"Things do not change; we change." Looking for friends.

"A winner makes commitments, a loser makes promises."

I made a COMMITMENT on December 4th, that I would lose 40 pounds BEFORE I turned 60 next year. Being the realist that I am, I know that this is an almost impossible goal but I need the motivation of an "impossible dream" in order to begin, to challenge myself, and to drive me forward. One step at a time, one day at a time, one pound at a time.

If I could lose just ONE pound a week, I can accomplish my goal, my dream by September 10, 2014. That's 40 weeks, 280 days, and 40 pounds. I CAN DO IT!

Would love to have the support of any MFP friends who are willing to make a commitment with me. You help me and I will help you - together we can change our worlds.


  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Goal setting is a wonderful thing!

    40 pounds in 40 weeks will not be easy but is certainly attainable assuming you are able to eat an average of about 500 calories/day below maintenance levels for that time period. I know you can do it!

    I am willing to make a commitment to run every day (at least one mile) next year. We all have different goals but are united in our desire to live a healthy lifestyle. My friends all have different goals (both diet and fitness related). Sometimes I feel like those varied objectives provide me with the balance I need
  • My birthday is also in September and I would like to join you on your 40lb challenge to lose. sending you a friend request. We can do it!!!
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    Sounds like a pretty reasonable goal to me. A pound a week should be cake(woops I said cake) You will amaze yourself! With a little hard work you will do it! If you need pals feel free to add me. We can continue to learn weekly how to be the best versions of ourselves! :bigsmile:
  • pdunville
    pdunville Posts: 13 Member
    I love your determination - add me if you like. :)
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Please don't do the 1200 cals a day thing though....I think that's a MFP default for losing a pound a week. (right or wrong?)

    Good luck to you, and keep us posted :drinker:
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    feel free to add me if you wish but i only taken on more friends if it is for mutual support

    good luck with you journey
  • Small steps, that's more manageable. Sounds like you've made a great commitment, good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me!
  • My goodness, these pass couple of days have really been a trip. I have been teetering on my goal of 2180! I don't like that. I want to stay under 2,000 calories, I don't even want to be close. I went to dinner last night with my job and husband however I stayed within the range I was suppose to. I was really surprised at the calories that I ordered last night at Long Horn was not high at all. I think I was right at 2,000 when I went to bed. One thing is for sure, I feel good about myself. I don't feel so heavy when I walk and my legs don't hurt as bad. I do see the difference in my clothes and I look a lot better I think. I sure do hope I reach or I am at the goal that Myfitnesspal say I should be at. But we will see. God has surely helped my these past 18 days. I can't wait to post my weight loss. I started to get on that scale this morning, I just did not want to see anything I didn't want to see.
  • I am on the challenge with you.
    _NAUTILUS_ Posts: 239 Member
    Small steps, that's more manageable. Sounds like you've made a great commitment, good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me!

  • Looking for friends who I can relate too, and to help motivate and push each other. :smile:
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    You can do it. One day at a time.
    Feel free to add me. Would love to support and encourage you on your journey.
    _NAUTILUS_ Posts: 239 Member
    You can do it. One day at a time.
    Feel free to add me. Would love to support and encourage you on your journey.

  • Cali_Chica
    Cali_Chica Posts: 895 Member
    If anyone wants to walk together side by side in the journey, I'm available