2100 per day. Just to lose one pound per week I had to reduce to 1450 per day. Due to my back problems I am limited on my exercise but I have incorporated leg lifts and weight training which has really helped. You can do this the best way by taking small steps, logging everything you eat and plan your meals. Every Saturday I make a soup, meat dish, cut up vegetables, boil eggs and this awesome oatmeal that really curbs your appetite. This way when I get real hungry I have food already made so it helps to stop snacking before a meal. So add me to your friends and let me know if you would like some some awesome recipes and just keep moving. You do not need to go out of house just play some games in the house with the kids. Walk up and down steps that is a real workout. Just know that even though you don't have to exercise to lose weight it helps in so many ways like raising your serotonin level which makes you happier and more focused. GOOD LUCK
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I hear you on cold weather, here in Edmonton it's -25C right now (-13F).

    The main thing is you got to find things you like to do, and from there it won't feel like such a chore to work out!

    Though, for now for you, I would focus on eating healthy and getting that into fine working order. Then once you feel more confident, then work on incorporating any type of activity into it (Zumba is great, or any activity on Wii Fit!)

    Once you are in a healthy mindset is when things will work out!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    With your younger children...

    There is a song called "Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes" children love to do the exercise and it would be great for you to workout to with them...just add "gym" time to their school schedule.

    For the older kids...

    Get them to teach you some dances or learn them together.

    I don't have a very large space to workout so I use resistance bands...love them. I use a door anchor do I am able to do most everything that I want with them. Amazon sells the set I bought (5 bands plus the anchor) for around $25. Well worth the investment. There are lots of resistance band workouts online.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    Howdy and welcome :)

    To answer your question, yes it is possible to loose weight without exercise by way of nutrition, however it is not optimal. I will even take it a step further and say you may not be....comfortable with the results if you take that route throughout your entire journey. Strength training with cardio is essential to help your body adjust to the change. If you have any questions or just need a friend, feel free to add me :)

    That goes for anyone else in this topic too!


  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    You deserve 30 minutes to yourself! Yes you can lose without the exercise, but you'll feel so much better with it. Make sure the kids have a snack, an activity and have all gone to the potty then YouTube something and get 20-30 minutes in. They'll get used to the routine over time as well. If I could babysit for 30 minutes/day, I would! Do this for you :)
  • kerihinsdale
    kerihinsdale Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I am new to this so I am trying to figure out the site. I am just getting started! I am a single mom that works full time. I feel really unhealthy and I know I put everyone else before myself. I really want to make myself a priority! This year is going to be the year I get it together :) Any suggestions for me? How do you make friends on here and stay in contact? I would love the support as well as supporting other ! Wow 6 children and homeschool thats truly amazing! Good luck with zumba !
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Another thought: If you're uncomfortable (or unable to) leaving the kids with the older ones, set 30 minutes in the homeschooling day for "GYM" where you put an exercise DVD in and everyone moves! You'll get a workout and the kids will get to burn some energy, as well. Kids like to move, so getting everyone moving gets some good habits established and lets you work on your goal, as well.

    Use MFP as a learning tool for the kids and math. If we burn this many calories and eat this many, how many calories are left over...that type of thing.

    Good luck!

    ETA: Letting the kids measure your foods will also give valuable weights and measuring lessons!