New Here and Needing Motivation to Keep Me Focused

Hi everyone! I am not new to the ups and downs of weight loss in my life....but, I am new to MFP. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have been successful in my many journeys to lose in the past...but, NEVER successful to keep it off for any longer than a year. This time...I am going to make it DIFFERENT. I want to make it a LIFETIME change....NOT A DIET! So, for any of you out there that are willing to help my accountability - I WOULD LOVE IT. I am willing to help you through your journey too. :)


  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    At least you have taken the step towards change. Good luck on your journey! You will find so many great people on here that will help you along the way.
  • kimsue123
    kimsue123 Posts: 24 Member
    Set short term and long term goals. If you fall off the wagon-don't quit-just pick back up where you left off. When you count calories, don't underestimate your portion sizes.
  • Cheilsea
    Cheilsea Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck on your weightloss journey. You will find lots of support here.
  • jnbeauch
    I'm new here too...and I have struggled with weight loss as you have. Off and on...never permanent. I feel like this time it's going to be different...and I am determined. I need motivation and I think that my sister-in-law gave me great advice. First, register on MFP so you can SEE what you are putting in your body. And most importantly...and she's lost 50 lbs...register for a race. She said that by doing that, she felt motivated b/c she didn't want to not be able to do it when the time came. Winter is coming, so that makes it tough I think, but I'm going to register for a 5K to take place at the beginning of December...even if I walk. Good luck.
  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    also BE SURE NOT TO LET MFP SET YOUR CALORIES TOO LOW!! this is very important because many are set at 1200 cals, but for their weight they should be at alot more.......this will set you up to fail, unless your willpower is made of steel.........I weigh right now 237 lbs and I receive 1640 cals a day......and the weight is falling off..........I was at 1740, but once I dropped weight, the cals. dropped allowing the calories to drop as you drop weight you won't plateau as often....Weight Watchers uses the same idea by setting high and slowly coming down in your calorie amounts.....if you have questions there are sites that will help you know how many cals. your body needs at it's present weight, then subtract 500+ cals from that and you will lose weight........hope that helps!