best treadmill for under $1000



  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I just ordered the Horizon T101 Treadmill and will get it today. I test ran it at the store and really liked it, we'll see how it measures up in the coming months. I live in WI and running outside is not an option for myself personally. I know some people like running outside but it's just not for me!

    early christmas for you right! :)... i actually love running in the cold - its the best thing for my asthma if you can believe it - i just have to be careful about jumping back into a warm house right away because that can trigger a horrible attack... just with snow and ice i'm way too scared to risk falling on my face haha... let us know how you like the horizon once you get settled in with it!
  • spappas1989
    spappas1989 Posts: 11 Member
    Ha, yea I'd be fine with the cold, I find it invigorating but falling on the snow and ice is not an option....I'm a nurse and if I fall I can't work. Oops. So I'll be spending my winter on the treadmill :)
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Options has three for under $1000 right now, one is on sale for $700. Though I think if you're not a member you add 5%, maybe?

    Mine is a Vision Fitness. It was like $2200 new, $375 on CraigsList 1.5 years old with 32 miles on the computer. It's a gamble buying used but there are steals out there.