How can I have only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks!!??



  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I'm not sure what your goal weight is, or where you started. Keep in mind that if you don't have much to lose, the slower the weight comes off. That being said, a 1lb./week loss is pretty darn good! I don't think you need to worry as much about your numbers not adding up, rather you need to adjust your expectations, and also look more at your physical changes as well. There will be times where you won't lose any weight, and may even gain weight, but your body will still be changing.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Relax, take pictures instead
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Thanks for help so far people.. I cant open my food diary I don't write it on here I write it in my own book. I mainly use here for support x

    Try using the diary on here - it's much more accurate and easy than trying to write it all in a book.

    Also, 1 lb a week is great - I'm lucky if I get that per month now. You probably just had some big losses the first couple of weeks and expect the same every week - that won't happen, sorry.
  • aaliyahsmummy
    Could be anything...water retention, movements, muscle. That's a fantastic loss for someone already small. I only weigh once a week. But I mainly measure inches lost as it's the most accurate. I think 2lb is a lot when you see how much it is. I do agree with logging on here, it calculates everything and you can see where your going wrong (if you are at all) :)
  • Fern890
    Fern890 Posts: 20 Member
    A lb a week is a great loss. It's not good to lose too quickly at your weight anyway and you could maybe consider eating a little more as you are a lower weight already. What you may find and what I discovered too late is that what i assumed was fat loss was actually muscle loss and 2 stone down I have exactly the same body shape, the same wobbly bits and no underlying muscle to give me a decent shape. It's a lot harder to gain back some lean muscle than it was to lose it all. Don't focus too much on a couple of lbs here and there, it sounds like you're doing a good job and you will keep seeing results.

    Progress pictures are a really good idea so you can see the visible results rather than what the scale says which can be misleading. i go by my measurements and how my clothes fit. On my period or a weekend of indulgence I can put on 2 or 3 lbs only for it to drop off a couple of days later. It's normal to fluctuate.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Have you been tracking your measurements? 1# per week isn't bad at all and you may be shrinking or rearranging otherwise. Don't be hard on yourself but look for those NSV's and other areas of victory. Our bodies do weird things. I went for weeks without losing anything but instead I was losing inches then all of a sudden I was dropping like crazy and then it would dwindle down to a trickle again. Keep the faith in yourself. :happy:
  • roverrowe
    roverrowe Posts: 52 Member
    I've lost about 40lbs in about 40 weeks. 1lb per week is bang on!

    I weight nearly everyday and my weight can fluctuate up by at least 4lb during a week (mainly due to water retention after salty foods like my weekly take away curry).

    This is all about managing your own expectations and sticking with it.
  • Frelling_Tralk
    Frelling_Tralk Posts: 56 Member
    If you only weighed 129 pounds to start with then you're not going to drop a lot of weight in the first few weeks the way that someone significantly overweight might, you're looking more at toning. You've said that you've lost a pound a week, plus inches which is most important, so I'm not sure what expectations you had? You're not going to drop all 10/15 (or however many you wanted to lose) pounds in the first two weeks
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    One pound a week is appropriate for your size. You will move down to .4 lbs a week the closer you get to goal.

    Plus, a calorie spike day will help.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I'd love to lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I lose about that much in 4 weeks nowadays. This isn't the biggest loser. Take every loss as a gift.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I'd love to lose 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I lose about that much in 4 weeks nowadays. This isn't the biggest loser. Take every loss as a gift.

  • rosettafaery
    rosettafaery Posts: 102 Member
    A pound lost each week is a healthy way to lose weight.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    How did you get 1200-1300 as a calorie range that would net you a 2 lb/ week loss? When I ballpark your numbers, I get something lower than that, dangerously low. The problem is that when you are small, a 2 lb loss each week requires an unrealistic calorie deficit. A 1 lb / week loss is actually high for your size.

    I think instead of beating yourself up, you should be proud of your accomplishments. Unfortunately, putting unrealistic expectations on your weight loss is a good way to defeat yourself because it's so emotionally exhausting.
  • mhasita
    mhasita Posts: 93 Member
    1 pound per week sounds pretty awesome to me.
    I wish I could lose at that rate. I lose 1 pound in a month. and I exercise 6 times per week on a 1400 kcal diet.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You won't get an accurate number weighing every 2 weeks. You could just be retaining water and just happened to weigh yourself that day.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    How did you get 1200-1300 as a calorie range that would net you a 2 lb/ week loss? When I ballpark your numbers, I get something lower than that, dangerously low. The problem is that when you are small, a 2 lb loss each week requires an unrealistic calorie deficit. A 1 lb / week loss is actually high for your size.

    I think instead of beating yourself up, you should be proud of your accomplishments. Unfortunately, putting unrealistic expectations on your weight loss is a good way to defeat yourself because it's so emotionally exhausting.

    She's likely not eating back those exercise calories. At her height and weight, she would be losing ~ 1 lb per wk if she ate ~1400 Cals and didn't exercise.
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks for help so far people.. I cant open my food diary I don't write it on here I write it in my own book. I mainly use here for support x

    Nothing wrong with using MFP for support only, but I'd really suggest you use the food diary on here. It is much easier to keep on track.

    I'd suggest see how you are in another 2 weeks. I'd also suggest weighing yourself everyday first thing in the morning for one whole week. But don't log the numbers, just observe, that will teach you about fluctation, maybe then you wont get so frustrated.

    I agree with this!!! I read something a while ago that said our bodies are not like computers ... just becuase we put in the same input (exercise and food) doesnt mean it will give us the same output everytime (weight loss).

    THE SCALE WILL CATCH UP ... MFP isnt' really a diet its a lifestyle change ... think about it like that and look for the long run.
