Have you "ruined" your good eating today?



  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    These damn Christmas cookies I've made have done me in! But just cause I went over doesn't mean I'm going to just say the hell with it and keep shoveling food in my mouth. I'm not gonna beat myself up cause I went over today; instead I'm focusing on the positive and that was hitting the gym today!
  • lovettbayne
    lovettbayne Posts: 4 Member
    I needed that reminder today thank you!
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    I'll just be happy to get through to Jan 2 without a weight gain. I've been to more parties and dinners in the last couple of weeks then I had all year and it does not show any signs of slowing up until the end of the year.

    So I'm not really worried about one day it is the cumulative effect I'm worried about !
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I don't know that I "ruined" my good eating, but I did eat over what I had planned to eat. I always plan out what I'm going to eat on any particular day the night before. Yesterday's meal plan was entered on Sunday night and I followed it exactly. :tongue: I didn't get a chance to plug my BodyMedia Fit in until almost midnight. I had so much unplanned activity and exercise that my net calories for the day were only 250'ish. OMG!!!! But, I fell into bed and slept, which I needed more than food at that moment. Today, I have gone over by approximately 400 calories, but I was HUNGRY!!!! I tried to make wise choices in that overage, and basically just added more protein. I'm looking at it in the manner of the days averaging out at the end of the week. My body just needed more fuel today, so I "gassed up."
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    Just happened last week. 4 bad days straight in fact.

    We had a company dinner, buffet style last Tueday. I didn't pig out during the dinner actually. I decided to go home after my first plate of dessert. That was around 9pm plus when I past by a local confectionery having offers at $1/ donut. Obviously, that one plate of dessert didn't satified me and I ended up buying those donuts and gobbled down 4. Doing the best I can, I calculated I had around 5000Cal that night. Those donuts are cream stuffed topped with more cream. Deliciously sinful. T_T

    Then the next 3 days, due to appointments and unfortunately getting a slight cold, I didn't workout and ate past my maintainance.
  • NorCal311
    NorCal311 Posts: 44 Member
    I had a 800 cal lunch. A lot higher than I would like. I had to burn baby burn, about 1200 cals today. Now i do not feel any guilt.
  • BePawsitive
    BePawsitive Posts: 43 Member
    We all have bad days... but we should consider them moments. When we realize we are having a moment of temptation, stop!

    As my acupuncturist tells me... treat your calories like your credit card. What you put in.. you will have to find a way to pay it back. For example: a 10 piece chicken nuggets from McDonalds is about 400 calories.. Are you ready to burn off 400 calories in a cardio workout for 60-90 minutes? Was the chicken nugget that good?
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    There's no good or bad... there is just eating.
  • chasethesky125
    It would mean that you go over your calories or that you ate "unhhealthy" foods. Its more of a subjective term, which is why I put it in quotes
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I'm always good, even when I'm bad ;). ♥