Looking for 90-100% clean eaters



  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?

    There is a thing called Google. Why can't you do it. And I'm pretty much confident you know what the OP is implying when she said processed food.

    do you believe everything that you read? do these articles on google have scientific studies to back them up to make sure that they are accurate and true?
  • kitticus15
    kitticus15 Posts: 152 Member
    my idea of clean is using fresh ingredients and making things myself, like mince oies and gingerbreads etc at christmas well as fresh as poss apart from treacle and sugar lol but I use sugar rather than sweeteners, cos I believe if we were meant to eat chemicals we would have chimneys on top of our heads, but I also believe we are free to eat what we want :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is commercially prepared food designed for ease of consumption. Although restaurant meals meet this definition, the term is seldom applied to them. Convenience foods include prepared foods such as ready-to-eat foods, frozen foods such as TV dinners, shelf-stable products and prepared mixes such as cake mix.
    Bread, cheese, salted food and other prepared foods have been sold for thousands of years. Other kinds were developed with improvements in food technology. Types of convenience foods can vary by country and geographic region. Some convenience foods have received criticism due to concerns about nutritional content and how its packaging may increase solid waste in landfills. Initiatives have occurred to reduce the unhealthy aspects of commercially produced food and fight childhood obesity.
    Convenience food is commercially prepared for ease of consumption.[1] Products designated as convenience food are often sold as hot, ready-to-eat dishes; as room-temperature, shelf-stable products; or as refrigerated or frozen food products that require minimal preparation (typically just heating)[2] Convenience foods have also been described as foods that have been created to "make them more appealing to the consumer."[3] Convenience foods and fast foods are similar, because the development of both occurred to save time in the preparation of food.[4] Both typically cost more compared to the price of preparing the same foods from scratch.[4]

  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is commercially prepared food designed for ease of consumption. Although restaurant meals meet this definition, the term is seldom applied to them. Convenience foods include prepared foods such as ready-to-eat foods, frozen foods such as TV dinners, shelf-stable products and prepared mixes such as cake mix.
    Bread, cheese, salted food and other prepared foods have been sold for thousands of years. Other kinds were developed with improvements in food technology. Types of convenience foods can vary by country and geographic region. Some convenience foods have received criticism due to concerns about nutritional content and how its packaging may increase solid waste in landfills. Initiatives have occurred to reduce the unhealthy aspects of commercially produced food and fight childhood obesity.
    Convenience food is commercially prepared for ease of consumption.[1] Products designated as convenience food are often sold as hot, ready-to-eat dishes; as room-temperature, shelf-stable products; or as refrigerated or frozen food products that require minimal preparation (typically just heating)[2] Convenience foods have also been described as foods that have been created to "make them more appealing to the consumer."[3] Convenience foods and fast foods are similar, because the development of both occurred to save time in the preparation of food.[4] Both typically cost more compared to the price of preparing the same foods from scratch.[4]


    A bag of "ready to eat" baby carrots from the grocery store meets this definition. So does watermelon, the way my dad ate it - with salt.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my idea of clean is using fresh ingredients and making things myself, like mince oies and gingerbreads etc at christmas well as fresh as poss apart from treacle and sugar lol but I use sugar rather than sweeteners, cos I believe if we were meant to eat chemicals we would have chimneys on top of our heads, but I also believe we are free to eat what we want :)

    what about naturally occurring chemicals?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Convenience food, or tertiary processed food, is commercially prepared food designed for ease of consumption. Although restaurant meals meet this definition, the term is seldom applied to them. Convenience foods include prepared foods such as ready-to-eat foods, frozen foods such as TV dinners, shelf-stable products and prepared mixes such as cake mix.
    Bread, cheese, salted food and other prepared foods have been sold for thousands of years. Other kinds were developed with improvements in food technology. Types of convenience foods can vary by country and geographic region. Some convenience foods have received criticism due to concerns about nutritional content and how its packaging may increase solid waste in landfills. Initiatives have occurred to reduce the unhealthy aspects of commercially produced food and fight childhood obesity.
    Convenience food is commercially prepared for ease of consumption.[1] Products designated as convenience food are often sold as hot, ready-to-eat dishes; as room-temperature, shelf-stable products; or as refrigerated or frozen food products that require minimal preparation (typically just heating)[2] Convenience foods have also been described as foods that have been created to "make them more appealing to the consumer."[3] Convenience foods and fast foods are similar, because the development of both occurred to save time in the preparation of food.[4] Both typically cost more compared to the price of preparing the same foods from scratch.[4]


    A bag of "ready to eat" baby carrots from the grocery store meets this definition. So does watermelon, the way my dad ate it - with salt.

    basically anything purchased in a grocery store would be processed then...
  • Peachygirl14
    I am pretty clean :) lol I stay away from processed foods . I am here every day

    define processed?

    Now I see why you are "*****y" about my posts in other thread. You're even subtly picking on the OP about processed food.
    oh its you again ...ms stay off topic/wanna be troll..

    I asked for a definition of processed foods...care to provide one? Or are you going to go on a rant about Asians and there 5% obesity rate?

    There is a thing called Google. Why can't you do it. And I'm pretty much confident you know what the OP is implying when she said processed food.

    do you believe everything that you read? do these articles on google have scientific studies to back them up to make sure that they are accurate and true?

    Which "articles" are you talking about (I even have not posted any). I just said you can google definitions. Now, it depends on you which one you would want to believe.

    Now, would you care to post what definition of processed SATISFIES you?

    Seems that you do not want to be challenged and just prefer to try to "pwn" the OP by throwing sarcastic question like "processed" food.

    I bet, you'd complain about the definition that Hornsby posted
  • Shreddingit84
    Me me me
    I be all about my fitness n healthy eating!!
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    All joking aside my idea of clean eating is trying to limit as much processed food as possible. Yes I still eat foods that come in packages such as grapefruits or greek yogurt but alot of things that are packaged are considered processed.....But your the one who mentioned Google to use it.....Alot of ppl have different views on "clean eating"
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)

    Congrats on your weight loss and lifting. I also lift and lose weight.

    What's clean eating?

    I use a pressure washer on my foods- definitely the cleanest- some of them I even bleach first!!!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.
  • just_Jennie1
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.


    I'm sure the OP didn't realize that this thread would get derailed. People will argue about anything.

    In all honesty the concept of clean eating is what made me more label conscious and aware of the crap that's in boxed (ie PROCESSED) foods.
  • abickford82
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.

    Sure is. At times I wonder why I left MFP from late 2011 till this August...this thread confirms why.
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.

    I'm betting I made this club today. Oh, well. No point in trying to change folks' religious beliefs about food or trying to get people to use terms that actually mean what they think they mean (e.g., ALL food is made of "chemicals," but that word is thrown around as "evil" all the time).
  • paleojoe
    paleojoe Posts: 442 Member
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.

  • calliekitten9
    calliekitten9 Posts: 148 Member
    I try my best to eat clean most of the time, but think I would be really motivated if I could have "friends" that did this, too. Lots of veggies (high fiber), proteins, and very limited processed foods. My biggest downfall is my soy consumption (in my coffee creamer), and weekends. Feel free to add me -- I lift heavy, and eat about 1500-2500 on most days. It varies depending on my hunger. I worry more about my nutrients vs. calories. I also normally burn 3000 or more calories 5-6 days a week (total expenditure via my bodymedia fit arm band) so this is a plus if you have a huge daily deficit. If you fit into this, please add me. I want more nutrition minded folks vs. fitness friends at this time. :)

    Honestly...I think you would benefit from joining one of the Clean Eating Groups and posting this there. In these forums, expect to questioned on your definition of "clean eating".
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I take a shower every day before I eat, does that count?
  • just_Jennie1
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.

    I'm betting I made this club today. Oh, well. No point in trying to change folks' religious beliefs about food or trying to get people to use terms that actually mean what they think they mean (e.g., ALL food is made of "chemicals," but that word is thrown around as "evil" all the time).

    There's no reason to be a d!ck about it though. And I do believe when people talk about the chemicals in food they mean added chemicals and crap that doesn't naturally occur in food. When did you ever plant a Red Dye #5 tree?

    So you don't prescribe to clean eating. Big deal. Some people do.
  • sheldonz42
    sheldonz42 Posts: 233 Member
    These threads are awesome for adding people to my ignore list.

    I'm betting I made this club today. Oh, well. No point in trying to change folks' religious beliefs about food or trying to get people to use terms that actually mean what they think they mean (e.g., ALL food is made of "chemicals," but that word is thrown around as "evil" all the time).

    There's no reason to be a d!ck about it though. And I do believe when people talk about the chemicals in food they mean added chemicals and crap that doesn't naturally occur in food. When did you ever plant a Red Dye #5 tree?

    So you don't prescribe to clean eating. Big deal. Some people do.

    I suppose that I (and some like me) come across the way we do because of our frustration with the abundance of misused terms and the fervor with which they are used. For example, organic, chemical, and processed are three that immediately jump to mind. They are just so wrongly used so often that it grates on folks like me sometimes, I suppose. Sorry to have let my frustration show.

    ETA: Clean eating is another term that is a prime example of a source of frustration for so many, mostly because there is no real, good, solid definition of what clean eating really is.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I also eat 1500-2000 calories per day. I like to think I'm 90% clean, although these days, that probably isn't true (home with my family for the holidays, so I'm not cooking all of my meals, like I usually do). Still, I eat a primarily veggie-based diet. Feel free to add me!