post workout dizziness and sleepiness

I want to know is it is normal or common to be a bit dizzy after working out? If I just stand for a moment after walking on the treadmill I'm ok. I'm not sure if it's from elevated bp / heart rate or if it is a motion thing. Does this mean I'm pushing too hard or is it normal?

Secondly, I am experiencing significant sleepiness after working out. I have breakfast then we go to the gym, it's usually 9:30 when we get there. Sometimes we go home for lunch, sometimes we stop somewhere to eat lunch (about 11:30) then by 1:30 I am dragging butt. I thought exercise was supposed to give me energy, not make me so sleepy. Thoughts? Ideas?


  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Are you giving yourself a cooldown period? I used to skip that and I always got dizzy. I still hate doing it, feel like such a waste of time but if I skip it, the dizziness comes back. If you're giving yourself a cool down, maybe you're not eating enough?
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    Ya, I do cool down... No sure on calories. I never paid attention to how much I had eaten vs whether or not I got dizzy.
  • 24Sept
    24Sept Posts: 178 Member
    I have to cool down by walking way slower for about five minutes after the work out. I also drink water wile I am cooling down. I hope that helps :-).
    But one thing I do notice is after exercise I am tired but I don't think that is a bad thing and I suspect after while it will produce endurance.
    Also after exercising my appetite goes way down for the rest of the day. Some people get hungry, but I have not as of yet.
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    I sure hope you are right about the endurance and it will be ok in the end. I need MORE energy, not less.