Breast Reduction Surgery - Have you had it done?

I am seriously considering breast reduction surgery. I have lost about 18 lbs. and have another 25 or so to go to reach my goal. So far I haven't lost weight in my breasts and I am thinking I might have them reduced when I reach my weight loss goal. I have seen pictures at various doctor sites that show the outcome of the surgery. My main concern is the scars. If you have had this surgery, are you ok with the scars? Can you wear a bikini top without them showing? Did you get a breast lift in addition to the reduction and does that automatically come with the surgery? If you had insurance cover this did you do that? Are you happy with the outcome?

Thank you so much for your input. I am trying to do as much research as possible before I make this decision.


  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    HI Jilly. I had reduction surgery almost 14 years ago. I had ~3 lbs removed from each breast. Yes, my insurance covered it, but I was having severe back pain, and nerve issues from the straps cutting into my shoulders. I have scars underneath my breast from mid-line approaching my armpits. I can wear a bikini top, as long as it is not a string bikini. However, I also scar excessively and the surgeon offered to go back and reduce the scars, but I wasn't interested. The shape is ok, not great, but I was more interested in wellness than cosmetics at the time. I am extremely happy with the outcome, especially with how much more I can do physically, without pain, or wearing 2 bras to keep the girls contained. Best of luck with your decision making. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Research is a good idea, but you might just have to be patient. I know I don't lose my boobs until my BMI and body fat are both around 20- so right before my goal, basically. It took me until the very end to see a drop in cup size. You nay have that experience too. I was about a 32G when I started and within five pounds of my goal I was still about a 28F. When I get right down to my goal, though, I can finally fit into a D/DD cup (which on my pretty narrow ribcage isn't very big, actually.) so don't give up hope! They might just be the last to go.
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    *Pouring out a 40...of milk*
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Why would you do that? The initial paragraph didn't communicate any need for it to be done.

    Surgeries are not easy.
  • cinsuccess
    cinsuccess Posts: 333 Member
    I had a reduction last year. My insurance didn't cover it because I didn't want to go below a D cup (I was a G). I found an amazing surgeon who was willing to do the procedure for a flat fee including everything so I could budget ahead and pay for it myself. Mosy breast reductions involve an anchor cut which is a cut down the center below the nipple and then across the underside of the breast. Usually you will be fine in a bikini if the doctor is good and doesn't cut too far across. My surgeon uses a new technique where he only cut down the center below the nipple and then did all the "tucking" on the inside with dissolving stitches. It was a more involved surgery but I'm so happy I paid the money for the best. My scars are only about an inch long and as they're fading, they're almost impossible to see.

    Definitely do your research. All doctors have books of pictures to show you the results of procedures they've already done. Make sure you're comfortable with the doctor and his/her skills. Don't settle just because of insurance. I could have had them pay for it, but I know I would have had more scarring and smaller breasts afterwards. I'm so happy I saved up and paid for it so I could have the final result I wanted. You can private message me if you want more information or if you would like to see pictures of the scars.
  • With 25 pounds to go you might want to wait until you've been in maintenance for 6 months. They will get smaller and things adjust physiologically even while maintaining. You will then be able to make an informed decision.
  • I am seriously considering breast reduction surgery. I have lost about 18 lbs. and have another 25 or so to go to reach my goal. So far I haven't lost weight in my breasts and I am thinking I might have them reduced when I reach my weight loss goal. I have seen pictures at various doctor sites that show the outcome of the surgery. My main concern is the scars. If you have had this surgery, are you ok with the scars? Can you wear a bikini top without them showing? Did you get a breast lift in addition to the reduction and does that automatically come with the surgery? If you had insurance cover this did you do that? Are you happy with the outcome?

    Thank you so much for your input. I am trying to do as much research as possible before I make this decision.

    Yes! I had my surgery in 2008. My scars have completely turned white and cannot be seen while wearing a swimsuit. I did not get a breast lift but I am 27 and that may contribute to how well they "bounced back." It does not automatically come with the surgery or at least it didn't with mine because insurance did cover it. My insurance rejected my request the first time and I made an appeal. I went to their website and researched what the requirements were in order for them to cover it and provided proof that I met all of those requirements and they approved it. I am very happy with the outcome and I would do it all over again if I had to go back in time. :)

    Hope this helps!
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    I had mine done 13 yrs ago after I turned 21 bc I had major back issues. My scars are hardly noticeable. I went from a Dd/DDD to a c/d then I gained weight and had three kids I was upto a DDD again now that I have lost 40 lbs I'm at a DD and looking to get to a d or c when I'm at goal weight. My scars can barely be seen that when I was on the hospital after each of my kids the nurses didnt even see the lines of scars as they were trying to hel me with breast feeding. I have thought about getting one done again if they don't go away with weight loss but now that I am older and it's not causing pain I have changed my mind. I know that since I was at a C/D with the reduction I can get back there since all this extra is fat tissue.
    I didn't look at yr profile to see how old u were or if you have had kids. If you haven't had kids I would wait.

    I would also wait till as another suggested you have been in maintance for awhile. Good luck to you
    Edit for autocorrect
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Marking ! I am also very interested about this. I have been toying with the idea over a decade, but wanted to wait until done with kids and breastfeeding. .We done having kids and my last baby turns 1 yr old on the weekend and started weaning. Right now I still have J cups breastfeeding boobs, but last time I was able to go down to H cup after finished nursing and lost 50 lb baby weight. Even if I able to lose all the baby weight for good , I probably never go below G cup without the knife.
    I think I would want to go don to a DD cup, but my husband very much against the whole surgery because of the risk.

  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I had mine done about 6 years ago now. I don't mind the scars at all. They barely show up. I also had a lift and years later, the bottoms still aren't even touching my ribs! And I'm still a 34 DD. I might go down to a D if I continue to lose weight, but I'm halfway to my goal, and they haven't gone down much. Insurance didn't cover it for me because I needed to take out a certain amount out of each breast. Which would have left me at a B cup. I still wanted a bit more than that, so I just saved up the money and my dad helped me out a bit as a Christmas/birthday/being an awesome parent in general present. The only regret I have is that I won't be able to breast feed children (if I have any). I would have liked to. Still, I am really happy I made this decision.
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    It's been about 12yrs since I had mine of the best things I've done! I was 25 at the time, and about a 36F...horrible back pain and digging in shoulders. The issues I was having had to be documented w/the doctor in order for insurance to cover, but not a big deal. Had anchor incisions straight down from below nipple, they were able to complete w/out removing the nipple. After surgery initially I was about a B/C, loved it!! They just stood up on their own, super perky & cute, didn't need a was great!! I believe they took out almost 2lbs between them.

    I would say it took about a year for them to completely heal and settle which ended up about a full C, sometimes D depending on bra. They filled out a bit and for the scarring it has never bothered me. I probably worsened the side scars from going back to underwire, but no big deal for me.

    When I got pregnant, they barely increased...maybe only a cup size. They were able to perform surgery without removing nipple, and thought I would still be able to breastfeed...but that wasn't the case for me. I can't say if due to the surgery or not, I just didn't produce enough for my daughter, and ultimately went to formula. I've also never regained full sensitivity in the nipple either.

    Still happy with them 12yrs later...a bit fuller over time and weight fluctuations...but still sitting at a nice spot. No drooping. :)

    For me, very happy I did it. Good luck to you either way you go. :)
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    I had mine done last year - went from an F to D/DD. Best thing I ever did. No they aren't perfect, but sooo much better than before. My scars are almost invisible (and my skin generally heals well). I lost about 10 kg before surgery and got fit too, to minimise the risks and help with recovery. I had the less extensive operation (without the horizontal incisions under the breasts) and seriously, I was out of bed an hour after returning to the ward.

    I saw 3 different surgeons before I decided on which one I would go with. I also researched the different surgical techniques (surgeons usually have a preferred one). I waited until I was done having kids too.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    With 25 pounds to go you might want to wait until you've been in maintenance for 6 months. They will get smaller and things adjust physiologically even while maintaining. You will then be able to make an informed decision.

  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member

    I lost 2st (to hit 9st13) when I got married in 1990 and boobs didn't shrink at all. I had a reduction in 1996 removing 2.2kgs.

    I would never wear a bikini so didn't care about that, my scars are like pale tractor tyre marks these days but did hypertrophy at the time - silicon gel patches help. I have to say I couldn't care a hoot about the scars as the outcome was worth it. Loss of sensation on one side is more disappointing but still worth it.

    I would add that my wt is now 9st6 (about 133lbs), the lightest I've been and they certainly shrunk this time around. I would bide your time until wt at goal and is stable. I do miss the volume a bit but at 46 they'd have been dragging on the carpet so I don't care THAT much!
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    I have had the surgery. I lost weight prior to having it, and I gained weight a couple of years afterwards. They got huge again, but after getting the weight back off, they are only slightly larger than the original outcome of the surgery. So be aware that if you gain weight, they will end up bigger again.

    I'm fine with the scars. At this point (about 4.5 years out), they have faded to match my skin tone. They are somewhat noticeable up close, but only me and the boyfriend see them up close, so it's whatever. The scars were very red for a year or two after, but not anymore. The outside edges of the scar underneath the breast is visible in a bikini, but again, I don't really care. I doubt anyone notices them.

    I lost sensation in one of my nipples, but at least I have one! :) This is very common, so be aware of that going into surgery. If you are planning to have children and breast feed, be aware that your ability to do so may be decreased or eliminated entirely. My mom had the surgery and breastfed my brother and I as much as possible, but had to supplement with formula. I myself am not planning on having children, so I wasn't worried about it.

    Overall, it was 110% worth it. I had extremely large breasts, to the point where the surgery was deemed medically necessary due to the strain it was putting on my spine. Before the surgery I was a 34I. Now, after weight regain and re-loss, I'm sitting at a comfortable 32F. Still big, but not ridiculous.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I had a breast reduction in 2004, but the dr. did not lipo my sides :(. I don't know why maybe since insurance was paying for it. I really would like to have it done. Most people can not see it through my shirts, but I feel it and it makes my arms stick out more. I workout etc. I would say maybe half inch on each side would do. Did anyone go back in and have this done?
  • My 15 year old daughter had this done, only and because she was extremely grossly huge for her shape. She is now 18 and looks beautiful. Her scars are not as noticeable but yes you have scares. Her nipples where removed and replaced. We both know that this was the best decision for her health, back pains and future self esteem issues. The insurance company paid, but took a while because of her age. But after review of her situation, it was approved. Two years of no sun exposure or underwire. But it has all been worth it. Also, she did not need a lift, he made her perky and beautiful.
  • maggiemay22467
    maggiemay22467 Posts: 214 Member
    I had mine in 2009 was around a F I am now a large C three pounds removed from each.. I had so much back and shoulder pain is why I has it done. I am not 100% happy with the way they look but I am 100% happy with the way my back and shoulders feel. My ins did pay 100% because I had been to the Dr so many time for back pain. Would I do it again yesssssssssss.
  • kingtermite
    kingtermite Posts: 82 Member
    My wife was considering it. She would have had it done last year, perhaps, but instead a more important issue came up causing another surgery for her.

    Anyway...the weird thing we didn't like was that the surgeon told us that the insurance company makes the final decision on how much comes off. He recommends, but the insurance company makes the final decision. It might be something to consider.

    If we are able to meet our full medical deductible again this year, as we did last year, she may consider it again.
  • SamanthaD1218
    SamanthaD1218 Posts: 303 Member
    Thank you so much for asking this! I'm still fighting my insurance for this procedure - they won't even send me to a specialist to see if it's necessary or not. I would wait until I was at my goal weight, obviously, but wanted to start looking into it sooner. Right now I'm at a 34FF, but even when I was incredibly thin in high school I wore a DDD. My back aches all the time and I even have tingling in my hands. My doctors give me narcotics and send me to a physical therapist twice a week. Once I'm at my final weight I'm going to make a complaint and see what my options are. It would be nice to be able to wear a bikini without looking obscene!