Does my body look like it's improving?

I struggle with being skinny-fat. I wouldn't eat healthy at all and run two or three miles a day. That was why my body looked this way. I still run the same, but I've increased my protein intake and have started lifting. Do you see improvement?

(Or just click my profile picture.)


  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Hard to say, the right picture is somewhat unclear, but it looks like the left picture is somewhat more toned around the belly area.
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    How long have you been incorporating this change for? How do you feel and what would you like to achieve? I can't see a big difference... If you're trying to bulk, you might like to consider some protein shakes if you struggle to eat enough. You need the food fuel in order to build muscle. You might what to cut back on the cardio a bit?? It all depends on your goals!