Afraid to wear shorts...

Hi I don't know about you, but I feel really self conscious when I wear shorts out in public. I feel like only people with nice legs should wear shorts out and everywhere I go, all the girls who wear shorts have such beautiful legs and I feel so envious. I'm working on it but I really really want to wear shorts (I was hoping to get shorts that reach like mid thigh or something but those in retailers only sell shorts that just cover your butt which is really annoying).

I want to have the confidence to wear shorts out. How do you girls deal with this? Has anyone ever had this fear or wearing shorts before?

Somehow I feel that people should be spared from the obscenity of my thunder thighs and cellulite. I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this. I just really want to embrace my body, cellulite and all. Any tips on how to do so?

By the way, my country is summer all year round so it's really not that practical to wear long pants all the time. It's really hot and humid here and sometimes you really just need to wear shorts Idk.


  • Or, does anyone have any idea what sort of shorts are flattering for someone who doesn't have a supermodel 's body? My legs are naturally on the bigger side (Trust me, I was super underweight when my legs were on the slim side. My legs get pretty chunky even at a normal weight. Genetics I assume ugh)
  • cmsmj1
    cmsmj1 Posts: 66 Member
    Just do it. If someone doesn;doesn't like it, they don't have to look. Also, sun is good for you - boosts the mood and all that

    LIfe is far too short*

    (though I am a bloke, and I could not give two figs about other people's opinion)

    *awesome pun! Accidental too!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I have few shorts I bought from Lands End that are a bit longer and don't ride up the butt. I have always wore shorts even at my heaviest(265). I really don't care what other people think because I am comfortable. Plus even the skinny girls are probably as self conscious as you are and are more worried at what everyone else is thinking about them and not thinking about how you look. I love to walk and swim in the summer. I can't do that in long pants.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    Where I live, summer is short. I see all sizes and shapes of people wearing shorts, some look good, some not so much. I wear shorts from a couple years ago when they sold the ones that came to your knees, hopefully this summer they'll go back to that, not a fan of short shorts. If you want to wear shorts then wear them, who cares what other people think, as the other poster said "If they don't like it they don't have to look
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    Go to a golf store. They sell longer shorts and in all sizes. Nice fabric too.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    My legs are covered in these:

    Enough to scare small children and put adults off their lunch.

    Comes from pushing too hard when climbing. Got loads of scars based on these shin grazes. My own fault, really. :embarassed:
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    I have thick calves and so I feel insecure about my legs, though it got slimmer as I lose weight, still I'm not comfortable wearing shorts. I hope to gain confidence and guts to wear someday. still working to tone my body. :))
  • I have thick calves and so I feel insecure about my legs, though it got slimmer as I lose weight, still I'm not comfortable wearing shorts. I hope to gain confidence and guts to wear someday. still working to tone my body. :))

    Oh my gosh yes! This was what I meant! You basically just helped to summarise my long post in one sentence. Praises for you haha
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Short term fix: You could try some capris or wear longer shorts. Like hiking shorts are usually just above the knees.
    Long term fix: Do squats, run/jog, lunges, etc. Tone up those legs until you feel comfortable
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    A nice summery dress is good for giving coverage and keeping cool.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Hi OP :flowerforyou:

    Since I was a teen I've always hated how I looked in shorts for the same reasons you do - I was never comfortable with how my legs looked in them (especially the cellulite I've accumulated from slowly gaining weight and sitting on my butt too much while in school) and spent many summers in my early teens only having my legs exposed if I was in the pool. I guess I'm lucky that I live in Canada and it's winter for like, 6-8 months of the year :laugh:

    I think it really comes down to not caring what other people think. Like other posters have said, I've seen many people wearing shorts in the summer that are extremely overweight and they don't seem to care. When I got that through my head I wasn't so uncomfortable with wearing them because I knew that someone I would pass through my day would be wearing even shorter shorts than me that had thighs twice as large as mine. I also find that, strangely enough, I'm more comfortable wearing summer dresses and skirts than shorts because they feel less constricting and uncomfortable on my legs, plus it's easier to find different lengths of dresses and skirts than shorts.
  • Hi OP :flowerforyou:

    Since I was a teen I've always hated how I looked in shorts for the same reasons you do - I was never comfortable with how my legs looked in them (especially the cellulite I've accumulated from slowly gaining weight and sitting on my butt too much while in school) and spent many summers in my early teens only having my legs exposed if I was in the pool. I guess I'm lucky that I live in Canada and it's winter for like, 6-8 months of the year :laugh:

    I think it really comes down to not caring what other people think. Like other posters have said, I've seen many people wearing shorts in the summer that are extremely overweight and they don't seem to care. When I got that through my head I wasn't so uncomfortable with wearing them because I knew that someone I would pass through my day would be wearing even shorter shorts than me that had thighs twice as large as mine. I also find that, strangely enough, I'm more comfortable wearing summer dresses and skirts than shorts because they feel less constricting and uncomfortable on my legs, plus it's easier to find different lengths of dresses and skirts than shorts.

    Aw thanks for taking the time to type this long post. I read appreciate it! I guess I'll have to work on my confidence... I have been doing lots of squats and stuff and I do think I look better in skirts and dresses, but it can be pretty inconvenient in school where I have to climb stairs and stuff. Sometimes, I'll feel like wearing shorts but at the fitting room, I'll see the cellulite on my thighs and feel disgusted. The current shorts I'm wearing are getting really loose and all and those are the shorts that reach mid thigh.
  • overshadows
    overshadows Posts: 58 Member
    I have it in my head that shorts look bad on 95% or women, and even the 5% would probably look better in a skirt. But shorts are highly practical, especially for fitness stuff.

    I would just adopt it as the 'uniform' of warm weather exercise and try to block fashion or aesthetics out of my mind. If I am wondering if my thighs are wobbling in public, it will be a distraction - but then I remember that folks will probably be staring at the cute runners anyway.