Tall people problems



  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    Hitting you head on the d@mn$d light fixture at the base of the staircase, (when descending too quickly!)
  • W0rthless_Her0
    Have fun being tall:

    http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/07/height_and_longevity_the_research_is_clear_being_tall_is_hazardous_to_your.html (Article with studies / citations).

    There are definitely positives to being tall as well as negatives. (Pros: Make more money, attracting mate - Cons: More likey to get cancer and die early).

    Maybe theres a reason why Goldilocks and the Three Bears is pretty popular. Its finding that sweet spot and the porridge/bed thats "just right". Sometimes the perfect fit is in between extremes.....a.k.a. "average".

    So here to all the people who are average out there :drinker: Because maybe being average, is closer to perfect than you think it is.
  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    @ 6'4...I feel that sex in a car is over rated.

    ON a car works better.

    Yes, yes it does.
  • Kaken21
    Kaken21 Posts: 78 Member
    My sister asking me to use my "go go gadget arms" to reach things she can't. There is about 6 1/2 inches difference between us...
  • AZ_Gato
    AZ_Gato Posts: 1,270 Member
    Have fun being tall:

    http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/07/height_and_longevity_the_research_is_clear_being_tall_is_hazardous_to_your.html (Article with studies / citations).

    There are definitely positives to being tall as well as negatives. (Pros: Make more money, attracting mate - Cons: More likey to get cancer and die early).

    Maybe theres a reason why Goldilocks and the Three Bears is pretty popular. Its finding that sweet spot and the porridge/bed thats "just right". Sometimes the perfect fit is in between extremes.....a.k.a. "average".

    So here to all the people who are average out there :drinker: Because maybe being average, is closer to perfect than you think it is.

    Haters gonna hate.

  • FindingMyPerfection
    All bathtubs are too small!:sad:
    <<<<< will have one custom made so I can experience a relaxing soak.
  • moment_to_arise
    moment_to_arise Posts: 207 Member
    People make a big deal about you rocking heels. (but I do it anyway)


    Just because I am tall doesn't mean I don't get to wear cute heels!!!

    Although, it is also hard to sometimes FIND cute heels in my large size 11... because I am so tall.
  • W0rthless_Her0
    Haters gonna hate.


  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    6'2" here. The sleeves on winter jackets are always too short.

    I'm stuck wearing men's winter boots most of the time instead of cute women's boots.

    My running shoes can't be a cute pink or purple because I wear a men's size.

    Regular length pants become Capri pants.

    Not enough tall men!

    Short people forever asking if I play basketball or volleyball. And wondering why not when I say I don't.

    I had to buy a car with enough headroom so that I could drive comfortably instead of scrunched up like a clown car.

    I'm sure I'll think of many more later...
  • FindingMyPerfection
    Haters gonna hate.


    It is beautiful! Do you take requests?
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Have fun being tall:

    http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2013/07/height_and_longevity_the_research_is_clear_being_tall_is_hazardous_to_your.html (Article with studies / citations).

    There are definitely positives to being tall as well as negatives. (Pros: Make more money, attracting mate - Cons: More likey to get cancer and die early).

    Maybe theres a reason why Goldilocks and the Three Bears is pretty popular. Its finding that sweet spot and the porridge/bed thats "just right". Sometimes the perfect fit is in between extremes.....a.k.a. "average".

    So here to all the people who are average out there :drinker: Because maybe being average, is closer to perfect than you think it is.

    Haters gonna hate.


    Beat me to it.

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    My sister asking me to use my "go go gadget arms" to reach things she can't. There is about 6 1/2 inches difference between us...

  • Amazonbella
    LMAO I am 5'11.....I get hit in the head by tree branches all the time when I'm on a sidewalk...I got out of my car this morning and smacked in the face by a branch so this cracked me up!!! :)

    Oh and let's not forget the biggest of the Tall Girl problems....Guys who meet our boobs at Eye Level at bars!!!! AWKWARD. Lol
  • _JPunky
    _JPunky Posts: 508 Member
    We don't always have the best view...

    *Edit because our pictures are too large as well.

    You get to look down short girl's shirts...#stopyer*****in'
  • citizenpioneer
    citizenpioneer Posts: 37 Member
    Sigh, yes I played basketball *as a kid* and no, I don't play it anymore. Please stop asking!

    Also seems too frivolous to complain, but I feel like I have this conversation a lot:

    Them: you're so tall! You should be a model!
    Me: Thanks, but height isn't all you need. I weigh too much, and I'm probably too curvy.
    Them: Don't say that! You're not fat!
    Me: Ugh, I'm not saying I'm fat, or that it's a negative thing, but...forget it, you don't know what I'm talking about.
  • fitgirlandfoodie
    fitgirlandfoodie Posts: 1,014 Member
    Never getting approached on nights out. Or asked out for that matter. Or dating smaller guys who then develop Napoleon syndrome over you wearing heels.
  • bcoop911
    bcoop911 Posts: 1,390 Member
    I am 6'4"...

    -Finding pants/jeans that are long enough. Not many companies that ditn cost a fortune stock 36+ length unless it is a 38 waist... hard to find slim AND long...
    -Dress shirts... same as above... but at least more companies are making slim talls now
    -Low staircase ceilings
    -Backseats of cars... sucks
    -Airliners - knees in the backs of the seats
    -Strength to weight ratio, we already have to work harder to do anything involving our body weigh, wven if we are thin (i am a climber)
    -Joint problems... suuuck

    All the negatives in place, there are WAY more positives... i would never give up being tall :-)
  • Sedna_51
    Sedna_51 Posts: 277 Member
    Pant cuffs only reaching to mid-calf. Shirts cut to "fall at hip" (insert bitter laughter). Heels above 1" turn you into Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. You have to fight with drag queens for shoes available in your size. Getting into (and out of) a friend's 2-door coupe turns into an aerobic workout. Knees firmly jammed into the back of the seat in front of you on long flights, despite your best efforts.

    On the plus side, you can always see the screen at movies, it's easy to play guard in basketball, and Nordstrom has regular "Big Foot-Little Foot" sales.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Being that awkward person in the photo with your friends. Looking like the giant from Jack and the beanstock with your head a foot over theirs...
  • jcyearwood
    jcyearwood Posts: 6 Member
    My daughter is 5'11" and beautiful. Also, a pilates instructor, which works well in Dallas. The guys who are too short for her wear cowboy boots with those tall heels.

    When I remodeled my house, I put the shower heads at 7 feet because I figure the next generation will need them that high. I'm only 6'1", but haven't fit into a bathtub since I was in fourth grade. I've been buying all my clothes at Big&Tall stores since they started being available in the 1980s. Up until then, I rolled up all my long sleeve shirts, and usually had to unbutton the top two buttons to go over my shoulders.

    My wife can't reach the shower head now in the remodeled house, which, you know, is fine with me. The settings never get changed!