belly hang??



  • prdough
    prdough Posts: 76 Member
    3 Months has around 12-14 weeks in it. Losing 4 lbs a week gets you to that number.

    If you have 10 lbs of water weight and a full gut full of food, that would leave you with 40 lbs of fat in that amount of time, which would be about 3 lbs a week.

    Not that weird if the deficit is large.

    I've lost over 30 since oct 21st, which is a little over a month and a half. I also lost about 11 of it in the first week due to water weight.
  • i've lost about 50lbs since september 24th of this year... i was at 205.7 and currently am 155.9. I am concerned with my stomach, as every where seems to be dropping the pounds but my lower stomach, which also hangs over. how long will this take before it starts to go away?

    50lbs in less than 3 months? How is that possible?

    Right?!? Especially starting just above 200.

    Again--why is everyone avoiding the obvious question-- How does someone go from 205.7 to 155.9 in less than 3 months??????

    I question whether she would have this belly overhang issue if she lost weight more slowly. Hmm...

    hi everyone. to be 100% honest i have no clue how I was able to loose the weight so fast... i haven't used any special products, haven't starved myself... i've just been loosing it quickly. and it is possible depending on your deficit. even if you watch most of the people on extreme makeover weight loss edition, or biggest losers, they workout a lot. which is how they get a deficit.
  • prdough
    prdough Posts: 76 Member
    Keep it up! Don't let the naysayers detract from your success. Listen to your body and keep going strong.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    They say abs are found in the kitchen. But I agree with those above who say to just give it time. You had a rapid weight loss, and your body needs to keep up. Also, drinking plenty of water helps keep skin elastic.
  • Jealousy often comes across as scepticism or nastiness. Congratulations on your weight loss, and don't listen to anyone who has anything but the most positive things to say to you about it.

    For me, the belly hang is permanent. I went from being an obese teen to a 120lb early 20-something, and the belly hang never went away. Once a doctor was rude to me and insisted I had had a baby and was lying to him, because the marks from weight loss looked so much like post-baby belly. One day I plan to get a tummy tuck, but until then I just wear clothes that hold in my tummy.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    Jealousy often comes across as scepticism or nastiness. Congratulations on your weight loss, and don't listen to anyone who has anything but the most positive things to say to you about it.

    For me, the belly hang is permanent. I went from being an obese teen to a 120lb early 20-something, and the belly hang never went away. Once a doctor was rude to me and insisted I had had a baby and was lying to him, because the marks from weight loss looked so much like post-baby belly. One day I plan to get a tummy tuck, but until then I just wear clothes that hold in my tummy.

    I honestly don't judge people. Of course I'm jealous of the weightloss--but I didn't post my comment to critisize or put someone down. I've been busting my tail to lose weight. I've lost 40lbs in 4 months--but I started at a weight of 230lb. Doing the same things is giving me a lesser weightloss. MOST people on here--the closer you get to your goal the harder it is to lose. Especially when you start at 200! I just have not read of anyone on here losing 50lbs in LESS than 3 months unless they were significantly overweight.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i've lost about 50lbs since september 24th of this year... i was at 205.7 and currently am 155.9. I am concerned with my stomach, as every where seems to be dropping the pounds but my lower stomach, which also hangs over. how long will this take before it starts to go away?

    50lbs in less than 3 months? How is that possible?

    Right?!? Especially starting just above 200.

    Again--why is everyone avoiding the obvious question-- How does someone go from 205.7 to 155.9 in less than 3 months??????

    Water weight and a large deficit, with probably lots of running.

    That's a little over 4lbs/week loss. I think it was a HUGE deficit. I don't know about lots of exercise because not sure how she'd have been able to fuel that much activity unless we are talking a form of exercise anorexia/bulimia.

    I'd have to say if you have that much stomach issues going's probably because you lost A LOT of muscle and now have a very high body fat %. That sucks. That's why it's preferable to go slow to decrease the amount of muscle lost...even if the scale doesn't budge, you'd lose inches and be working on body composition.
  • courtniemarie
    courtniemarie Posts: 172 Member
    This entirely depends on your body composition. If you do not have enough muscle to support a flat tummy, it can take significantly longer as you would require a few bulk/cut cycles (common with those who lose weight very fast and those under weight or at the lower end of the weight spectrum). Ideally, set a moderate deficit (1lb per week) and do a lot of weight training and eat high protein. This will help preserve the remaining lean body mass you have.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    i've lost about 50lbs since september 24th of this year... i was at 205.7 and currently am 155.9. I am concerned with my stomach, as every where seems to be dropping the pounds but my lower stomach, which also hangs over. how long will this take before it starts to go away?

    50lbs in less than 3 months? How is that possible?

    Right?!? Especially starting just above 200.

    Again--why is everyone avoiding the obvious question-- How does someone go from 205.7 to 155.9 in less than 3 months??????

    Water weight and a large deficit, with probably lots of running.

    That's a little over 4lbs/week loss. I think it was a HUGE deficit. I don't know about lots of exercise because not sure how she'd have been able to fuel that much activity unless we are talking a form of exercise anorexia/bulimia.

    I'd have to say if you have that much stomach issues going's probably because you lost A LOT of muscle and now have a very high body fat %. That sucks. That's why it's preferable to go slow to decrease the amount of muscle lost...even if the scale doesn't budge, you'd lose inches and be working on body composition.

    ^---This was basically my point, Jess_Forever.

    I'm not really the jealous type, anyway. I love being me.
  • I didn't mean any offence to anyone by the way- I've just dealt with negativity around weight loss and people assuming an eating disorder myself and seeing people negatively judged for an incredible achievement that they should be proud of is a button for me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm 142 lbs now and I still have it. I do have most of my weight there though, so I'm hoping to lose some of it by the time I'm at my goal weight... although it's obvious that some of it is loose skin.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I didn't mean any offence to anyone by the way- I've just dealt with negativity around weight loss and people assuming an eating disorder myself and seeing people negatively judged for an incredible achievement that they should be proud of is a button for me.

    Just a friendly suggestion: Next time take a step back and realize this isn't about you or being said "to" you. Then re-read what is being said and try to be subjective as to why. No one is "hating" or "jealous" of her losing the weight. We were just concerned because of the possibility that it was lost unhealthily. It also helps us understand her question better in regards to her stomach issues as I pointed out in my own post.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    If you gained weight quickly, then you might have torn the dermis (stretch marks, like from pregnancy).

    Otherwise, you will need to wait until your skin cells die and are replaced with fewer, smaller skin cells, which can take years. This assumes you have lost all the fat underneath the epidermis/dermis.
  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I didn't mean any offence to anyone by the way- I've just dealt with negativity around weight loss and people assuming an eating disorder myself and seeing people negatively judged for an incredible achievement that they should be proud of is a button for me.

    Just a friendly suggestion: Next time take a step back and realize this isn't about you or being said "to" you. Then re-read what is being said and try to be subjective as to why. No one is "hating" or "jealous" of her losing the weight. We were just concerned because of the possibility that it was lost unhealthily. It also helps us understand her question better in regards to her stomach issues as I pointed out in my own post.

    I'm just curious since someone pointed out that 4lbs a week is doable---how is it healthy that (lets just say) a girl that is 165 loses 4lbs a week? I'm 190lbs and I can't eat or exercise low enough to lose 4lbs on AVERAGE every WEEK. So, what kind of crazy defecit is someone doing to lose 4lbs consistently EVERY week???? It does not make sense.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I didn't mean any offence to anyone by the way- I've just dealt with negativity around weight loss and people assuming an eating disorder myself and seeing people negatively judged for an incredible achievement that they should be proud of is a button for me.

    Just a friendly suggestion: Next time take a step back and realize this isn't about you or being said "to" you. Then re-read what is being said and try to be subjective as to why. No one is "hating" or "jealous" of her losing the weight. We were just concerned because of the possibility that it was lost unhealthily. It also helps us understand her question better in regards to her stomach issues as I pointed out in my own post.

    I'm just curious since someone pointed out that 4lbs a week is doable---how is it healthy that (lets just say) a girl that is 165 loses 4lbs a week? I'm 190lbs and I can't eat or exercise low enough to lose 4lbs on AVERAGE every WEEK. So, what kind of crazy defecit is someone doing to lose 4lbs consistently EVERY week???? It does not make sense.

    It's not healthy at all.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! It is such an accomplishment, regardless of the skepticism on here.

    However, I do believe there's a correlation between the way in which you lost the weight, the short time period, and your overall body composition. The faster weight loss is usually accompied by simple caloric restriction plus cardio, which obviously does your muscle no good and doesn't benefit your body fat percentage. Also, through personal experience your skin needs time...when weight is lost more slowly your skin has a chance to adapt, whereas if it was done too quickly your skin won't be able to bounce back as it would normally.

    I'd hit the weights to get your body fat percentage where it should be, and not focus on the belly for now! I had plenty of stretch marks and some loose skin after losing the weight (even though it was slowly and with no cardio!)..however now that I've been maintaining and lifting for over a year I can't find them! Not necessarily always the case, but its very possible.
  • i've lost about 50lbs since september 24th of this year... i was at 205.7 and currently am 155.9. I am concerned with my stomach, as every where seems to be dropping the pounds but my lower stomach, which also hangs over. how long will this take before it starts to go away?

    50lbs in less than 3 months? How is that possible?

    Right?!? Especially starting just above 200.

    Again--why is everyone avoiding the obvious question-- How does someone go from 205.7 to 155.9 in less than 3 months??????

    I question whether she would have this belly overhang issue if she lost weight more slowly. Hmm...

    hi everyone. to be 100% honest i have no clue how I was able to loose the weight so fast... i haven't used any special products, haven't starved myself... i've just been loosing it quickly. and it is possible depending on your deficit. even if you watch most of the people on extreme makeover weight loss edition, or biggest losers, they workout a lot. which is how they get a deficit.
    I really was just curious. Ive never watched those shows and if you say more exercise than im on the right track. I walk an average of 4 miles daily. Im dropping weight fast but I wish I could do 2 lbs a week. Thats would be sweet. And if more exercise will help that then im walking more ty
  • Oh and by all means congratulations on your accomplishments.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member

    It's not healthy at all.

    Are you suggesting she go back and relose the weight? It is what it is, none of this other stuff has anything to do with the OP's question. Please everyone, don't sidetrack the thread in order to find fault. The OP has lost weight, has a question about her skin. That is all.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    It's not healthy at all.

    Are you suggesting she go back and relose the weight? It is what it is, none of this other stuff has anything to do with the OP's question. Please everyone, don't sidetrack the thread in order to find fault. The OP has lost weight, has a question about her skin. That is all.

    I agree we need to stay on topic. To answer the question, there is no determination of when a persons skin can shrink back into place, especially since it was quick weight loss. Like I pointed out, it depends on her composition. If she is not planning to lose any more weight, she should set her account to maintain, set macro's that will allow her to hit 1g of protein and .35g of fat per lb of lean body mass and do a lot of weight training and hope for recomposition. Or she needs to do a few bulk/cut phases to fill in her skin.