Starting Over for the Millionth Time



  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Sorry for you thinking we are being critical of your plan. I understand that you have been successful in the past with your plan but your title says you are starting over for the millionth time. Obviously what ever worked, did not last. And you came here seeking help with your plan. No offense but if you did not want info from the collective users of MFP, then why post a thread seeking info from us.

    Losing weight for the long haul is a lifestyle change and is not done quickly or based on a planned event. You do it because you are no longer happy with the way you look or feel. You do it because your health and being active is more important than being fat. Every single time I lost weight because of an event, I quit working on my goals after the event and ended up fat again. This time, I just went for it and changed my life. I lose weight the same way I will live my life after the pounds shed off. I eat pizza and sushi and chicken wings and drink beer now because I love those things. I am learning how to make them fit in my day or eat less of them so I can still lose weight.

    We suggest taking it slower because we want you to stay on track and make this a lifestyle change. If you bang out 10 lbs but then stall out, you will get discouraged on your own. We dont want you to stall out.

    As for the fitbit you lost, my husband lost his and emailed fitbit about it (from their website). It fell out of the case also. They sent him a replacement FB for free, shipped too! Best customer service ever. You might want to try emailing them to see if they will send you one also. Save the gift for something else you want.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    Seeing as how you're starting over for the millionth time.... I recommend the following:

    1)Eat no less than 1400 calories/day. Do your BMR and TDEE calculations... stay between those figures. Too much of a deficit will not only cause you to give this up easily and quickly.... but eventually it will stall your weighloss.
    2) Forget the cardio. If you're eating at a deficit YOU DO NOT NEED CARDIO. Do one OR the other. The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit where there is not one already (ie: christmas day you want to eat all the goodies... do cardio to burn the extra calories)
    3) Lift. New rules of lifting for women... read it. You will fully understand WHY you have been unsuccessful before.
    4) If you lift... make sure you're getting a lot of protein to help recover your muscles.
  • sodeelish
    sodeelish Posts: 25 Member
    Hello billionth timer! Lol. I was in the same. I did the hcg diet, herbalife, weight loss pills, lemonade cleanse. You name it, I've tried it. Nothing has kept me going like MFP. Not even so much the social part of it but just logging in and of itself. I also have a fitbit that keeps me motivated and reminds me that I'm always burning calories

    I always said God made me a fat person because I really love love food. I still get bottomless stomach pit days during my time of month, but I do indulge a little when a craving comes around. I started with cutting corners on calories. For example, I would make open face sandwiches and now I use a high fiber tortilla. I love fruits and veggies so I eat a lot of that. I even will snack on a cookie but will only eat half first then if I still crave sweet, then I'll nibble the second half in pieces.

    I started at 173 and am at 153 in 60 days. 2 lbs a week is possible. It's not to say every week will be 2. Some will be more and some will be less but it will all equal out.

    Add friends on MFP for accountability! :) you can do it!
  • cartow
    cartow Posts: 54 Member
    Think of it this way, every single one of us start over every single day. You decide to make a change and you make the change and you do it every day, this is starting over, each day. And when you start having more days than not with these changes, then you will have success.

    This is such a good insight!
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm going to be honest this is a little discouraging that several people are being what I perceive as critical. I clarified all of the goals in my subsequent post (working out at lunch with a coworker, etc.). The wheat thing is an allergy, not a random thing I decided to not eat. I also clarified that the goal in April is not a hard goal and that I won't be upset if I'm not 145, just that I want to feel good by then. I understand everyone loses weight differently, but I didn't think anything I listed was especially aggressive. In the past, I've stuck to a strict diet of 1200 calories with no exercise cals, worked out 6 days week stringently, etc. (very unhealthy) so to me this seems like a realistic, more sustainable approach.

    I don't mean to offend with this post and maybe messages are just getting misconstrued via the internet, but I was hoping for more support.

    I was thinking the same thing about the negativety as I was reading!!! Set your goal and go for it as long as you are seeing changes. You are right at first you will see huge weight loss on the scale then it not so much, but you still keep working it and you may or may not hit your goal but you will be better than where you started. Like you said everybody is different, you know what works for you and your body! don't give up and push yourself
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    2) Forget the cardio. If you're eating at a deficit YOU DO NOT NEED CARDIO. Do one OR the other. The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit where there is not one already (ie: christmas day you want to eat all the goodies... do cardio to burn the extra calories)

    WHOA there. "The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit".

    I think perhaps your cardiovascular system may think there is another purpose of cardiovascular exercise. Your heart is a muscle, too, you know?

    Even viewed only through the lens of weightloss, moderate amounts of cardio (of any form, you don't have to be grinding on the treadmill) can increase your chances of success by increasing the amount you can actually eat while cutting. Making it significantly less miserable.
  • linzchapates
    Like others have said, take it one day at a time. Dont' be discouraged if you don't meet your dates for weightloss... dates or times (in X amount of days I want to be X amount of weight)don't always pan out how you think they should.... you can only control the here and now... so do your very best every single day and you'll see progress :)
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    What if you set a different goal this time? One that's more focused on the process? Say, 4 days of exercise and 1600 calories/day every day? Maybe that would help you to stop bingeing.

    Just a thought -- it's not like I have all the answers, but it sounds like you could use a change in what you are doing.

    YES! THIS!!!
    I was like you starting over again and again. I realized I was trying to make too many big changes too fast. You just have to make small changes you can keep. Try 4 days of exercise, if you get more, that's great! When I was eating 1200 I binged all the time because I was hungry. Do what works for you, sometimes it takes time to figure it out.
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    I believe health should be the number one reason for being here! Looking good and fitting into clothes is just a perk. Just my lowly opinion. :bigsmile:
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    You got this!! Good luck.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I'm going to be honest this is a little discouraging that several people are being what I perceive as critical. I clarified all of the goals in my subsequent post (working out at lunch with a coworker, etc.). The wheat thing is an allergy, not a random thing I decided to not eat. I also clarified that the goal in April is not a hard goal and that I won't be upset if I'm not 145, just that I want to feel good by then. I understand everyone loses weight differently, but I didn't think anything I listed was especially aggressive. In the past, I've stuck to a strict diet of 1200 calories with no exercise cals, worked out 6 days week stringently, etc. (very unhealthy) so to me this seems like a realistic, more sustainable approach.

    I don't mean to offend with this post and maybe messages are just getting misconstrued via the internet, but I was hoping for more support.

    Forgive me, but I haven't read past this if someone has already replied similar to me. But here goes... I am a very all or nothing kind of guy. I have had people tell me the same thing, that it's not realistic. Here is the thing. It is doable, it can be done. Hell if a UFC fighter can cut 22 pounds in 24 hours, it can be done. The problem is you leave yourself zero room for error. So don't mess up, no excuses, no one time piece of cake, no sneaking things, no missing workouts... Just DO IT. Period. Chances are you will mess up get discouraged and get pissed off. Trust me I have been there so many times. I am now doing close to the best I have ever done, but I am taking it in moderation, because I have failed so many times with the all or nothing way. The choice is yours...
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    JUST DO YOU.... :wink:
  • donnymom
    donnymom Posts: 32 Member
    You sound just like me! I love pizza and food! Food is my happiness. I had to learn portion control and I didn't give up anything, but try to stay within my healthy food groups and limits. If I have popcorn with butter or a cookie, I don't beat myself up like I used to and give up. I just realize I needed it (wanted it) and had it and get back on track. Think of it as a lifestyle change for the better to be healthy and love yourself no matter what. At least you are NOT GAINING! Have the pizza, but get it thin crusted. The next meal, cut back and if you aren't hungry, have a yogurt or cottage cheese and fruit.:smile:
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    2) Forget the cardio. If you're eating at a deficit YOU DO NOT NEED CARDIO. Do one OR the other. The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit where there is not one already (ie: christmas day you want to eat all the goodies... do cardio to burn the extra calories)

    WHOA there. "The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit".

    I think perhaps your cardiovascular system may think there is another purpose of cardiovascular exercise. Your heart is a muscle, too, you know?

    Even viewed only through the lens of weightloss, moderate amounts of cardio (of any form, you don't have to be grinding on the treadmill) can increase your chances of success by increasing the amount you can actually eat while cutting. Making it significantly less miserable.

    Hm... sounds pretty much exactly like what I said... only worded differently. Yes, you can eat more if you work out... that's exactly what I said. But.... I want it to be clear that OP doesn't HAVE to do a crap load of cardio in order to lose weight. If she eats at a deficit alone she will lose. Yes, it is good for your heart health to do cardio. I run once or twice a week if I feel like it. This coming off of several times losing weight by doing a crap load of cardio and then getting sick and tired of it and giving it up.. and gaining it all back thinking I had to work out like a maniac to lose. That is my point.
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    I feel ya, feel free to add me.

    I havent done to great lately ( i had pizza 2 slices for dinner the last 3 nights)..But i have been in vacation mindset for a month..which means I am not losing. Not gaining, because I did manage to make some signifigant life style changes from last year...but I need to jump back on teh bandwagon as well. I want to be 125 or under..and am currently at 136-138. So if you want someone , If you message me I reply, but I do not log on the weekends ( never did, even when I was losing consistently) but I have never lost more than 1lb a week either and my normal weight loss when on track is closer to .7...but I have not given up chocolate, wine or chees fries...
  • hopedangling
    You can add me too!! I'm also back in the saddle!! Would love the support too!!:smokin: :happy:
  • mjenson17
    mjenson17 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me if you want! I eliminated all of the people I had on mine because they weren't encouraging or helpful at all. One just complained about her relatives. Weird. Anyway. I'm a struggler as well. I'm 5'3 and would like to lose around 10 lbs. Not much, but I have poly cystic ovary syndrom which is a weird hormone issue that makes it 3x easier to gain and 3x harder to lose so even at around 1200-1300 cals a day, nothing happens. Hopefully we can encourage each other along! The biggest help I need is to not skirt the gym. I'm great at making excuses and need someone to help me :)

    Add me if you want. Good luck!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    2) Forget the cardio. If you're eating at a deficit YOU DO NOT NEED CARDIO. Do one OR the other. The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit where there is not one already (ie: christmas day you want to eat all the goodies... do cardio to burn the extra calories)

    WHOA there. "The only purpose for cardio is giving you a deficit".

    I think perhaps your cardiovascular system may think there is another purpose of cardiovascular exercise. Your heart is a muscle, too, you know?

    Even viewed only through the lens of weightloss, moderate amounts of cardio (of any form, you don't have to be grinding on the treadmill) can increase your chances of success by increasing the amount you can actually eat while cutting. Making it significantly less miserable.

    Hm... sounds pretty much exactly like what I said... only worded differently. Yes, you can eat more if you work out... that's exactly what I said. But.... I want it to be clear that OP doesn't HAVE to do a crap load of cardio in order to lose weight. If she eats at a deficit alone she will lose. Yes, it is good for your heart health to do cardio. I run once or twice a week if I feel like it. This coming off of several times losing weight by doing a crap load of cardio and then getting sick and tired of it and giving it up.. and gaining it all back thinking I had to work out like a maniac to lose. That is my point.

    It's not really exactly what you said, though is it? Your post completely ignored the primary benefit of cardio - cardiovascular health. It's not a secondary benefit to creating a calorie deficit. It's the primary benefit. Calorie deficit is a happy by-product.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    What if you set a different goal this time? One that's more focused on the process? Say, 4 days of exercise and 1600 calories/day every day? Maybe that would help you to stop bingeing.

    Just a thought -- it's not like I have all the answers, but it sounds like you could use a change in what you are doing.

    Just quoting for truth.
  • futurestarz
    Feel free to add me! I have very similar eating patterns, and I'm looking to make a permanent lifestyle change! I also am the MOH in a wedding in May, and I want to drop at least 30-40 lb by then!