I'm pre-op for gastric bypass...



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    People are so judgemental of people who have had weight loss surgery. Why? What does it matter to you?

    I've seen people not say "hey, you've lost weight you look great" to a friend of mine because they know she did it with weight loss surgery. Pure cattyness. Well, she didn't just magically lose the weight, she still had to have guidelines to keep and follow and she now exercises. Had she not had the surgery, she would most likely be dead. But I guess her tombstone could have said "here lies Melissa, at least she didn't take the easy way out". Geez.

    Where are the success stories? Only the horror stories, or my aunt's friends, sister's husband's friend gained his weight back. There are many more success stories, but the sad thing is the attitude of most people looking down on weight loss surgery makes people keep it a secret. The person you know who "eats less, moves more" and has done well, could be a gastric bypass or lap band person scared to tell the truth because of peoples bias. I know quite a few who do this.

    Many "dieters" are just like ex smokers who look down on smokers... It amazes me time and time again. I quit smoking using nicotine replacement, guess I cheated huh.

    I think to most people who are telling the "horror stories" it is about total overall health rather than just weight loss. Sure, you'll lose weight doing the surgeries...but with all the side effects and the fact that you can't eat red meat without puking or drink anything carbonated without the fear of stomach swelling...I believe that those opposed to the surgeries are looking past simply weight loss and trying to help others see the negative affects these surgeries have. Nobody is judging or harrassing folks who have or are thinking about having these procedures done.

    I honestly can't count on one hand the "negative" effects of a well balanced diet and exercise. Not only do you lose weight, but you improve organ functions, heart and lung efficiency, etc, etc, etc, without fear of having to limit your food intake or might get sick or worse.

    But I do disagree that people who have the surgery are "lazy." Lazy would be gaining more weight for lack of any action...

    I totally agree, hun. And as one poster put it - Weight loss surgery is surgically induced anorexia. I've done a LOT of research on WLS. I started out this journey morbidly obese and hadn't been able to lose weight in the past so I thought that WLS was my only option. But after reading many articles and talking to many people who have had the surgery, I couldn't think of a more accurate description than "surgically induced anorexia".

    :smile: :happy:
  • I am someone who has opted for gastric bypass surgery. Let me tell you that it is not picnic and it is not easy. It is just the same amount of work that everyone else has to do to loose weight. We all must be supportive of what ever decision that anyone makes. Surgery is just a tool to aid in the weight loss surgery. My issue was always portion control. This is a big problem with most North Americans. The surgery is a tool to control portions. Yes, you ned to take vitiams, but shouldn't we all. Have you ever gone and had all your counts checked througha blood test. That is what I get done right now every 3 months. But that is so cool. I would support anyone with any decision that they make, to better themselves.

    Since my sugery, 3 months ago, Yes I have lost a total of 140 pounds (including 1 extra month of proteing shakes), but I am slo now working out at the gym 3 times per week, doing both cardio and weight training. We are working on my skin elasticity.

    If you have enough weight to loose, there will be some loose skin no mattter what. Why doesn't everyone just be supportive of decisions to making a real lifestyle change.
  • I'm behind u. Make it your goul to make an informed decision and pick a great Dr. I am having the Gastric sleeve and I have research this prospect since the late 1980's. I felt as thought I would be cheating, only now after yo yo dieting for years. Hey I have lost over 1oo pounds at one time and gained it back because of injury and depression. I am glad I waited for the day when this is a much safer opption for me, but I could have lived a much different life if I had done it sooner.
    I have degenerative joint and disk diseases. It's genetic, before some of you mean people jump on that, and I have to have knee replacements and nobody is going to do them until, What? I lose 100 pounds, so you beat your sweet bippy I'm have the sleeve done.
    Do I know ppl that have had problems with the surgeries, yes, but I know more that have had succses and I even know a couple that won't follow the plan and well, they are not losing or gaining it back. Don't let ppl dictate your life for you.

    I have been told my whole life I was worthless and lazy and the only thing that did for me is make me believe they were right. Well guess what? They are wrong and stupid and I was too for listening to them. I AM WORTH FAR MORE THEN RUBIES AND SO ARE YOU!!! You do what's best for you and let the chips fall.

    Here is the deal. You are the one that lives with and for you. Your not lazy or contagious. You are trapped by weight that is sucking the life out of you. Weather you lose it all with out surgery or not, the work is still the work! Only you can do it.
  • Well well well... doesn't everybody have an opinion! I'll try to stick to the facts from my experience and very close friends' experiences regarding weight loss surgery:

    My age now: 34 My highest weight: 255+ Weight Day of Lap Band Surgery: 236 Today's weight: 169 Goal: 150
    Doctor told me the lap band does about 50% of the work while the pt has to do the other 50%. This seems to be true. I did not work out at all throughout my weight loss due to a back injury. Being on myfitnesspal.com is going to help me get there. The surgery did great things for me and I do not regret doing it. I did have a slip about 1.5 years ago. (surgery was done in aug 2007 in Mexico by Dr. Lopez-Corvala). Dr. Helmuth Billy (ventura, ca & truckee, ca) helped me correct the slip without surgery. Been hard to maintain at 165-173 this entire time. No major complications for me.

    Best Friend: Age now: 34, had gastric bypass. Lost over 100 pounds. Had serious complications, ended up in surgery again. Cried a lot during the first 3-5 months because of stomach pain, even hurt to drink water. She did not have a lot of energy b/c of the difficulty of getting food down and the malabsorbtion. She was very good about taking her vitamins and drinking protien shaakes all day long. Lost some hair, skin color was grey in color. Doing okay now, but having trouble conceiving.

    Friend at bank: She had gastric bypass about 7 years ago. Lost all her hair, lost all her weight. No real big complications, but very tired from not getting vitamins in and ended up quitting her job b/c she had no energy.

    You are in the right place here... get as much weight off as you can because you'll be healthier for surgery and less risk of having to move to full-on slicing from chest to belly button... you want to have this laproscopcially if at all possible. but the doctor truely will not know until you are on the table.

    I wish you luck. You do what you think is best. I do not regret my decision. Having this surgery is a lot of work. You have to take care of your body like you never have before.

    I am currently a weight loss consultant and help others with the same issues. I am not at all the master. i consider myself going through this with the client, and they know this. GOOD LUCK!
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