Starting Over for the Millionth Time

cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
Yesterday, I at huevos rancheros for breakfast, salad and a slice of pizza for lunch, cereal and toast for dinner, then chips and salsa, multiple cookies, a bag of buttered popcorn, and a chocolate bar for snacks.

I feel disgusting. It's time for a change.

I've tried this so many times, but I'm trying to not let that discourage me.

I want to set a goal of 1-2 pounds per week. 4-6 days of exercise per week. 1200 net calories (I eat exercise calories). Strength and cardio. Wheat free at least 1 meal per day (I'm mildly allergic).

Currently ~180 (too scared to weigh) at 5'4" and would like to get down to 145 by the time I leave for Cabo mid-April.

More importantly, I want my clothes to fit better and to feel toned and healthy again.

Would love some sturdy (and strict) support!


  • CaryMatthew
    Only person who can make the change is you, but encouragement is never a bad idea. You can add me as a friend if you like, I've been on a 60+ day streak and I don't take BS excuses :)
  • athandtia
    athandtia Posts: 28 Member
    Good luck, though I'm not sure a week before Christmas is the best time to start a diet!
    I'm bugging out until the New Year, I'll be back in 2014 and wish you well!:smile:
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I think your goals are incredibly aggressive and unlikely to be sustainable. Set more realistic goals and you'll probably find yourself less discouraged and more successful in the long run.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    What if you set a different goal this time? One that's more focused on the process? Say, 4 days of exercise and 1600 calories/day every day? Maybe that would help you to stop bingeing.

    Just a thought -- it's not like I have all the answers, but it sounds like you could use a change in what you are doing.
  • Bound4Kona
    Bound4Kona Posts: 53 Member
    Just remember: sweat is fat crying.

    Take it day by day and keep moving.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Accountability, motivation, and support from peers is always great. But above that, hold on to this:

    "More importantly, I want my clothes to fit better and to feel toned and healthy again."

    When you hold on to your "why", come hell or high water or regardless of who supports you, you will go in and take it to the max everyday. Motivation, accountability, and support will always be an additive and an extra to your journey, but it's not the end all, be all, your why is. You got your why, you got your will, you got your way, all you have to do now is make the commitment to execute based on those things everyday and you'll be good. Best of luck to you. :0) \o/
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Think of it this way, every single one of us start over every single day. You decide to make a change and you make the change and you do it every day, this is starting over, each day. And when you start having more days than not with these changes, then you will have success.

    Advise you to not entirely eliminate any certain foods of food groups, just learn to fit them into your calorie goals.

    Choosing 2 pounds per week is not a realistic goal since you don't have very much weight to lose. You should target 1 pound per week.
  • quaintonion
    quaintonion Posts: 2 Member
    Oh, I can so relate to the posts here. Been there and done that too, so know the frustration. I just signed on a few days ago and am really happy with this site, especially the last part after posting my food for the day (if you keep this up, you will weigh … by ….) Thats what I call an incentive - for me anyway. I hope to stay with this thread - sharing our ups and downs. I just want to get rid of my love handles and back fat - none of which is at all attractive. I'm 62, so not as intent on achieving a bikini body ????… just want to look good in my clothes. Anyway, gotta chase after my grandkids (thats my real exercise!!) so will check back later. Hang in there - I really don't want to be back here in 8 months whining about how I am starting over for the millionth and one time. Lets make this our last and real time. Positive thinking and looking forward, not backward.
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Just curious what about them is aggressive?

    Also for the person who said not to eliminate food groups, I totally agree. The only reason I'm trying to reduce my wheat intake is because of the allergy. I'm realistic in knowing I can't cut it out completely because I like things like pizza too much :)
  • Jen8000
    Jen8000 Posts: 91 Member
    Starting Over for the Billionth Time!!! That's me. Was involved in a cookie swap yesterday and really blew it! I have not been tracking or exercising the way I normally do and I can feel the results. I was going to wait until January 1st, but have decided that his is a lifestyle change and if I wait until January 1st I can do a lot of damage. I think you are very smart to start over again today. Remember one-day-at-a-time!
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    2 lbs a week is aggressive because (while you dont think so) you dont have all that much weight to lose. Try for 1 lb a week, exercise 3-4 days a week and drink at least half your body weight of water in ounces.

    I have been on MFP since April but I was 179 lbs on August 10, 2013 (my wedding day) and today I am 157 lbs. I am 5'4" also. Thats about 4 months. I did it by setting MFP to 1 lb a week weight loss and eating all those cals MFP gave me, plus eating back all the calories I burned during exercise based on my HRM. I also wear a fitbit so I ate the calories it gave me also. Most days I was eating 1800 or more cals. Every week since I started this journey, I have lost at least 1 lb a week. EVERY WEEK. And I eat food. Not always the healthiest choices either. I eat ice cream and M&M's and popcorn and hamburgers. And Pizza. Frequently. But I also eat my protein and veggies.

    You can do this, but you have to take it a little slower than 2 lbs a week. You just dont have the extra weight to lose it faster.
    Use a food scale to weigh and measure you food.
    Set MFP to 1 lb a week weight loss and eat all the cals it tells you.
    If you have afford it, Use a HRM with chest strap to figure out your fitness cals burned.
    If you can afford it, get an activity tracker (like a Fitbit) to measure your cals burned outside of fitness.

    I give these suggestions because this is exactly how I did it and it works. You need to eat to lose. I know its counter-intuitive but it really does work. My diary is open so you can see that I am being honest.
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    Thats fair - good points. I definitely agree that I can't do this by losing 2 pounds ever week, but when I've done this in the past, I've noticed it's easier to lose the weight at first and then it tapers off a bit. I'm also fine not hitting that 145 goal by mid-April as long as I feel better about myself. Maybe I'll set it at 2 pounds per week for the first couple weeks (it actually ends up being like 1.7 or something because it rightly won't set me below 1200 cals) and then drop it down to 1.5 then 1 as I get closer to my goal. I've heard success stories of people doing similar things.

    I had a fitbit and actually really liked it and was seeing good results, but actually lost it (it randomly fell out of the holder). I'm getting a new one for Christmas so in a week I'll have that to help too :)

    I do have a HRM, but haven't read the directions so I can play around with that this week and start using that too. Having tried both ways, I am a fan of eating back exercise cals for sustainable weight loss, but I think using the HRM will help me make sure I'm not OVER eating exercise cals.

    I think I want to keep my minimum exercise goal at 4 days per week (I have a gym at work and go with a co-worker during lunch), so 4 days should be doable if I'm not slacking. The 5-6 days would be if I want to do a little extra cardio on a Sunday or something, but not pushing it too much so I don't get burnt out.

    Thanks for the feedback!
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Just curious what about them is aggressive?

    Also for the person who said not to eliminate food groups, I totally agree. The only reason I'm trying to reduce my wheat intake is because of the allergy. I'm realistic in knowing I can't cut it out completely because I like things like pizza too much :)

    That amount of weight at that rate, the net calories, odd wheat restriction, and workout schedule... Given your admitted history of giving up on a healthier lifestyle, these all seem way too aggressive. Start with a reasonable calorie deficit, add exercise if you can balance both, and you'd be surprised at where that gets you. It sounds to me that you've got unrealistic hopes of losing weight to look good in Cabo. Are you going to give up when April rolls around and you're not 145 lbs? Maybe sooner if you realize that you're just not going to meet that goal?

    I'm not saying that you can't lose the weight, but I think you should get the idea of a "goal date" out of your head and make the necessary lifestyle changes to provide healthy and sustainable weight loss.

    ETA that I saw your response about being ok with not hitting your goal by April and I'm glad. I really hate to see people give up when they don't get the results they expect.
  • cvstokke
    cvstokke Posts: 249 Member
    I'm going to be honest this is a little discouraging that several people are being what I perceive as critical. I clarified all of the goals in my subsequent post (working out at lunch with a coworker, etc.). The wheat thing is an allergy, not a random thing I decided to not eat. I also clarified that the goal in April is not a hard goal and that I won't be upset if I'm not 145, just that I want to feel good by then. I understand everyone loses weight differently, but I didn't think anything I listed was especially aggressive. In the past, I've stuck to a strict diet of 1200 calories with no exercise cals, worked out 6 days week stringently, etc. (very unhealthy) so to me this seems like a realistic, more sustainable approach.

    I don't mean to offend with this post and maybe messages are just getting misconstrued via the internet, but I was hoping for more support.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Yesterday, I at huevos rancheros for breakfast, salad and a slice of pizza for lunch, cereal and toast for dinner, then chips and salsa, multiple cookies, a bag of buttered popcorn, and a chocolate bar for snacks.

    I feel disgusting. It's time for a change.

    I've tried this so many times, but I'm trying to not let that discourage me.

    I want to set a goal of 1-2 pounds per week. 4-6 days of exercise per week. 1200 net calories (I eat exercise calories). Strength and cardio. Wheat free at least 1 meal per day (I'm mildly allergic).

    Currently ~180 (too scared to weigh) at 5'4" and would like to get down to 145 by the time I leave for Cabo mid-April.

    More importantly, I want my clothes to fit better and to feel toned and healthy again.

    Would love some sturdy (and strict) support!

    Idea - dont try and lose 2 pounds a week. It isnt necessary and it is unrealistic. Eat more than 1,200 calories a day.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I'm going to be honest this is a little discouraging that several people are being what I perceive as critical. I clarified all of the goals in my subsequent post (working out at lunch with a coworker, etc.). The wheat thing is an allergy, not a random thing I decided to not eat. I also clarified that the goal in April is not a hard goal and that I won't be upset if I'm not 145, just that I want to feel good by then. I understand everyone loses weight differently, but I didn't think anything I listed was especially aggressive. In the past, I've stuck to a strict diet of 1200 calories with no exercise cals, worked out 6 days week stringently, etc. (very unhealthy) so to me this seems like a realistic, more sustainable approach.

    I don't mean to offend with this post and maybe messages are just getting misconstrued via the internet, but I was hoping for more support.

    I don't mean to discourage you, just open your eyes a little. While I definitely think your past endeavors seem unrealistic, the present do also. Just because it's less extreme, doesn't mean it's not extreme. Like I said... Start by creating a reasonable calorie deficit and go from there. What you should expect is to lose weight. Weight loss is not linear. You're right that you're not going to lose at a rate of 2 lbs per week for the entirety of your weight loss, but you're wrong in thinking that you'll be able to expect any other particular rate.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Have you figured out why you failed before?

    Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    The reason your goals are too aggressive is because when you create too large of a calorie deficit, your body works against you. Also, this is the reason why you have to keep starting over, because when you cut too many calories, and then stop, you gain all the weight you lost back. The way to do this is to take a reasonable calorie deficit and then as you lose the weight, your calories gradually increase to your new maintenance level of calories at your new lower weight, then you will not have this yo-yo effect of crash dieting and then gaining it all back. As your weight gets lower, the time it takes to lose weight takes longer. It might take you 6 months or a year to lose the last 10 pounds. People who then change their goals to fitness related goals rather than weight loss goals tend to have better success and be less frustrated with the process.

    This is intended to be educational, not negative or critical.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Accountability, motivation, and support from peers is always great. But above that, hold on to this:

    "More importantly, I want my clothes to fit better and to feel toned and healthy again."

    When you hold on to your "why", come hell or high water or regardless of who supports you, you will go in and take it to the max everyday. Motivation, accountability, and support will always be an additive and an extra to your journey, but it's not the end all, be all, your why is. You got your why, you got your will, you got your way, all you have to do now is make the commitment to execute based on those things everyday and you'll be good. Best of luck to you. :0) \o/

    This is what worked for me. Always keeping my eye on the prize. Helps me make better eating choices & makes me enjoy exercise because I picture the results.
  • PudgyQ
    PudgyQ Posts: 34 Member
    Hi there, I am 5"4". Started at 184 July 31st, saw a picture of me on the beach and said that's it....
    I am now down 22 lbs as of last week. It's been a slow go, but I look at it as a lifestyle change instead of diet. I am also a lot older than you, 52 years of age. But even just losing the 22 lbs feels amazing, another 22 to go and I will be where I want to be.
    I eliminated wheat over a year ago and feel better than I have in years, to be honest, it helps with the weight loss cos it eliminates a lot of things I love like pastries /beer and such but knowing it makes me ill, I avoid it.
    As far as pizza, more and more places are doing gluten free crusts and trust me if you have a wheat sensitivity, you will feel much better eliminating it totally.
    You will get there, take your measurements as well, On the weeks, I didn't lose weight, I measured and I always lost inches. Pictures help as well.
    I originally set a goal of 40lbs by Christmas but it was too ambitious. I eat roughly 1400 calories a day and also eat back about half exercise calories. My weight loss has been consistent about 1-1.5 lbs a week, when I stalled, I increased my calories and that helped me to lose again.
    Good luck, you can do this...set mini goals...that is good incentive! And adjust if you need to-remember it is a lifestyle change and you will stick with it.