New here too

Hi all -

I joined three days ago and am starting tomorrow in earnest. Over the weekend I just tracked my food to see how to do it, and I was amazed at the calories I can shovel in without even thinking. I think this site will be a good tool to help me learn the nutritional info of different foods. I also like it better than a restrictive diet because you can eat some good things every once in a while as long as you don't go over your calorie intake.

I have been very disappointed in myself lately...I gained about 15 lbs over the summer, and I don't even know how. I took up running over a year ago, which really helped take off some weight and tone up. But, I injured myself about a month ago and then, after that, got walking pneumonia. So, I haven't been exercising.

I am just looking for some motivation to log my food every day, as well as start some serious running again. Thanks.



  • Shel2Peru
    Shel2Peru Posts: 128 Member
    this is the place, really does work.........start tracking every morsel that goes into your mouth........I, too, was COMPLETELY SURPRISED how much food (CALORIES) was going down my me in a day..........friend me and we can lose together!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I know exactly what you mean about not realizing on how many calories you are actually eating. I alsways thought that I was doin pretty good, until I started tracking it on here. Also by tracking what I am eating I think twice about what I put in my mouth know. Good Luck with you weight loss hope it goes well fo you. This is an awesome tool to use.
  • yomamatwo
    yomamatwo Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you! Your getting back in the swing of things! Good luck on your new adventure!!