fitbit force?

Hi everybody! So I wanted to buy some sort of device that tells me how many calories I burn a day. In my searching I came across a product called the fitbit force. I was just wondering if anyone has used this product before and what they thought about it. It seems awesome! It even tracks your sleep cycles. But anyway, does it seem accurate? I am always clueless on how many calories I have to eat a day and how active I would be considered so I think a device like this will help me figure out how much to eat. Also, it connects to MFP. How does this work and is it any good? Any kind of feedback is appreciated! Thanks guys!


  • believeinme0430
    believeinme0430 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi, I just got mine last Wednesday and I love it!. It helps keep me motivated by being able to see everything right there on my wrist. It seems to be pretty accurate and it's very comfy to wear. I love seeing how I sleep at night too. I love it so far. Hope this helps.
  • HeathrBee
    HeathrBee Posts: 8 Member
    I just got one over the weekend for my birthday. I synced it with myfitnesspal, but still trying to figure out how to make sure I'm logging everything correctly and not double-counting exercise calories. I'm sure there's advice somewhere on here, just haven't searched yet. Overall it's a pretty cool little gizmo!
  • amberx1127
    Yeah I did end up buying the fitbit force. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to use it as well. I have it synced to MFP but I have to say it is VERY confusing :( i am getting a little frustrated with it :(
  • Sondicalondi
    Sondicalondi Posts: 57 Member
    I am looking to buy it too, so come back and give an update once you figure it out!!
  • stangirl1995
    stangirl1995 Posts: 43 Member
    The fitbit will increase the amount of calories you can eat in a day the more active you are. You just have to sync it throughout the day so it can update your calories you can consume in MFP. You do not need to add excercise on MFP or fitbit because it tracks for you based on your activity level. I bough a fitbit one in January and finally broke a weight loss plateau wearing it. Once you are used to it you will love it!!
  • spring831
    spring831 Posts: 9 Member
    Just sync your fitbit account and you MFP account and when fitbit updates, MFP will too. You do not need to log any activity at all!
  • HPLW0705
    HPLW0705 Posts: 102
    I've had mine for about a week and I love it. I have a friend who I actively compete with to see who can take the most amount of steps in the day. It's nice because it serves as a reminder that I need to get up and do something. Having a desk job makes it a little harder to get up during the day, but since I've been wearing it, I find myself not sending so many emails and going to actively seek people out. I also like the fact that I don't need to log exercise and it still accounts for what I burn on MFP. Overall, I'm happy with my purchase!
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    I just got mine and am trying to figure it out. It seems nice but I like my old Polar because I could get HR readings while on a machine. I'll see how it goes.
  • YGrier011
    I am unable to see my Fitbit Force data on MFP. Any suggestions. I have linked the devices. The steps and calories burned are still not showing. Anyone with any advise?1?!?!?!?:sad: