Ready to make some friends!

I joined a while back to get rid of some baby fat and and just now getting on here a lot more often. I'm no stranger to dieting but I've recently gotten more active with exercise and would love to meet people on here who need motivating and would do the same for me! And remember, no matter what you look like, people will find you beautiful. It's hard to properly take care of someone you hate so be nice to that person in the mirror :)


  • einhundertfunf
    Hi! :) I would love to support you!

    By the way, is your username in reference to Serj Tankian's song "Sky Is Over"? :D
  • laxheart16
    laxheart16 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel the same way! I can support you and would love some support too! :)
  • skyisover
    skyisover Posts: 21 Member
    yes it is!!!! I have an unhealthy love for that song and Serj!
  • einhundertfunf
    Awesome!! Me too :)

  • surfmom1
    surfmom1 Posts: 1 Member
    Im compelled to respond bc I could use some motivation sometimes. And I'll try to help you too. BTW, huge Serj and SOAD fan here. They offer good beats to keep the body moving! I also liked the opening comment about being good to yourself. I think that is a very important part of the journey. I saw a comment the other day about: what you put in your head is more important than what you put in your body. After mulling that over, I could see the value in it.
  • skyisover
    skyisover Posts: 21 Member
    I was the worst about feeling awful about myself for being overweight, and that negativity really hindered any kind of progress I could have made because it sucked out any kind of motivation or desire to do what I really needed to do. Then I realized what a bully I was being to myself and also realized that I was trying to take care of and make beneficial choices for someone I hate ( the image in the mirror) which just wasn't working. So I started viewing and treating myself kindly as though making the good lifestyle decisions for a close friend and it became so much easier and felt so much more right making those choices and resisting the detrimental ones.
  • laxheart16
    laxheart16 Posts: 12 Member
    I love this. ^^
  • Resh2k
    Resh2k Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to support you...:)
  • focknfree
    focknfree Posts: 66 Member
    Request sent!
  • TruWillow
    TruWillow Posts: 12 Member
    Your words ring true. I am a 25 year old female married to a amazing man. I have had my profile for awhile but have been working to much to really be on here. ive lost some weight but i have alot more to go. I recently realized i to have been bullying myself as well all my life because i allowed someone close to me to bully me all my life. Thanks to my loving husband i am learning to love myself. i do want to be healthy. im not looking to be skinny, with my body build and bone structure "skinny" is not in the stars. But healthy i can do. I have recently found out i have osteoarthritce so spelled that wrong, and due to seeing my mother go through it i have a chance to stop it from progressing. and the biggest step is getting healthy. I will try to be on here everyday and hold my own self accountable as well as anyone else that needs it. If your looking for anymore friends feel free to add me. Anyone can add me btw. Blessing on your journey Tru
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member

    Recently had 3rd and final baby so now want to get back to me be good to find some support